Parsing a conservative approximation of a CFG with a FSM

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-09-03 (7 minutes)

We know we cannot parse context-free languages with a finite state machine; this was central to Chomsky’s destruction of behaviorism in the 1950s. But we can do a pretty good approximation.

All the ideas in here are due to Björn Höhrmann, who explored them in some depth in parselov, which is an implementation of these ideas in JS, plus a bunch of other ideas I don’t understand yet but which are probably even better. (That is, unless I accidentally invented something and didn’t notice. But I think all the ideas here are his.)

Consider this algebraic-expression CFG:

e where
e ::= e "+" f | e "-" f | f
f ::= t "*" f | f "/" t | t
t ::= "-" t | "+" t | number | variable | "(" e ")"

If we omit the last alternative, which recurses back to the beginning, we have an entirely regular language. All of the other recursions are either left-recursions or right-recursions, and so we can rewrite them as loops; for example, the alternatives for e add up to a sequence of f separated by “+” and “-” signs.

The final case, though, requires parentheses to match, which is a thing that a regular expression cannot guarantee.

But let’s consider the “unstructured control flow” of the “subroutine calls”. We can arrive at the beginning of f from any of five callsites (three in e and two in f itself) and, when we get to the end of it, we can return to any of those sites. In this way we can mechanically convert the entire grammar into a finite state machine. Of course, this finite state machine loses some information — it does not know whether it got into e from the top-level parsing or due to a recursion inside t. So it will match “(4” where it shouldn’t. Nevertheless, it will not match “+*4” or “4 x”. It’s guaranteed that if it doesn’t match a string, the full CFG cannot parse it either.

We can make it more precise by duplicating rules that are called more than once. For example, this CFG parses the same language, but if converted to a FSM in the same way, will no longer match “(4”:

e where
e ::= e "+" f | e "-" f | f
f ::= t "*" f | f "/" t | t
t ::= "-" t | "+" t | number | variable | "(" e2 ")"
e2 ::= e2 "+" f2 | e2 "-" f2 | f2
f2 ::= t2 "*" f2 | f2 "/" t2 | t2
t2 ::= "-" t2 | "+" t2 | number | variable | "(" e ")"

That’s because e2 can “return to” the point in t before the “)”, or the points in itself before the “+” and “-”, but not the final accepting state.

It would have been equally valid for the e in the final t2 to invoke e rather than e2, but it would have yielded a different approximation. The grammar as modified above will convert to an FSM which tracks whether to expect an even or odd number of closing parentheses. If instead we had recursed into e2, it would track whether it had never seen a left parenthesis.

It is not obvious to me how to choose which nonterminals should be duplicated in this way. These rules occur to me, in order to get a more precise regular approximation of the context-free language:

  1. There is no need to duplicate a nonterminal invocation that does not form part of a recursive loop, mutual or otherwise. You can attempt to stratify the nonterminals to figure out which calls form part of such a recursive loop, but this is not guaranteed to give you a minimal set of invocations.

  2. There is no need to duplicate immediately-left-recursive or immediately-right-recursive invocations, because they can be handled precisely by a FSM without more effort.

Of course, this process can be repeated.

It also occurs to me that if the FSM, upon entering a state with more than one predecessor state, records which predecessor state it entered from, then it is recording all of the candidate derivations it has discovered. To the extent that we elide ε-edges, we end up multiplying these cases, but in the simple case, we have one derivation per edge. Considering parsing the string “(4)” with this:

e where
e ::= e "+" f | e "-" f | f
f ::= t "*" f | f "/" t | t
t ::= "-" t | "+" t | number | variable | "(" e ")"

we, at the end, transition from after the “)” nondeterministically to all of the five callsites of t, from two of those nondeterministically to all of the five callsites of f, and from three of those to all of the four callsites of e, one of which is in fact the top-level e invocation, which accepts the string.

If we duplicate each nonterminal for each callsite, this process becomes more precise.

In a sense we could say that we are multiplying the states of the nondeterministic FSM by labeling them with some finite summary of the stack (or continuation) that a nondeterministic PDA would use if it parsed the grammar in the obvious way: the sequence of “return addresses” it would have. (Of course the PDA is an FSM if you leave out the stack.) The important thing is that we are mapping the infinite set of states-of-the-stack states to a finite set of states, and we’re doing it in such a way that we don’t need to magically recreate information that we erased — if we forget whether the number of right-parens we’re expecting is odd or even, we can’t define our mapping in such a way that we have to later recover that datum. (We can, however, nondeterministically guess it!)

That said, though, there are a wide variety of possible mappings of stack-states to finite states. I’ve talked about some of the possibilities above, although it was phrased in terms of duplicating productions.

A consideration for practical implementation of these concepts is that we would, ideally, eventually reduce the FSM to a deterministic FSM, so that we can execute each step on a real (deterministic) computer in constant time. For this we would like to avoid the potential exponential blowup of the powerset of the set of NFA states into DFA states, and counterintuitively it turns out that erasing less information about the stack can actually help to reduce the number of states.
