Affine arithmetic optimization

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-07-19 (updated 2019-09-15) (3 minutes)

Reduced affine arithmetic is an extension of interval arithmetic; it is a nonstandard semantics method for evaluating a computable function in the form f(x₀, x₁, x₂…xₙ) over some multidimensional interval x₀ ∈ (x₀₀, x₀₁), x₁ ∈ (x₁₀, x₁₁), … xₙ ∈ (xₙ₀, xₙ₁) to get a conservative affine approximation k₀x₀ + k₁x₁ + … kₙxₙ ± kₙ₊₁ within which f is guaranteed to be contained; for arithmetic expressions, it normally takes a factor of n longer than simply evaluating the expression at a point, and for regular functions, in the limit, the error term kₙ₊₁ diminishes quadratically with the interval size.

(Can we apply RAA recursively once to get a reduced affine approximation of this error term, thus telling us which independent variables are not contributing any significant approximation error, and perhaps also getting a cheaper second-order approximation than the full O(N²) representation?)

Mathematical optimization is the problem of finding the minimum of a “cost function” of some “design variables” within some given “feasible region”. Usually this can be restricted to the problem of finding the function’s global minimum, because we can modify the function to guarantee its value outside the feasible region will be very large.

For perfectly linear functions, reduced affine arithmetic computes a perfect approximation; it is only nonlinear operations such as multiplication, division, or conditionals that contribute error.

(Can you apply RAA in other fields, such as GF(2)ⁿ with XOR, NOT, and either AND or OR? XXX GF(2)ⁿ isn’t a field, dude)

Here is an algorithm for using reduced affine arithmetic to find the minimum of a function over some domain.

Begin with a single interval covering the entire feasible region, perhaps (-∞, +∞) on every independent variable. Compute the function using reduced affine arithmetic over that interval. Store it in a min-heap of (interval, result) pairs indexed by least lower bound (i.e. the lowest value the function can possibly achieve on that interval).

At each step, select the interval with the smallest least lower bound. Remove it from the min-heap and subdivide it in some way, for example into three subintervals along a randomly selected axis. Compute the function for each subinterval, and insert the new subintervals into the min-heap.

At any step, (one end of) the best interval on the heap is in some sense our best guess at the true global minimum of the function, but any other interval whose least lower bound overlaps its least upper bound may actually be better. However, once the difference between the upper and lower bounds is within our desired tolerance, any one of those intervals is an acceptable answer.

Note that, although it is not a gradient-descent optimization algorithm, it is still an anytime algorithm.
