Simplifying computing systems by having fewer kinds of graphics

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-10-13 (10 minutes)

One way you could simplify computing systems is by having fewer redundant kinds of graphics. Typical computing systems have many different systems for windowing, drawing text, specifying fonts, making translucent windows, representing vector graphics, drawing and representing 3D graphics, zoomable graphics like maps, and doing text layout, among other things. For example, you might have VT-100 emulation, Xlib, PDF, Quartz, SVG, <canvas>, HTML with the CSS box model, PostScript, OpenGL, POVRay, H.264, MPEG-4, PNG, GIF, and JPEG, all on the same machine. Each typically has different tradeoffs related to performance, flexibility, and visual quality, but most of them just suck on all axes.

What if we had a graphics system that was both sufficiently expressive to cover nearly all of these applications, but also sufficiently performant to run in real time, while having a sufficiently simple implementation as to be understandable by a single person? Dan Amelang’s Gezira and Nile are an influential effort in this direction (for the aspect of graphics that involves rendering to pixels, anyway), but they’re resolutely two-dimensional.

Immediate-mode versus structured-mode

In my view, immediate-mode graphics APIs like <canvas> and PostScript have more predictable performance and substantially simpler code than structured-mode graphics systems like SVG.

File formats

File formats and graphics APIs are intimately related. At the simplest level, you can treat a file format as a “graphics API” in the sense that you can draw stuff by piping a stream of bytes to a decoder for that format; but the relationship goes the other direction too.

Of course, structured-mode graphics systems have this nailed down: all they have to do is serialize the in-memory object graph using a generic serialization system, and they’re done. Direct-mode APIs are more complicated.

A “recording” of a sequence of direct-mode drawing operations can be “played back” by reinvoking the same operations in a new context, so a drawing API is in some sense capable of being serialized as a file format. This is the idea behind, for example, the WMF “Windows Metafile” vector format, which is just a serialized sequence of Windows GDI drawing operations. However, file formats and drawing APIs have some divergent needs.

First, graphics file formats typically benefit from having some kind of non-sequential access, for example for drawing particular areas, particular layers, or particular pages. Typical ways of selecting the graphics of interest doing this include bounding boxes, quadtrees, k-d trees, BSP-trees, and bitmaps of grids.

Second, programs using drawing APIs often want to make decisions about what to draw based on conditions that hold in a particular case. For example, level-of-detail rendering is the name for a family of techniques that render images in more detail when you are zoomed in to see them, consuming more time, including things as simple as approximating Bézier curves with a larger number of straight lines; and of course programs often use bounding boxes to avoid spending time drawing objects that are offscreen or invisible because of some other clipping or occlusion.

You could imagine running such a program under some kind of backtracking replay system that inspects it to see what environmental conditions it’s testing, snapshotting it at each test and later re-executing the conditionally-skipped parts, in order to derive the first of these things from the second. But that’s not going to be universally applicable and anyway it’s kind of rocket science.

A less-transparent, lower-tech approach would involve executing level-of-detail-conditional or bounding-box-conditional code in a fashion like how IMGUI libraries handle the logic for menus and windows that aren’t currently being displayed:

if (bbox_visible(x0, y0, x1, y1)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < baz_count; i++) {

With this approach, interactive drawing can avoid rendering things inside the given bounding box if it is outside the display bounds, simply by returning false from bbox_visible, and metafile rendering can always return true from bbox_visible, but nest the objects thus constructed inside a bbox. Optionally, metafile rendering code could return false when you're inside a sufficiently small bbox, in order to support programs that want to do infinite level-of-detail rendering.

(My entire premise here is that we should forget about 2D graphics and just do 3D graphics, leaving 2D graphics as a special case where you’re using an orthographic projection or something. So really these would be bounding volumes, not 2-D bounding boxes.)

