$1 recognizer diagrams

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-08-11 (updated 2019-10-24) (15 minutes)

I read the 2007 “$1 recognizer” paper the other day. It describes a simple “unistroke recognizer” you can implement in 100 lines of code or so to experiment with pen-based gestures, like PalmPilot Graffiti; they report on a user study on an Itsy (or rather an iPAQ) where it compared reasonably well to a couple of other stroke recognition algorithms popular in the research literature.

It occurred to me that something like the $1 recognizer might be a viable solution to my problem in Dercuano drawings, namely, how to illustrate the notes in Dercuano without using either too much of my time or too many bytes.

The $1 recognizer algorithm

For the $1 recognizer, a pen gesture consists of a sequence of (x, y) points; its task is to match this sequence against a collection of “template” gestures and provide a list of gestures that match most closely.

The first point in the sequence is where the pen first touched the tablet, and the others are samples of the pen’s position taken over time until it is lifted. These trace out some kind of more or less continuous curve on the display, but the position of each individual point along that curve is just a matter of how far the pen had gotten when the sampling clock fired.

So, the first thing the algorithm does is resample the curve to a uniform point spacing, using a fixed, predetermined number of points that is the same for every gesture. They found that numbers in the range 64–256 worked best. The resampling algorithm they used is fairly naïve, just linearly interpolating between points. This step normalizes the drawing speed and the relative phase of the sampling clock and the drawing operations, so that exactly the same curve traced at different speeds will result in very nearly the same set of points.

People are also not absolutely precise about the angle, position, scale, and aspect ratio of their pen gestures, so the next steps in the algorithm are to try to normalize out these features. The points are rotated around their centroid so that the gesture starting point is at 0 degrees. The X and Y coordinates are then given independent affine transforms to fit them into a predefined 1×1 bounding box, thus eliminating variations of position, scale, and aspect ratio. Finally, this normalized sequence of points is compared against each (normalized) template by calculating the average Euclidean distance between corresponding points — not once, but with a series of different candidate rotations using golden-section search, based on their observation that the rotation-distance function had no local minima on correct matches.

Remarkably, they reported 99% accuracy on a vocabulary of 16 unistroke symbols in their tests, varying very little with stroke speed; the fastest strokes were around half a second, so this amounts to around 8 bits per second of input bandwidth.

The nature of diagrams

Diagrams have a few freehand lines, but are mostly symbolic — aside from textual labels, they mostly consist of many repetitions of a relatively small number of different symbols, at different positions, orientations, and sometimes scales or aspect ratios. So bubble charts contain bubbles, connecting lines, and arrowheads; circuit diagrams contain resistors, capacitors, inductors, grounds, horizontal and vertical wires, rectangles representing chips, junctions, and so on; various kinds of diagrams contain different kinds of boxes. Some of these kinds of symbols can be freely rotated, while others cannot. Other variations between different instances of the same symbol are usually random and need not be stored.

Also, diagrams commonly contain significant topology, quite aside from their possibly significant geometry, and often it’s helpful to “snap” certain connection points together, and if a symbol is later moved, to update connected symbols so that they remain connected.

Diagrams in such a form can be quite reasonably represented as a set of references to symbols, each associated with a position, orientation, scale, and possibly aspect ratio. The symbols themselves can possibly be shared between multiple diagrams or embedded in one diagram.

Drawing diagrams with pen gestures

It occurs to me that a pen gesture interface is probably one of the most straightforward ways to create diagrams; it offers the possibility of smoothly scaling from a pure sketching interface to a much more formal interface. The basic idea is that you put a series of strokes on a canvas, and the system (initially devoid of symbol definitions) tries to figure out which strokes belong to the same symbol, using something like the $1 recognizer; when it gets it wrong, you correct it after the fact.

By translating, rotating, and scaling the graphic for each symbol to match the original stroke you input it with, the system redraws your diagram. By remembering all of your strokes, it gradually improves the definition of each symbol, improving the appearance of your diagram, without overly interfering with the sketching process.

Furthermore, you can explicitly edit symbols; for example, in a circuit diagram, you might want your ordinary wire symbols to be only horizontal or vertical, so you might want non-rotatable horizontal and vertical line symbols. A small vocabulary of such non-rotatable symbols (boxes, ellipses, lines, arrowheads) would be adequate for many quick diagramming tasks. You might want to add or move attachment points, add synonym templates, toggle rendering of noise, add additional rendered decorations you don’t need to sketch explicitly (including other symbols, as in Recursive curves), and so on.

If you were to write text in such an interface, it would ideally discover the relatively small number of letters you were using and represent your “diagram” as a list of letters and their positions.

Aside from the above fuzzy spectrum between defining symbols and freehand drawing, you’d probably want the usual kinds of drawing operations: undo, redo, move, rotate, scale, multiple selection, and so on.

Doing it on hand-computer touchscreens

Realizing such a fluent interface with the non-ideal hardware available is a substantial challenge. In practice multitouch cellphone touchscreens are what I have available, and these have relatively crude touchstart and touchend resolution, although they’re fairly precise during the touch (and some of them are even fast, like 60 Hz, while others are more like 10 Hz); moreover, they have major finger occlusion problems.

Using the quasimodal multitouch ideas outlined in Interactive calculator, Two-thumb quasimodal multitouch interaction techniques, and Interactive geometry, I think this can be overcome: a transparent virtual stylus projects from your finger upon first touch, and a button elsewhere on the display starts the ink running out of it. This allows you to reposition the stylus before you start drawing and stop drawing before you lift your finger, and it greatly reduces the finger-occlusion problem. It also conflicts less with the now-standard one-finger-drag scrolling gesture.


