An algebraic approach to 3D geometry

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-06-03 (updated 2014-06-29) (22 minutes)

I was thinking about how to model objects for 3-D printing in a more flexible and generative way than OpenSCAD provides, and a very interesting factorization of 3-D geometry occurred to me. It falls a little short of what I was hoping for, but it still seems like it will be somewhat useful.

You can compose all the common primitive solids, plus a large number that are not common in 3D graphics but commonly occur in the world, from a small number of primitives, belonging to a smaller number of types (in the programming sense of data types) and primarily function composition. Surprisingly, it might even be practical to compute things with.

In particular, this approach derives lines, squares, circles, arcs, ellipses, cubes (and parallelepipeds in general), helices, cylinders, cylinder walls, cones (including frusta), spheres, ellipsoids, paraboloids, logarithmic spirals, discs, cycloids, spirographs, machine turning patterns, and tori from seven or eight relatively powerful primitives, each in about two lines of code.

I say this is "algebraic" in the sense that I'm defining a set of primitive objects and operations on those objects that I think will map to the domain I'm interested in in a useful way. You could also say that it's "algebraic" in that it represents the 3-D objects as symbolic expressions containing variables that can be evaluated to get coordinates.

This is derived from some work Nick Johnson and I a few years ago for an algebra of two-dimensional paths for his sand-table plotter, which drew aesthetically appealing patterns in sand with a ball bearing controlled by a magnet below the sand.


I haven't tested these. See section "The algebra" for a brief explanation of the notation, or read on for a fuller explanation.

K(r)  = r...r
Z(v)  = X(K(π/2)) . Y(v) . X(K(-π/2))
TY(v) = Z(K(π/2)) . TX(v) . Z(K(-π/2))
TZ(v) = Y(K(π/2)) . TX(v) . Y(K(-π/2))
SY(v) = Z(K(π/2)) . SX(v) . Z(K(-π/2))
SZ(v) = Y(K(π/2)) . SX(v) . Z(K(-π/2))
SU(v) = SX(v) . SY(v) . SZ(v)
step = 0...1
line = TX(step)
square = line * TY(step)
cube = square * TZ(step)
turn = 0...2*π
twistedcube = square * (TZ(step) . Z(turn))
disc = TX(step) * Z(turn)
cylinder = disc * TZ(step)
twostep = -1...1
parabola = TX(twostep) . SY(twostep) . SY(twostep) . TY(K(1))
paraboloid = parabola * X(turn)
cone = (Y(K(π/4)) . line) * Z(turn)
frustum = (Y(K(π/4)) . TX(1...2)) * Z(turn)
circle = TX(K(1)) * Z(turn)
helix = TX(K(1)) * (Z(turn) . TZ(step))
arc = TX(K(1)) * Z(0...π)
ellipse = TX(K(1)) * (Z(turn) . SX(2))
torus = (TX(K(2)) . circle) * Y(turn)
cylinderwall = circle * TZ(step)
sphere = circle * X(turn)
ellipsoid = ellipse * X(turn)
helicalramp = TX(1...2) * (TZ(step) . Z(0...8π))
logarithmicspiral = TX(K(1)) * (Z(0...8π) . SU(step))
zoscillation = SY(K(0)) . X(0...8π) . TX(K(1))
spreadingripples = (line . SZ(1...0) . zoscillation) * Z(turn)
spirograph = TX(K(1)) * (Z(turn) . TX(K(2)) . Z(0..12π) . TX(K(-2)))

It's based on extrusion

"Extrusion" is a relatively general way of adding a dimension to a manifold. If you have a point, or a set of points, extruding them along some path gives you a curve, or a set of curves; and if you have a curve, or a set of curves, extruding them along some path gives you a surface, or set of surfaces. (If the path is discontinuous, you may discover points becoming sets of curves, or curves becoming sets of surfaces.) For example, you can rotate a point into becoming a circle, and the circle into becoming a torus; or you can translate the circle to make the wall of a cylinder.

