B-Tree ropes

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-24 (updated 2019-09-25) (19 minutes)

I just hacked together a quick rope-based string system in Lua, but it has rather alarming worst-case performance characteristics. I was thinking about improving such characteristics with B-trees.

The string and rope problem

If you build up a long string through successive concatenations, many string systems will suffer an O(N²) slowdown; for example, in LuaJIT this takes 2.4 seconds, which works out to 42 kilobytes per second; PUC Lua 5.2.4 is only slightly faster at 1.9 seconds:

N = 100000
s = ''
for i = 1, N do s = s .. 'x' end

CPython used to be really slow at this, but has a special optimization for this case now, so it takes such a small amount of time that it is difficult to measure accurately; the following slight variation still takes 700 ms, which works out to 140 kilobytes per second:

N = 100000
s = ''
for i in range(N): s = t = s + 'x'

This shows the expected O(N²) curve, taking 2.5 seconds for N = 200 000 instead of N = 100 000.

Moreover, in these systems, if the same large string occurs as part of M other strings, it uses up M times the space, and many of the concatenation operations are redundant.

It’s common for such string-concatenation operations to consist of essentially variable interpolation — filling variable holes in otherwise-constant templates. Ideally we wouldn’t be looping over all that unchanging data every time we render a web page or whatever.


Ropes are trees representing immutable trees which originated in Cedar; you could describe the essential core of the idea in OCaml as follows:

type rope = Leaf of string | Cat of rope * rope

The idea is that Leaf "foo" represents the constant string "foo", while Cat represents the concatenation of two ropes; Cat (Leaf "foo", Leaf "bar") is one possible representation of the immutable string "foobar". This gives you constant-time string concatenation (if garbage collection is okay) and plenty of structure sharing, and you can convert the rope to a flat string in linear time when necessary — or just a struct iovec to send over the network with writev.

If the leaves are nonempty, this data structure has worst-case linear space overhead, although it can be quite large, on the order of 64× the plain string.

If you augment this structure with lengths, you can additionally index and slice it in logarithmic time, if it’s well balanced:

type rope = Leaf of int * string | Cat of int * rope * rope

If we define the function rope_length

let rope_length = function Leaf(a, _) -> a | Cat(a, _, _) -> a

we can state the invariant that rope_length (Cat(a, g, d)) == rope_length g + rope_length d (using “g” and “d” for gauche and droit) and maintain this with concatenation and lifting functions:

let leaf s = Leaf(String.length s, s)
let cat a b = Cat(rope_length a + rope_length b, a, b)

and define a function to drop the first n bytes:

let rec rope_drop n = function
 | Leaf(a, s) -> leaf (String.sub s n (a - n))
 | Cat(a, g, d) -> if n < rope_length g
     then cat (rope_drop n g) d
     else rope_drop (n - rope_length g) d

It is straightforward to define analogous functions to take the first n bytes, etc.

These functions will take logarithmic time and space if the tree is well balanced, but they can take linear time and space if the tree is imbalanced. Looking at the structure of rope_drop we can see that it’s closely analogous to a binary-tree search where the search key in each Cat(a, g, d) node is rope_length g, though augmented by the past search keys. It’s binary-searching the tree for the breakpoint.

It’s also straightforward to write a function that converts a rope as defined above into a flat byte sequence; in OCaml, we invoke Bytes.create with the size of the string to be created, use Bytes.blit_string to copy each of the leaf nodes into the new sequence, and finally invoke Bytes.to_string; alternatively you can build up a string list and invoke String.concat "" on it, which does the same thing under the covers. This takes linear time and linear space regardless of the balance or imbalance of the tree, but it is necessary to be somewhat careful to avoid stack overflows.

My Lua implementation macrope

This implementation has four kinds of nodes rather than two — it additionally contains “variable nodes”, representing template variables to be replaced, and “environment nodes”, which provide values for those variables. This allows you to instantiate a template rope once and then use it repeatedly with different variable bindings without having to copy it around to modify it.

