Arduino safety

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-12-10 (4 minutes)

I just watched a video on the YouTube channel “GreatScott” in which the author builds a modified-square-wave inverter using a MOSFET H-bridge driven through a couple of TC4427s.

I was somewhat horrified at the way he wrote the software; he writes off(), lowon(), and highon() functions which each set the transistors to the appropriate states. If you call the off() function often enough, everything is fine, but if you call highon() after calling lowon() without an intervening off(), you get shoot-through; the first thing it does is bring Arduino pin 9 LOW, which pulls pin 1, the gate of the P-channel MOSFET on the high side of the left of the H-bridge, to ground, turning on the MOSFET. But Arduino pin 8 is still HIGH, pulling pin 3, the gate of the N-channel MOSFET to ground on the left side of the H-bridge, to 12V, also turning it on. So you get shoot-through and a potentially damaging current spike through your MOSFETs. Similarly, you get shoot-through on the right side if you call lowon() after calling highon() without an intervening off(), because it brings pin 10 LOW, turning on the P-channel MOSFET on the high side of the right side of the H-bridge, before bringing pin 7 LOW, turning off the N-channel MOSFET on the low side of the right side.

So it is very important to make sure that you don’t call these functions without calling off() in between. Furthermore, you would like to ensure that enough time elapses in between the call to off() and the subsequent function for the high-side MOSFETs to be entirely turned off, since in general they have a small RC delay, though in this case it’s probably less than a nanosecond. (And for this reason, just rewriting the lowon() and highon() functions to turn things off before turning other things on is not necessarily adequate, though it would probably be a good idea.)

You’d like to be able to encapsulate this timing safety logic in some kind of tiny capsule of code that is small enough to be sure that it says what you think it does, then validate that it’s called correctly at compile-time, since after you’ve already plugged your refrigerator into your homemade inverter, it’s too late to report a timing constraints violation.

You could make this almost work in Arduino’s dialect of C++ by adding a little bit of state and checking the current time when these functions are called. But what do you do when it’s too early? You could delay until the appropriate time, but that hangs the whole system, which is really unfortunate if it’s doing something else like updating an LCD. Or you could just return without doing anything, which would result in missing an output pulse in this case, which might cause real problems.

A slightly less shitty solution would be to allocate a timer to MOSFET control (as GreatScott does) and use it to delay the state transition until a later time, using an ISR. This approach doesn’t block everything else on the device, but it does use up a timer; generalizing this to share a timer between multiple users essentially produces a real-time operating system. But it doesn’t guarantee you get the timing you asked for, just that the timing you get doesn’t cause shoot-through and explode your MOSFETs.

To really encapsulate the timing constraint so that it’s not spread across your entire codebase, you probably need some kind of theorem prover that can prove things about function execution times.