A few years back, when I wrote a real-time 3D engine in JavaScript (XXX) with the 2-D canvas, this was where I stopped: extrusion took as parameters an object, a linear 3-D transform, and an iteration count, and gave you back an object made by extruding the original object through that transform an arbitrary number of times. The result was a kind of faceted crude approximation to a torus, although I should really have twiddled parameters a bit to get some kind of more interesting shape, like a spiral or something; if you wanted a finer approximation of a torus, you could halve the rotation angle and double the iteration count, and you'd have more facets with duller angles between them.

You'd think you could use this approach with arbitrary 3-D transformations, taking some kind of "square root" of the transformation in order to make a finer mesh where needed. This turns out to be impossible because even a simple rotation transformation has, in some sense, lost the information about its angle: if it's 0.1 radians around the z-axis, say, we have this matrix:

[ [ cos 0.1 -sin 0.1  0  0 ]
  [ sin 0.1  cos 0.1  0  0 ]
  [   0        0      1  0 ]
  [   0        0      0  1 ] ]

and if you want "half" of that rotation, it's equally valid to use sin and cos of 0.05, or of π+0.05; either one will work out to the above matrix when you double them. (The fundamental theorem of algebra tells us that in general zⁿ = w has n distinct solutions for a given n and w, and multiplying by a complex number is a subset of the transformations we're interested in here.)

So to get a smoothly interpolable representation, we can't simply use a structure of 12 real numbers; we need something that preserves more information about the functional relationship between those numbers and the parameter, or parameters, we'd like to interpolate.

So how can we get there from a relatively small and usable set of primitives with reasonably tractable computation?

This extrusion operator relies on a terribly general notion of "path". I mean, PostScript's "path" was already very general: it can be discontinuous and either open or closed, but at least it was just a one-dimensional manifold of two-dimensional points. This notion of "path" seems to be a one-dimensional manifold of twelve-dimensional transformation matrices:

[ [ x0  x1  x2  x3  ]
  [ x4  x5  x6  x7  ]
  [ x8  x9  x10 x11 ]
  [ 0   0   0   1   ] ]

where the twelve variables inside the matrix are some kind of piecewise-continuous real functions of one real variable, t. In some sense you can see the [x3 x7 x11] column as specifying a path in the more traditional sense, some kind of infinite sequence of points in 3-space, along which a point transformed from the origin [0 0 0 1] could swoop and soar as t changes; the other 9 variables simply describe how a thing moving along the path gets stretched, skewed, rotated, and perhaps reflected.

If we make these twelve variables, instead, functions of two parameters, we get a parametric surface, which we can sample as finely as we desire.

Linear real functions

First, and most basic, let's consider the linear real function y = mt + b. You can compose this from two one-dimensional manifolds in a variety of different ways; let's say:

M(m) = mt + 0
B(b) = 0t + b

These two could be composed with one another, but it is more useful to be able to add them (pointwise), because that lets us span the whole mt + b space. So the function πx + π/2 can be written as M(π) + B(π/2). These functions are closed under addition, but not composition or multiplication.

If we consider transforming the interval [0, 1] through these functions, we can see that they can be used to represent arbitrary closed intervals on the number line; in this interpretation, the function above represents the interval [π/2, 3π/2], for example. Of course there are an infinite variety of other possible interpretations, but this is the one I will choose.

Frankly, though, this is a little silly; instead of M and B, I will use a single function of two real arguments:

I(x0, x1) = (x1-x0)t + x0

which I will write as:


Elementary paths

So let's consider the general 3-D linear transform that changes over time. This is capable of scaling (nonuniform scaling and reflection), skewing, rotation, and translation.

If we have rotations around two axes, we can get rotation around the third by composing them; if we have rotations around all three axes, we can get scaling along arbitrary dimensions by composing 90° rotations with scaling along a single dimension; and skewing happens if you use a non-90° rotation and then scale along a single dimension. Finally, composing arbitrary rotations with translations along a single dimension will give you arbitrary translations.

