Reducing the cost of self-verifying arithmetic with array operations

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-06-23 (15 minutes)

Self-verifying arithmetic systems like interval arithmetic have been known for a long time, but, despite the potentially enormous costs of undetected arithmetic errors, have never achieved wide adoption in HPC because of their high computational cost. Could amortizing their cost over an array make them affordable?

Data type Numerical accuracy
Static Fortran, C, OCaml Conventional numerical analysis
Dynamic Lisp, Python Conventional interval or affine arithmetic
Per-array dynamic APL, Numpy ¿?

Dynamic typing is expensive

In Python, an operation like x = a + b requires run-time type checks on a, b, or both, to determine what sort of addition operation is appropriate. In CPython, this check (and the ensuing indirections and other interpreter overhead) takes two orders of magnitude more time than the addition operation itself: on the order of 100 ns on my laptop. By contrast, statically-typed languages with polymorphic arithmetic operations, such as C or Fortran, typically determine the type at compile time, so only the addition operation need be emitted, not the polymorphic dispatch. (Some dynamically-typed language implementations have lower overhead; Ur-Scheme takes on the order of 5 ns to do the necessary type check and the addition.)

A faster alternative, in an untyped language like Forth or like typical assembly languages, is to use monomorphic arithmetic operations, requiring the programmer to specify the type variant in the source program. In 16-bit Forths, for example, you would use + to do 16-bit integer addition and D+ to do 32-bit integer addition, < to do signed 16-bit comparison and U< to do unsigned 16-bit comparison. This is dangerous, not only because it creates an unnecessary opportunity to make a programming error, but also because common programming errors will produce wrong answers rather than error messages.

Dynamic type checks not only dispatch to the appropriate method for polymorphic operations, they can also detect programming errors:

>>> 3 + []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'

In a language designed to be unsafe, though, they may not:

$ perl -le 'print(3 + [])'

Static typing gives a conservative approximation of safety

Dynamically-typed languages like Lisp or Python make it easy to write a function that can take arguments of more than one different type; here is a function in Dercuano which can take either a Unicode string or a byte string as its second argument:

def vomit_html(output_filename, html_contents):
    dirname, _ = os.path.split(output_filename)
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):

    if isinstance(html_contents, unicode):
        html_contents = html_contents.encode('utf-8')

    with open(output_filename + '.tmp', 'w') as f:
        f.write(b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n' + html_contents)

    os.rename(output_filename + '.tmp', output_filename)

Static type systems generally disallow this kind of thing: html_contents must be either of type unicode or of type bytes but not whichever the caller provides. Or, if it’s of type basestring (the superclass of those two types in Python 2), the compiler will probably complain when you try to concatenate it to a bytes value, since you can’t concatenate a unicode to a bytes. (Except in Python 2, where sometimes you can, depending on what’s in it. Unicode in Python is a mess.)

But in dynamically-typed Python, this code runs successfully; if html_contents starts out as a unicode, it gets safely .encode()d to a bytes before reaching the fateful bytes concatenation.

So it’s reasonable to say that a hypothetical static type checker that would reject this code would be judging conservatively, perhaps too conservatively.

Even a dynamic type system is in some sense conservative — presumably addition is side-effect-free, so computing a sum x + y should always be safe unless you use the result. But Python will still raise an exception if x is 3 and y is [], even if you weren’t going to use the result.

Static type systems usually aren’t entirely static

If you want to build a linked list in a low-level language, you might declare it like this:

struct intlist { int car; struct intlist *cdr; };

Typically, though, that cdr doesn’t necessarily point at a struct intlist; it points at either a struct intlist or NULL. There is no struct intlist at NULL for NULL to point at, so it’s logically rather dubious to think of it as a struct intlist *. But the rules of C make an exception for NULL. (This isn’t strictly necessary; you could make your intlist circular and keep a pointer to its head so you know when you’ve come back round to it again.)

