Cheap textures

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-10-28 (updated 2019-05-05) (5 minutes)

So I’ve been thinking about how to render low-computational-cost textures in 2D, for a few different reasons.


So, all of these different ways that you can use low-computational-cost texture generation have different computational budgets (175 instructions per pixel for e-paper, 16 for bitbanging NTSC, 80 instructions and 400 multiply-accumulates for the laptop scenarios), but they’re all kind of in the same ballpark. Moreover, they’re in a completely different world from the Macintosh with its 6-MHz 1-Dhrystone-MIPS 68000 and its 9" 512×342 CRT, which I am assuming refreshed at around 60 Hz, giving it a dot clock a bit over 10 MHz — 10 pixels per instruction. They are, respectively, 1750 times faster, 160 times faster, and 800 times faster (not counting the GPU, which is arguably something like 4000 times faster), relative to the notional “dot clock”.


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