So we have four elementary "paths", in the sense of path I described earlier — not just a point that varies with some parameter, but a general linear 3-D transform that varies over time:

X(v) = [ [ 1    0       0    0   ]
         [ 0  cos v  -sin v  0   ]
         [ 0  sin v   cos v  0   ]
         [ 0    0       0    1   ] ]

Y(v) = [ [ cos v  0  -sin v  0   ]
         [   0    1     0    0   ]
         [ sin v  0   cos v  0   ]
         [   0    0     0    1   ] ]

TX(v) = [ [ 1 0 0 v ]
          [ 0 1 0 0 ]
          [ 0 0 1 0 ]
          [ 0 0 0 1 ] ]

SX(v) = [ [ v 0 0 0 ]
          [ 0 1 0 0 ]
          [ 0 0 1 0 ]
          [ 0 0 0 1 ] ]

So what is this v?

You could think of e.g. T as being the entire X-axis, or X as being infinite rotation around the X-axis, in the sense that for any real value of v, they represent a particular real 4×4 matrix that translates the origin to that point on the X-axis or rotates to that angle around the X-axis. And if you take some interval of real numbers [v0, v1] and transform it through T or X, you get some interval of translations along the X-axis or rotations around it.

In particular, if we draw our v from the linear real functions described in the previous section, then as t varies from 0 to 1, these elementary paths will interpolate continuously and smoothly over some interval.

We can multiply these matrices to compose the 3-D operations they represent. This means we're multiplying these individual elements, which may be linear functions of t or transcendental functions of linear functions of t. This will produce, unfortunately, relatively general algebraic expressions as elements of the matrices, which in the worst case can grow exponentially in the number of elementary paths in the matrix product: each variable rotation introduces two new transcendental functions of a potentially new linear function. (It should be clear that Spirograph patterns can be computed this way easily, so you shouldn't expect much worst-case simplification.)

This is a bit of a disappointment, since I was hoping for something that would occupy bounded space, or hey! at least linear space, after an arbitrarily large number of operations. Not exponential space.

I console myself with the thought that the alternative representation is often a triangle mesh, and it's going to take a pretty big formula to approach the amount of space a triangle mesh uses.


Suppose we have a curve defined as above, some arbitrary composition of elementary curves, each parameterized by some interval of the real number line; now we would like to extrude it into a surface, which might enclose a volume. We can do this by transforming it through some other arbitrary curve, which can stretch and rotate and skew it as needed; all of this can be implemented simply by matrix concatenation, but with the variable t renamed to u in the extrusion path.

This gives us a 4×4 matrix, 12 of whose cells are arbitrary algebraic expressions in t and u, combined with numbers, sin, cos, addition, and multiplication; but we probably really only care about three of those cells, [x3 x7 x11], the ones that give us the coordinates to which the surface has carried the origin.

You might want to transform a surface by composing a path with it, but maybe not a path that depends on t or u; it's not clear what that would mean to me.

The algebra

So we have five basic elements:

And two, or arguably three, ways of combining them:

(Maybe instead: extrude or construct interval with ":", construct interval with "@", apply functions with simple concatenation or ".", compose with simple concatenation, ",", or ";", extrude with "/"? I'm ending up with lots of noise in my expressions. Maybe also use lowercase.)

Internally, this builds trees of the following structure:

You could restrict this further, since e.g. the argument of a transcendental function here will always be a linear one, but that doesn't seem to offer much benefit yet.

Computations on the surfaces

The simplest and most obvious thing you might want to do is to sample the points on a surface to build a triangle mesh, which you can do by just evaluating the expressions for the surface points for different values of t and u. The range for t and u is predefined as [0, 1], so it's just a matter of figuring out how much and where to subdivide the range.

That's a bit of a problem, though. You'd maybe like to keep your sampling mesh more or less uniform in density, so as to avoid wasting triangles on areas without much detail. (On a sphere, for example, there will surely be a point where one or the other of the parameters doesn't give you any extra information.)