This does impose an obligation on your program to include a test whenever it’s going to use the cdr field — it must first test to see if it is in fact a pointer to a struct intlist or if it’s NULL. In a sense, this is a “dynamic type test”, but it’s explicit in your program. It’s also not safe, because C is not really designed for safety — a forgotten NULL check will crash your program. (What’s surprising is that this is even worse in Java, which was designed for safety — just designed badly.)

You can persuade OCaml to accept a similar declaration, but since OCaml lacks the implicit NULL escape valve, the only way to construct the value is as a circular list:

# type intlist = Ints of (int * intlist);;
type intlist = Ints of (int * intlist)
# let rec x = Ints(3, x);;
val x : intlist = Ints (3, <cycle>)
# let rec a = Ints(3, b) and b = Ints(4, a);;
val a : intlist = Ints (3, Ints (4, <cycle>))
val b : intlist = Ints (4, Ints (3, <cycle>))

To define a nil-terminated list in OCaml in the usual way, you must make the alternatives explicit with a sum type; the easiest way to do this is as follows:

# type intlist = Ints of (int * intlist) | NoInts ;;
type intlist = Ints of (int * intlist) | NoInts
# Ints(3, Ints(4, NoInts));;
- : intlist = Ints (3, Ints (4, NoInts))

To access the values contained within your variant record, you need to use pattern-matching to test the variant tag and dispatch to the appropriate code for the variant in question, binding the values you want from within it:

# let rec illen = function NoInts -> 0 | Ints(_, cdr) -> 1 + illen cdr ;;
val illen : intlist -> int = <fun>
# illen(Ints(3, Ints(4, NoInts)));;
- : int = 2

If you forget to handle the NoInts case, the compiler will complain.

(N.B. you would never really define a monomorphic intlist type in OCaml, both because defining a polymorphic type is easier and because there’s a built-in polymorphic list type with syntactic sugar; but a realistic example would require more than one line of code.)

Statically-typed object-oriented languages give you such a dynamic type-check implicitly as part of method dispatch, although a code example would be a bit more verbose.

So statically-typed languages generally require some kind of way to behave differently based on the run-time type of an object, which is to say, its dynamic type, and this escape-valve mechanism can be more or less safe.

Interval arithmetic can catch numerical errors

There are a few different ways to use interval arithmetic. The most common one is to dynamically detect numerical instability: by, for example, storing upper and lower bounds for each intermediate value, and executing each numerical operation in an algorithm at least twice with different rounding modes, the final result of an algorithm provides error bounds that give us an interval that is guaranteed to contain the correct result. This ensures that no loss-of-precision bugs in the middle of the algorithm can result in spurious answers.

By using non-zero-sized intervals for the algorithmic inputs, we can additionally detect numerical instability, a generalization of the phenomenon of ill-conditioned matrices.

Interval arithmetic provides a conservative approximation of the correct answer; expressions such as x(x+1) will produce spuriously large error bounds. For example, given that x ∈ [-0.5, -0.4], standard interval arithmetic calculates [-0.5, -0.4] · [0.5, 0.6] = [-0.3, -0.2], which is a proper superset of the precise answer x(x+1) ∈ [-0.25, -0.24] — an order of magnitude tighter.

The same purposes can be served by the more sophisticated variants of interval arithmetic, such as affine arithmetic, reduced affine arithmetic, and modal interval arithmetic; these still compute conservative approximations of the precisely correct answer, but are more precise than standard interval arithmetic, usually at greater computational cost.

Although catching numerical errors due to rounding and numerical instability is the most common reason to use such self-verifying arithmetic systems, it is not the only reason, and some of the other reasons actually improve performance rather than worsening it. Similarly, dynamic typing can be used not only to catch type errors, but also for the whole panoply of object-oriented program design techniques.