For Dercuano, as mentioned in Dercuano drawings, I want to round off coordinates to reduce the amount of space they take up in the rendered output, although more bloat can be accepted in the source code. Symbol definitions that have been drawn many times offer a way to do this: the Platonic location of a point whose drawn location is highly variable the various times I drew the symbol can be safely rounded to any convenient precision that doesn’t take it too far outside the zone where it’s being drawn. Moreover, maybe we should weight that point less heavily when we’re matching templates. The user should have the option as to whether to draw that point with per-symbol-instance noise or not.

Other points whose position can be interpolated to reasonable precision (either with a spline or with a line) also do not need to be stored for graphical display.

The problem of coming up with a minimal-length description of a polyline that stays within the usual limits of drawn instances of the symbol is an optimization problem that can be solved using the usual kinds of search approaches for offline optimization problems.


If you draw the same symbol several times in a row, perhaps in a linear or circular path with systematic variation in position, angle, or size, it’s possible that you would like to continue drawing more of it; since the system is categorizing each stroke as a symbol and redrawing it, a reasonable thing for it to do in such a case is to offer further repetitions, perhaps in a different color, with a slider to accept one or more of those repetitions.


One of the attractive features of resampling all the strokes to a uniform number of points is that it makes it easy to interpolate between them, for example, linearly. In drawing editing, this could be used for several different things:

  1. By defining a subspace from two or more templates, you can draw a stroke that indicates simultaneously a location in that N-dimensional subspace as well as a location, rotation, scale, skew, and stretch in the display space. In this case, the final operation from the $1 recognizer of calculating the sum of Euclidean distances to measure the distance from a stroke to a template is replaced by projecting your stroke onto that subspace, then measuring its distance from that projection.

  2. By using two or three templates to define a subspace of one or two dimensions, you can map an area of the display to a subspace of the many-dimensional stroke space. By dragging around this subspace, you can explore variations within that space to instantiate in your drawing.

  3. By drawing a path through such a subspace, you can define an animation. This may work better with a K-nearest-neighbors kind of interpolation so that you can place more than three templates into a two-dimensional space. This path might be drawn synchronously as a draft animation plays — unlike the stroke used for stroke recognition, its timing is important.

  4. Of course you can also do animations morphing strokes with standard tweening functions such as ease-in/ease-out and linear interpolation.

  5. When doing repetition, as described in the previous section, if the repetitive strokes map onto one of the one-dimensional subspaces found between existing templates, they could indicate a gradual transition; for example, a series of curved lines gradually becoming more straight could indicate a morphing progression that could be continued to straightness and possibly beyond.

Improving the $1 recognizer

Alternative template matching algorithms

The $1 recognizer mostly tries to normalize rather than using search, but even so, the researchers apparently found it necessary to use search for angular alignment to get competitive results. In some cases, they seem to have used fairly fragile statistics in order to keep the algorithm accessible to mathematically naïve users: the normalization of X and Y coordinates using the bounding box means that noise in the X coordinate of the single leftmost and rightmost points will be distributed across all the points, and the linear-interpolation resampling scheme guarantees that such noise will occur.

The search used for the optimal rotation is the old-fashioned golden-section search algorithm, which has the advantage of being derivative-free, but has quite slow convergence (slower than binary chop!) and also makes rather strong assumptions about the input.

(An alternative way to match against a template that is insensitive to translation, scaling, and rotation, though not aspect ratio, would be least-squares linear regression in ℂ, the complex-number field. I’ve never done linear regression in ℂ, but I think it’s a straightforward extension of linear regression in ℝ.)

One approach to improving the algorithm would be to use more robust statistics. For example, you could use the standard deviation or quantiles to determine the X and Y scaling factors, and you could use an angle that depends in some way on all the points instead of just the first point to get the initial rotation.

Perhaps a simpler approach, though, is to use a generic optimization algorithm. The function to optimize is already present: it’s the average Euclidean distance from the points of the transformed input stroke to the corresponding points of the template stroke. The objective is to find the transformation that minimizes it; the translation in X and Y, rotation around some arbitrary center, and scaling in X and Y, form five continuously variable parameters out of the six in an arbitrary 2-D affine transformation. (The sixth missing parameter is diagonal shear, and I’m not sure it should be omitted.) With modern automatic differentiation, it should be straightforward to use a generic optimization algorithm like Adam or a quasi-Newton method to search this parameter space for the best fit. This would probably result in a much simpler algorithm, and possibly a faster one as well.

This also allows extreme aspect ratios and rotations to be penalized in a smoother fashion than the original $1-recognizer algorithm.

Using a better resampling algorithm would probably help somewhat as well.


Another issue with the algorithm is that it doesn’t really permit any kind of indexing of the templates; if you are matching each new unistroke against a database of 10,000 64-point templates, it is going to take 640,000 Euclidean-distance computations.

The above hacks don’t help much with indexing, but perhaps absurdly-downsampled versions of the gesture and templates could be used to get a linear speedup on to searching a large index of candidate glyphs — like 4 or 8 points. Some kind of interval-arithmetic categorization or something is needed if you’re going to get a superlinear speedup — some way to put a lower bound on the best distance to any template in a given group, so that you can avoid iterating over the templates in the group.

Alternatively, you might be able to use linear-algebra techniques to speed up the search; if a smallish number of low-dimensional subspaces nearly contain most of the templates (as determined by PCA on subsets of the templates), you can project a user stroke onto each of those subspaces to find out which are plausible candidates (and which are too far away), then perhaps use a k-d tree on the remaining principal components.