You can use bounding-box arithmetic ("interval arithmetic") to find 3-D bounding boxes of parts of the mesh, recursively bisecting the mesh until your 3-D bounding boxes are small enough that you are satisfied with your triangle size. Interval arithmetic is explained in a section below.

Additionally, for smooth shading (Gouraud or Phong), vertex normals can be helpful. You can calculate these by partially differentiating the surface vector with respect to t and u and normalizing the cross product.

Calculating the area of a surface may be useful for some purposes: maybe for paint coverage or heat loss or adsorption or something. It's reasonably feasible to approximate numerically with a simple double integral over the parameter space.

Interval arithmetic

This is a sort of abstract interpretation of numerical formulas, introduced to me as an exercise in SICP, using [min, max] pairs to produce a conservative approximation of a function's range over some interval. For our case, we can use the following evaluation rules:

These rules are conservative, but they are precise in the sense that if you subdivide a bounding box into smaller and smaller parts, eventually the bounding box of a union-free formula evaluated over it will have an arbitrarily small range.

Applying these evaluation rules to the three expressions that give the x, y, and z coordinates of points on a surface, with interval values for t and u, will give you a bounding box in x, y, and z for that subsection of the surface. If you use [0, 1], you get a bounding box for the whole surface.

I write these bounding boxes as [a, b] rather than a...b because the meaning of the second is slightly different, but confusingly similar: it's a motion from a to b that varies linearly with t, while [a, b] might oscillate wildly between a and b as t and u vary, perhaps not even reaching them.

Possible extensions

Given a third parametric parameter, you could animate an unchanging object along a path.

CSG — union, intersection, and especially subtraction — would dramatically increase the power of the system. It might be particularly tricky to compute precisely, though.

Piecewise functions would enable you to do things like splines. You could imagine a sequence(a: path, b: path) operator (perhaps written "a; b") that evaluated as a(2t) on [0, ½) and then b(2(t-½)) or perhaps a(1)+b(2(t-½)) on [½, 1]. I think that the extrude-a-surface-into-a-solid functionality kind of depends on doing this anyway, since the resulting surface is a sort of composite of six different surfaces: the initial and final surface and the four surfaces produced by extruding the t=0, t=1, u=0, and u=1 edges. (Alternatively you could make a "surface" be an arbitrary set of parametric surfaces rather than just one. Also this is making me think I should read Wouter's CUBE engine.)

Piecewise functions potentially introduce a finite number of discontinuities, and many things might then need to get a list of discontinuities in an interval.

Being able to read in geometry from external sources (STL files, DXF files, Hershey fonts, SVG logos, TrueType fonts, heightfields) would enable a lot more stuff.

Being able to query geometrical results, KSeg-style or AutoCAD-style, or even just PostScript-style (flattenpath, pathbbox, charpath, pathforall), would make parametric modeling a lot more reasonable.

If you're just generating an STL file for 3-D printing, the shape is all you need. But for other purposes (displaying onscreen, using in a game, 3-D printing in color) you need a way of adding other attributes to your material.

Another thing you might want to do with a surface, besides look at it or extrude it into a solid, is to "shell" it — build up a solid around it of a given thickness. This is analogous to the "stroke" or "strokePath" operation in 2-D graphics. I call it "shell" because if you use it on a surface that encloses a solid volume, the result is a hollow shell of some thickness. (CATIA calls it "shell" too.)

The approximate inverse operations of "shell" are "fill" (remove hollow spaces inside of) and "erode" (known as "inset" in Inkscape; take a given thickness off the surface all the way around).

What are the equivalents of line dash patterns or halftone patterns in PostScript? Maybe honeycomb (and other) infill, or surfaces perforated to save plastic in 3-D printing? Maybe embossed surface texture?

I want to be able to query the volumes of enclosed or nearly-enclosed spaces for acoustic reasons.

In general it seems like repeating shapes could be useful. Like if you have an ellipsoid and you want to make sixteen of them evenly spaced.

Perlin noise or midpoint-displacement surface roughness might be useful things to have; but how do you add things like that in a clean way?