Numerical analysis can catch those same errors statically

Typically, though, the performance cost of any kind of interval arithmetic has been considered far too high, and instead we analyze our algorithms statically to verify that they are numerically stable. This is an even more conservative approximation than standard interval arithmetic, in the sense that if there are any inputs for which the program will produce meaningless outputs, even vanishingly unlikely ones, our numerical analysis will tell us so, and we will look for a different approach.

Some problems, though, are numerically unstable for certain cases in ways that can’t be fixed by a clever algorithm — ill-conditioned coefficient matrices being an example from the problem of solving a linear system. So, we put code into our subroutine to dynamically determine whether the inputs we’re processing constitute an unstable instance or not — whether they meet the prerequisites for stability our static analysis has found.

There are strong parallels between dynamic typing and interval arithmetic

So there are some important parallels between dynamic typing and interval arithmetic: both approaches catch dangerous bugs that could otherwise cause programs to output wrong answers; both are conservative in the sense that they catch all possible bugs in their class, at the expense of some false alarms; both cost a lot of runtime performance; both have static-analysis alternatives that eliminate the runtime performance cost but are even more conservative; and both of those static-analysis alternatives generally require an “escape valve” to dynamic checking at times.

People use Python in HPC now because Numpy amortizes the dynamic type checks over large arrays

Traditionally, Python was a non-option for high-performance numerical computing because of the performance cost of its dynamic typing, but nowadays, probably the majority of high-performance numerical computing is done in Python. This is possible because of Numpy, which provides APL-like or Octave-like array operations:

In [2]: import numpy

In [4]: x = numpy.arange(4); x
Out[4]: array([0, 1, 2, 3])

In [5]: x**2
Out[5]: array([0, 1, 4, 9])

A Numpy array contains an arbitrary number of values of (usually!) the same data type, so the data type is an attribute of the whole array rather than the individual values:

In [6]: x.dtype
Out[6]: dtype('int64')

In [7]: (x/2).dtype
Out[7]: dtype('float64')

Although Numpy arithmetic operations (like the ** and / used here) are polymorphic, just like ordinary Python operations (only more so — for example, Python has one floating-point data type, while Numpy has four), they can amortize the single type-check over the entire array. So, while Python might take 100 ns to square a float, Numpy can do it in 3.8 ns, if it has enough floats to chew on:

In [13]: y = numpy.arange(100000)/2

In [14]: %timeit y**2
1000 loops, best of 3: 378 µs per loop

That is, squaring a hundred thousand floating-point numbers took 378 μs, about 2 μs of which is overhead from Numpy and CPython, so squaring each one takes 3.78 ns. This is about five times slower than a C loop not using SIMD instructions would be on my machine, which is typical for Numpy; the loops inside its subroutines still have significant overhead, just much less than Python’s.

Can we analogously amortize run-time numerical analysis over large arrays?

What if these arrays carried not only numerical data type information with them but also some kind of conservative error bound, like a shared interval-arithmetic bound?

For simple cases it’s easy to see how this could work: if x = [3.3 4.1 2.7 0.028] ±5% and y = [1.0 1.5 0.8 0.005] ±4%, then we can compute x + y by adding them elementwise and tacking on the ±5%, the maximum of the two error bounds, as the new error bound. (Plus an ε appropriate to the floating-point format to account for the possible error from rounding the result of addition.) But that’s only because the values have the same sign; if they had opposite signs, you would get cancellation, and a 5% error in each of the original values might add up to a lot more than 5% of the sum. You could calculate a catastrophic-cancellation factor in such cases and use it to inflate the error bound, and maybe you could have all-positive and all-negative boolean flags on your arrays, or even auxiliary max and min values, to avoid element-by-element inspection for catastrophic cancellation in most cases.

Elementwise multiplication is even easier, since there are no such special cases — you can just multiply the error factors, 1.05·1.04 = 1.092, and add the ε appropriate to your floating-point format. Division is no trickier, unless the error bars cross zero.

But maybe some other form, other than a simple “±0.35%”, would be most suitable for matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiplies.