Third, both direct-mode and structured-mode drawing systems are capable of returning general information to the program that’s doing the drawing, not just pointwise questions like “is this layer visible” or “is this bounding volume visible”. This is hazardous to file

Tiny POVRay code

POVRay is among the most flexible of these graphics systems. For example, is an animation of manta rays swimming in a hazy ocean, made from these 464 fairly obfuscated bytes of POV-Ray code, written by Jeff Reifel in 2008:


However, rendering the 300-frame looped animation on that page involved casting 685 million rays and took fifty thousand CPU seconds, two or three minutes per frame. That’s only about 2 million rays per frame or 14000 rays per CPU-second.

What if your drawing primitives were sufficiently powerful to allow you to get graphical effects in such a tiny amount of code? It’d be a little bigger without the minification, but not that much. My POVRay is pretty rusty, but I think it is supposed to read as follows:

#local C=clock*pi;

#macro B(N,F)
    sphere {
        scale 1 - pow(I, .5)
            translate -I*F*x
                rotate y*N*90
                    rotate -N * x * pow(5I) * 10 * sin(I*2 - C*8 + i)
                        scale .2+x*.8
                            translate -x

#local i=C;

#while (i < 2*pi+C)
    #local I=0;
    blob { 
        #while (I < 1)
            B(1, 7)
            B(-1, 7)
            B(0, 3)
            #local I=I+.01;

        rotate <-90, cos(i*3)*-45, i*pi*36>
            translate <
                       sin(i) + 2*sin(2*i),
                       5 + cos(i) -2*cos(2*i),
                       3*sin(3*i) + 7
                      > * 2
                rotate x*37
                    pigment { slope y }
    #local i=i+pi/8;
light_source { <0, 60, 99> 1 spotlight }
media { intervals 6 scattering { 2 rgb<.1, .2, 1>/99 } }

That’s still only about 35 lines of code. I mean, who knows how long he took tweaking it.

One promising approach to things like this is to use some kind of interval arithmetic or Monte Carlo rendering for level-of-detail rendering: render as much as you can before the frame deadline and display the result, and add more detail as long as the scene remains static. This is what Blender does, for example, with rotations of large meshes.

Computing performance

One of the biggest levers we have available now to simplify things is computing power to do things we couldn’t do in the past, just because it was too expensive. What’s the smallest amount of computing horsepower we can expect?

A Raspberry Pi 2 costs US$40 right now and can do about 250 megaflops on the CPU and 24 gigaflops on the GPUs, supposedly; a 64-Pi Version 1 Model B cluster hit 1.1 GFLOPS on LINPACK, or about 17 megaflops per Pi, and version 2 is supposedly 4 to 6 times as fast in aggregate, thus 70 to 100 megaflops. Hackaday got 93 double-precision megaflops per core, and 1186 VAX MIPS, on the Pi 2. Also, it was able to shade 900 texture-mapped triangles at 40 fps, although previous tests erroneously reported twice that at about a megapixel of resolution. That’s only 36000 triangles per second.

Supposing that we can get 3 gigaflops out of a Pi 2 (geometric average of the 400 megaflops from the Hackaday results and the 24 supposed gigaflops from the GPUs) and we want 60 frames per second at 1 megapixel, we can spend up to about 50 floating-point operations per displayed pixel. Maybe I’m naïve, but that seems like it ought to be enough to do pretty decent antialiased rendering of some textures.

Derivative and interval approximations of imagery

Suppose you calculate a sparse approximation of the gradient of the screen image (the Jacobian, I guess) relative to the quantities in a scene model. Then, when you update the scene model slightly, you can multiply the update through your sparse gradient matrix to get a linear approximation of the change in the rendered image.

Calculating a gradient of the screen image relative to the scene model sounds like rocket science, but apparently automatic differentiation is now a well-established technique that can be applied to FORTRAN scientific codes of substantial size. In forward mode, it implies a constant-factor slowdown.

Alternatively, instead of doing the rendering with points and derivatives, you could do it with interval arithmetic, which allows you to determine conservatively how big of a change in the input is needed to create any change at all in the rendered scene.