Because the size of the variable nodes can vary depending on their environment, the nodes don’t know their size, so these ropes can’t be sliced and indexed efficiently as the above OCaml code does.

The module exports a function var to define variable nodes and a function macrope which idempotently coerces strings to macropes. Concatenation and parameter passing are done with the Lua .. concatenation operator and the normal parameter-passing mechanism:

> macrope = require 'macrope'
> v = macrope.var 'name'
> s = v .. ' is the best friend of ' .. v
> = s { name='Bob' }
Bob is the best friend of Bob

Macropes can support large strings with linear, though poor, efficiency:

> x = macrope.macrope 'x'
> for i = 1, 25 do x = x .. x end
> =#tostring(x)

The first two lines execute instantaneously; the third line takes about 30–40 seconds on my laptop. No attempt is made to cache the results.

The O(N²) code above runs faster with macrope as follows, for N above about 10,000:

> s = macrope.macrope ''
> for i = 1, N do s = s .. 'x' end
> s = tostring(s)

The source code is organized as follows. macrope calls a const function if necessary, which is forward declared because I’m leery of Lua’s scoping. Each node type has its own metatable:

# (in macrope.lua)
local catmeta, envmeta, varmeta, constmeta, const, macrope

All these metatables “inherit from” a common prototype metatable, but using a function that generates copies from it, rather than delegating to it using __index. They do share an is_macrope property via __index, which allows the macrope function to be idempotent.

local function meta()
   return {
      __index = {is_macrope = true},

The string concatenation operation is overridden to construct concatenation nodes:

      __concat = function(car, cdr)
         return setmetatable({car=macrope(car), cdr=macrope(cdr)}, catmeta)

The function-call operation is overridden as follows to create an environment node; note that each variable binding is coerced to a macrope:

      __call = function(self, vars)
         local nvars = {}
         for k, v in pairs(vars) do nvars[k] = macrope(v) end
         return setmetatable({vars=nvars, child=self}, envmeta)

Finally, coercion to a string as implemented by the standard tostring function (invoked implicitly by print) is done by using an explicit stack — because the worst cases I was alluding to above cause LuaJIT to kill the function if the stack gets more than a few tens of thousands of stack frames deep:

      __tostring = function(self)
         local items, stack, env = {}, {}, {}
         local function put(item) table.insert(items, item) end

         self:visit(put, stack, env)

         while #stack > 0 do
            local item = table.remove(stack)
            item(put, stack, env)

         return table.concat(items)

Mostly what remains are the visit() methods, which avoid recursion by pushing continuation closures on the explicit stack — which I managed to do in the wrong order at one point:

catmeta = meta()
function catmeta.__index.visit(self, put, stack, env)
   table.insert(stack, function(...) self.cdr:visit(...) end)
   return self.car:visit(put, stack, env)

The environment node needs to modify the environment, then arrange to restore it after its descendants finish executing:

envmeta = meta()
function envmeta.__index.visit(self, put, stack, env)
   local saved = {}
   for k, v in pairs(self.vars) do
      saved[k] = env[k]
      env[k] = v

   table.insert(stack, function(put, stack, env)
                   for k in pairs(self.vars) do env[k] = saved[k] end
   return self.child:visit(put, stack, env)

Note that it’s not safe to do for k, v in pairs(saved) because the saved value may have been a nil, in which case Lua would skip it in the iteration!

