Designing an archival virtual machine

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-05-12 (6 minutes)

Software has a very variable lifetime. There are a few programs written in the 1970s that are still in use today, some 40 years later: many Unix utilities (including vi, now nvi), BRL-CAD, SPICE, Maxima, TeX, Smalltalk, and so on. There are many programs from the 1980s that are still in use today, 30 years later: much of X-Windows, MS-DOS, GNU Emacs, GCC, other GNU utilities, LaTeX, parts of Microsoft Windows, and so on.

In many of these cases, little of the original code remains; 30 or 40 years of maintenance have changed it considerably.

In order for our programming efforts to become part of the intellectual heritage of humanity, rather than be forgotten, they apparently need to be continually maintained. blah blah blah.

Urban Müller’s BF, inspired by Wouter van Oortmerssen’s False, is a virtual machine design with eight instructions that you can implement in half an hour in a page of code. It’s probably close to the simplest virtual machine design that you can write real programs for; Linus Åkesson has written a Game of Life for it in a bit under four kilobytes. People have compiled text adventures and fractal renderers to it.

Unfortunately, BF is a terrible machine to program for. It has no subroutine-call mechanism, limited ability to index into memory, and limited arithmetic; straightforward implementations are exponentially inefficient, and even advanced implementations can be inefficient.

I’d like an archival virtual machine meeting the following requirements:

  1. within an order of magnitude of BF in difficulty to implement — which is to say, less than five hours and ten pages of code;
  2. within an order of magnitude of native code in performance when implemented in that way;
  3. within an order of magnitude of native code in programming difficulty, say, with an assembler;
  4. with high probability that a reimplementation from the specification will be compatible.

A simple reading of #1 suggests that the VM should have as few instructions as possible, and shouldn’t have more than about 80 different instructions, but really it depends a great deal on how complex the instructions are. Some instructions can be implemented in a single line of code in the VM, while others might require a page of it.

A simple reading of #2 suggests that you need to keep your interpretation overhead down to no more than about, say, 9 instructions per virtual machine instruction. Unfortunately, this is really difficult! Threaded-code systems like Forths do manage to do it in about 5, at the expense of needing to compile to threaded code first, and of things like type-checking and bounds-checking.

We also need to ensure that the VM’s instruction set is sufficiently expressive that you don’t need three VM instructions to do what one native-code instruction could do. Forths often suffer from this; it's easy to need to do OVER OVER - where a single subtract instruction would suffice on a three-address machine.

The Chifir virtual machine, designed to run an emulator for the Smalltalk-72 virtual machine, has one register and 15 three-address instructions:

  1. jump (PC ← M[A])
  2. conditional jump (if M[B] = 0, then PC ← M[A])
  3. store program counter (M[A] ← PC)
  4. move (M[A] ← M[B])
  5. load (M[A] ← M[M[B]])
  6. store (M[M[B]] ← M[A])
  7. add (M[A] ← M[B] + M[C])
  8. sub (M[A] ← M[B] - M[C])
  9. mul (M[A] ← M[B] × M[C])
  10. div (M[A] ← M[B] ÷ M[C])
  11. mod (M[A] ← M[B] % M[C])
  12. cmp (M[A] ← M[B] < M[C] ? 1 : 0)
  13. nand (M[A] ← ~(M[B] & M[C]))
  14. refresh the screen
  15. block until a character is available from the keyboard and store it in M[A]

Requirement #3, that it not be too much of a pain to program, also exerts pressure in favor of a large, expressive instruction set.

Requirement #4, like #1, exerts substantial pressure on simplicity, but also runs strongly counter to including facilities like division (what do you do on division by zero?), floating-point arithmetic, signed integer arithmetic, and possibly other accesses to memory during the same instruction as a memory write (what order do they happen in?). All of these provide dangerous opportunities for implementations to diverge.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine has an interesting feature that could help to ameliorate some of these tensions: its registers (in its case, on a stack) are 256 bits, 32 bytes. You could imagine a virtual machine with similarly wide registers, but with SIMD instructions, like 3DNow, SSE and NEON; in some cases, not only would this allow a single instruction to do the work of several native instructions, it would allow the programmer to omit writing an explicit loop.

Another way to ameliorate these tensions somewhat is to combine several different operations into a single instruction. For example, if we have a register that always contains 0, another that always contains 1, and a third that always contains -1, then a single three-register A += B*C instruction (known as MAC or sometimes FMA) provides ADD, SUB, MUL, and clear-register as special cases; if the instruction works in complex cases, it is guaranteed to work in simple cases as well. Similarly, A ^= B&C provides AND, XOR, NAND, ANDNOT (BIC), and NOT as special cases.
