I think I understand how to use libart’s antialiased rendering API now

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (10 minutes)

I've been trying to puzzle out the libart2 API for antialiased rendering in art_svp_render_aa.h. I think I understand it now.

Basically, the problem it's trying to solve is that rendering a bunch of antialiased shapes that share borders is kind of a pain.

The Alpha-Blending Approach

Rendering one antialiased shape is pretty straightforward: you just alpha-blend the edges with whatever the background happens to be at the moment. Rendering multiple antialiased shapes that are supposed to share borders, well, you end up with these "cracks" where the background shows through, as follows.

Suppose you have a black background and two light gray polygons, say 80% white and 90% white, and we're looking at three adjacent pixels, A, B, and C. If the border between the two polygons falls neatly between, say, B and C, then A is 80% white, B is 80% white, and C is 90% white. No problem.

But suppose the border runs down the middle of B. Now A is still 80% white and C is still 90% white, and ideally you'd like B to be somewhere in between, say 85% white. But with the alpha-blending approach, here's what you get. First, you render the 80% white polygon, which takes B (currently at 0%) and alpha-blends 80% white into it with a 50% alpha corresponding to its 50% coverage of B, leaving B as (B * (1 - 50%) + 80% * 50%) = 40% white. Then, you render the 90% white polygon, which also covers B to a 50% extent, and so B gets ((B = 40%) * (1 - 50%) + 90% * 50%), or 65%. 65% is not between 80% and 90%. B's color ought to be composed half and half of the two polygons' colors, but instead it's composed of three-eighths of each of their colors and one-quarter the background color.

This is, for example, the approach the <canvas> tag in Firefox and Safari take, and it results in transparency artifacts whenever you try to do 3-D rendering on top of it.

Other Approaches

There are other simple approaches you can take. You can decline to do antialiasing, or you can do antialiasing by rendering non-antialiased to a much larger pixel buffer and then downsampling. You can randomly sample one or several points inside each pixel rather than just using the center point. And art_svp_render_aa has a different approach.


The most transparent function in art_svp_render_aa.h is the following:

art_svp_render_aa (const ArtSVP *svp,
                   int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,
                   void (*callback) (void *callback_data,
                                     int y,
                                     int start,
                                     ArtSVPRenderAAStep *steps, int n_steps),
                   void *callback_data);

An ArtSVP is a "sorted vector path", which is the kind of thing you reduce everything else to in libart as the last step before you try to render it into pixels.

An ArtSVPRenderAAStep is this:

struct _ArtSVPRenderAAStep {
  int x;
  int delta; /* stored with 16 fractional bits */

So I made an ArtSVP from an ArtVpath representing a diamond between (160, 0), (240, 120), (160, 240), and (80, 120), and I called art_svp_render_aa with a callback that just dumped out the arguments it got, scaling the delta argument down as suggested by the comment (and scaling down the 'start' argument in the same way). The results looked like this:

y=0 start=0.5 n_steps=3
  x=159 delta=-85
  x=160 delta=-1.52588e-05
  x=161 delta=85
y=1 start=0.5 n_steps=5
  x=158 delta=-21.25
  x=159 delta=-212.5
  x=160 delta=-1.52588e-05
  x=161 delta=212.5
  x=162 delta=21.25
y=2 start=0.5 n_steps=4
  x=158 delta=-170
  x=159 delta=-85
  x=161 delta=85
  x=162 delta=170


y=25 start=0.5 n_steps=6
  x=142 delta=-21.25
  x=143 delta=-212.5
  x=144 delta=-21.25
  x=176 delta=21.25
  x=177 delta=212.5
  x=178 delta=21.25


And so on until the last scan line in the region. It happened that the x-coordinates were roughly where the boundaries of my shape were on those scan lines.

It turns out that libart wants your Vpaths to be counterclockwise, and that's why the values are negative; and the start value is 0.5 to make rounding work properly.

So this gives you a sort of map of how inside the shape each pixel is. The start value tells you how inside the shape you are at the start of the scan line, with 0.5 being "completely outside" and 255.5 being "completely inside", and the ArtSVPRenderAAStep items tell you where the degree of insideness changes along that scan line. You'll notice that, except on the first line where the scan line kind of gently touches my shape, the negative numbers always total to 255, as do the positive numbers, because each scan line goes all the way into the inside-out shape (once) and all the way back out of it.