Variable nodes just delegate to their value (which, remember, was coerced to a macrope when the environment node was created), assuming the value exists:

varmeta = meta()
function varmeta.__index.visit(self, put, stack, env)
   local val = env[self.name]
   if val == nil then error("name not found: " .. self.name) end
   return val:visit(put, stack, env)

We need a function to export from the module to instantiate variables:

local function var(name)
   return setmetatable({name=name}, varmeta)

Constant nodes, the Leaf of the OCaml implementation above, simply invoke put to append their contents to the growing output buffer:

constmeta = meta()
function constmeta.__index.visit(self, put, stack, env)

There is a const constructor which could perhaps be inlined into the macrope coercion function:

const = function(value)
   return setmetatable({value=value}, constmeta)

Finally, the main entry point to the module does this type-testing DWIM magic:

macrope = function(thing)
   if type(thing) == 'number' then thing = tostring(thing) end
   if type(thing) == 'string' then return const(thing) end
   if thing.is_macrope then return thing end
   -- XXX maybe try to invoke tostring on it?
   error("not a macrope or string: " .. thing)

And the module exports:

return { macrope = macrope, var = var }

How worst-case ropes arise

One worst case is building up an extremely imbalanced tree of single bytes:

macrope = require 'macrope'
N = 100000
s = macrope.macrope ''
for i = 1, N do s = s .. 'x' end
s = tostring(s)

As I said above, this takes 250 milliseconds, working out to 400 kilobytes per second. Although at this scale this is 12 times faster than the O(N²) native-Lua implementation, it’s still ridiculously slow, and three times slower than when I wasn’t using an explicit stack. For perspective, this takes about the same time, with 1000 times as many iterations:

macrope = require 'macrope'
function doit(N)
    s = 0
    for i = 1, N do s = s + i end
    s = tostring(s)
    return s

Building the same string this way instead gets a further 5× speedup:

macrope = require 'macrope'
N = 10000
s = macrope.macrope ''
for i = 1, N do s = s .. 'xxxxxxxxxx' end
s = tostring(s)

Most of this speedup is in the explicit loop there, which took two thirds of the time before and now runs one tenth as many iterations.

This is the linear-search worst case that forced me to use an explicit stack in the __tostring function to avoid stack overflows, at the cost of a 2.5× slowdown in the tostring call. If you did some kind of tree balancing during the construction of the graph, it probably wouldn’t speed it up (doing more work on each iteration would probably slow it down instead, even if the working set shrank) but it could speed the final tree traversal substantially.

A different kind of worst case is the other example above:

macrope = require 'macrope'
x = macrope.macrope 'x'
for i = 1, 25 do x = x .. x end

This doesn’t take long to construct, because there are only 26 nodes in the DAG, but in the tostring call the single leafnode is visited 33 million times; that’s why it takes 30–40 seconds. Constructing the same string as follows instead takes 1.3 seconds, about 30 times faster:

macrope = require 'macrope'
x = macrope.macrope 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
for i = 1, 20 do x = x .. x end

So it wouldn’t take a lot of tree optimization to speed things up by quite a lot in this case.

Leafnode coalescence, and when it isn’t enough

The simplest measure would be to have a special case for concatenating short const leafnodes: if the total length of the result is under some threshold, somewhere in the range of 16–128 bytes, it’s better to just copy all the bytes into a new const node instead of making a concatenation node. This would help a lot with the million-laughs DAG above but would only slightly worsen the problem of successive concatenation at the end.

You could be a little more sophisticated and get a linear improvement by having your concatenation operator coalesce with non-root leafnodes, something that’s dramatically easier to expressin a language with pattern-matching (here ^ is OCaml’s string concatenation operator):

let cat2 a b = match (a, b) with 
| (Leaf(n1, s1), Leaf(n2, s2)) when n1+n2 < 128 ->
    leaf(s1 ^ s2)
| (Cat(_, x, Leaf(n1, s1)), Leaf(n2, s2)) when n1+n2 < 128 ->
    cat x (leaf(s1 ^ s2))
| (Leaf(n1, s1), Cat(_, Leaf(n2, s2), x)) when n1+n2 < 128 ->
    cat (leaf(s1 ^ s2)) x
| (_, _) ->
    cat a b

This successfully reduces the tree depth by a linear factor — 128 in this case — in the simple scenarios considered above. It might speed up or slow down the tree construction, though if it does slow it down, that’s probably just because 128 is a bit too big. However, it doesn’t help in all cases — consider the case of alternately adding to the beginning and the end of the string:

cat2 (cat2 (leaf "x") (cat2 (cat2 (leaf "x")
                             (leaf (String.make 128 'h')))
                       (leaf "x")))
     (leaf "x")

The initial String.make 128 'h' produces a large leafnode, and the following operations of appending or prepending a single character are then blocked from coalescing.