So this is sufficient to do antialiased rendering of a single shape in the dumb alpha-blending approach explained at the top: the start and delta values give you your alpha, although on kind of a funny scale. Maybe this is how art_rgb_svp_alpha works; I don't have access to the libart source at the moment. But you can do it like this:

struct alpha_blending_shape_info {
  art_u8 *buffer;
  art_u8 r, g, b;  /* foreground! */
  int x0, x1;
  int rowstride;
  enum { even_odd_rule, art_rgb_svp_alpha_rule, interesting_rule } rule;

// callback for art_svp_render_aa for the antialiased polygon rendering
void alpha_blending_shape_callback(void *callback_data, int y, int start,
                                   ArtSVPRenderAAStep *steps, int n_steps) {
  struct alpha_blending_shape_info *info = callback_data;
  int value = start;
  int x = info->x0;
  int ii = 0;
  int new_x, alpha;
  for (;;) { // N + 1 fills for N steps
    new_x = (ii < n_steps) ? steps[ii].x : info->x1;
    switch (info->rule) {
    case even_odd_rule:
      alpha = 256 - abs((((unsigned)value >> 16) % 512) - 256);
    case art_rgb_svp_alpha_rule:
      // same winding rule as art_rgb_svp_alpha.  if I were literate I
      // would probably know what it's called.
      alpha = abs(value >> 16);
      if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;
    case interesting_rule:
      // This shows more clearly what's going on under the covers with value.
      alpha = value >> 18;
    if (alpha) {
      art_rgb_run_alpha(info->buffer + y * info->rowstride + x * 3, 
                        info->r, info->g, info->b, alpha, new_x - x);
  if (ii >= n_steps) break;
    x = new_x;
    value += steps[ii].delta;

The Iterator Interface

But there are other functions in art_svp_render_aa.h as well:

ArtSVPRenderAAIter *
art_svp_render_aa_iter (const ArtSVP *svp,
                        int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);

art_svp_render_aa_iter_step (ArtSVPRenderAAIter *iter, int *p_start,
                             ArtSVPRenderAAStep **p_steps, int *p_n_steps);

art_svp_render_aa_iter_done (ArtSVPRenderAAIter *iter);

Those look like a classic iterator pattern in C. First you have a function to initialize the iterator; then you have a function to step the iterator and get some output values from it (although no way to tell when it's exhausted); and a function to discard the iterator when you're done.

And, as you'd expect, it turns out you can reimplement art_svp_render_aa on top of the iterator interface as follows:

void svp_render_aa(ArtSVP *svp, 
                   int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,
                   void (*callback) (void *callback_data,
                                     int y,
                                     int start,
                                     ArtSVPRenderAAStep *steps, int n_steps),
                   void *callback_data) {
  ArtSVPRenderAAIter *iter = art_svp_render_aa_iter(svp, x0, y0, x1, y1);
  int y;
  int start;
  ArtSVPRenderAAStep *steps;
  int n_steps;
  for (y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
    art_svp_render_aa_iter_step(iter, &start, &steps, &n_steps);
    callback(callback_data, y, start, steps, n_steps);

And it seems to work the same as the original. (I wish I had the source of libart handy; I imagine it's not very different.)

But this iterator interface is useful because it allows you to iterate through the scan lines of several different shapes, possibly in different colors, in parallel. Which means that you can calculate, for each boundary pixel, what percentage of it is occupied by each shape. So you can get results without cracks between them in the case where the shapes share some border, unlike the alpha-blending approach, but without using a humongous amount of memory or processor time, as in the supersampled-rendering approach.

However, the interface still doesn't tell you whether a pixel is 50% occupied by shape A and 50% occupied by shape B because the two are on opposite sides of a shared border that runs through the middle of the pixel, or because shape A has a diagonal border running from upper left to lower right, while shape B has a diagonal border running from lower left to upper right, both through the center of the pixel. So at least one of those two cases will be rendered incorrectly. Perhaps more seriously, if you have two shapes in different colors but with the same border, the straightforward way of using this information will give you a jaggy border where the color of the bottom shape leaks through. I think you can avoid these cases by cleverly manipulating the geometry of the shapes so that they do not overlap before you try to render them.

Additionally, I'd think that if you were using it this way, you would want some kind of iterator in the x direction over the various ArtSVPRenderAAStep[]s that describe the scanline you're currently on. But there doesn't seem to be such an iterator facility defined in libart.