Evidently it would be useful to have a tree structure with rigorous guarantees on worst-case behavior.

B-tree ropes

B-trees are great for worst-case performance. The tree has a uniform depth on every path from the root to the branches, and the high branching factor minimizes the number of internal nodes on which we must waste storage space and the amount of memory needed for tree traversal. And, at least in principle, they’re simpler than other popular self-balancing trees such as red-black trees, AVL trees, and treaps. (They also tend to be much faster, especially on modern deep memory hierarchies.)

But can we use B-trees for ropes like the above? I started an OCaml implementation in 2015 and never finished it but I think that in principle it’s straightforward. To concatenate, you may need to add tree levels to the smaller rope, and then you can merge (by concatenating) newly-adjacent nodes moving down from the root until you encounter a place where merging would make the new node too big; then you stop.

I still need to read Okasaki’s masterwork and the follow-on work in the decades since, but there’s a trap in amortized analysis of FP-persistent data structures — typically, amortized complexity analysis assumes that once you’ve done some big messy reorganization, like rehashing a hash table into a larger array of buckets, you can be sure that you won’t need to do it again anytime soon. But with FP-persistent data structures (like ropes!) the state of the data structure immediately prior to the reorganization may still be accessible, and so it may be possible to provoke the reorganization over and over again by deriving new states from it.

This suggests that to get good amortized performance from FP-persistent data structures, either you need mutability behind the curtain or you need good worst-case performance per update operation. This is a connection I hadn’t previously suspected between the world of FP-persistent algorithms and the world of bounded-time algorithms, which are usually on opposite ends of the universe.

B-trees in particular are relatively friendly to this. Suppose you decide on nodes of about 128 bytes: 64–256 bytes of text for leafnodes, 8–32 pointers for internal nodes†. The worst-case B-tree for a 4-gibibyte rope is 2²⁶ = 67108864 leaf nodes, which is at worst 9 levels of internal nodes. So, to concatenate it with another such rope, at worst you’d have to merge together 9 pairs of nodes, about 2 KiB of memory traffic. This is definitely worse than the 32 bytes or so of memory traffic used by cat or __concat above, by about a factor of 64, but it’s also fairly closely bounded. Note that with a minimal branching factor of 8, the internal nodes are guaranteed to use no more than ⅐ of the leafnode memory.

For smaller strings the cost is smaller — with those parameters, everything up to 512 bytes is guaranteed to fit into a single level of B-tree.

For perspective, this suggests that the process of inserting a character (or arbitrary string) into the middle of an FP-persistent 4-gibibyte rope will require on the order of a microsecond and ten kilobytes of allocation:

Filling up these 10 newly allocated kilobytes of memory is going to take a few thousand instructions, which takes about a microsecond on modern CPUs. You could probably reduce this cost in the average case with a simplified “buffer gap” approach in which you maintain separate left and right trees, so that you normally only pay the cost of creating the new byte’s tree and concatenating it onto the left tree.

I feel like there may still be aspects of B-tree rebalancing I’m not appreciating, even without slicing.

† CLRS claims that allowing nodes to be less than ½ full, as in the factor of ¼ in this example configuration, makes it no longer really a B-tree, and if we don’t allow nodes to be less than ⅔ full it becomes a “B*-tree”. However, CLRS gets terminology wrong pretty often, so this might not be right. My rationale for the extra factor of 2 slack, which probably doesn't really apply in an FP-persistent context (at least not without more work), is to prevent pathological modification sequences from thrashing between splitting and joining the same node.
