Circle-portal GUI

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-06-03 (11 minutes)

I was thinking about a zoomable, rotatable UI. In this world, there’s some “world space” in which the scene graph exists, and your screen is an arbitrarily translated, rotated, and zoomed portal onto it, considered as a linear function in complex numbers: y = mx + b, where y is a point on the complex plane of world space, x is a point on the complex plane of screen space, and m and b are complex numbers that determine the translation, rotation, and zoom.

The world plane contains only one kind of object, which is mutable: portals.

A portal is a circle through which another part of the world plane is visible; like the screen, it consists of an (m, b) pair defining an arbitrary translation, rotation, and zoom, this time from the world plane onto itself. However, it also has a clipping circle, defined by a center and radius outside of which it is not visible, and a background color, which is an RGBA color that it renders underneath everything else seen through the portal.

Portals already existed (with that name) in Pad++ decades ago; in this system there are four differences:

There is a total order among portals in the world plane, with portals earlier in the order being “painted on top of” portals later in the order. This may or may not result in the later portal being invisible because it’s been obscured by an opaque background color.


Given the necessity to sample the world plane at pixel coordinates, you can do strength-reduction of the pixel-scanning operation; if Δx is the coordinate difference between pixels on the same row, you can compute mΔx and scan the pixels on the row by repeatedly adding that.

To keep drawing quick, it’s probably necessary to dynamically compute some kind of bounding volume hierarchy, which could be made out of circles or not.

As you move scan line by scan line down the image, you can use the midpoint algorithm (which incrementally updates an error accumulator x² + y² - r² as it changes x and y to walk along the circle) to incrementally adjust the start point of each circle.

You can cache parts of the world plane rasterized at some resolution, downsampling from there. However, it may be tricky to propagate updates.

Making things with it

First, of course, you can draw things by putting opaque portals on top of or next to each other. Those portals don’t need to view anything in particular. At its simplest, you can use opaque black circles all of the same size as if they were dot-matrix pixels, but you can also overlap a bunch of portals (either translucent or of different colors) to get a gradient, for example, or use two concentric circles of different colors and slightly different radii to get a curved line of some thickness.

Once you have a picture somewhere, you can add portals to it elsewhere in order to use it in more places. Changes you make to the original picture will be reflected in each of the copies. For example, you could draw a letter “C” in one place, add a portal to it, and add a crossbar on top of the portal, transforming it into a “G”. Further modifications you make to the “C” — adding a serif, for example — will be reflected in the “G”. If you draw glyphs for the letters "e", "t", "o", and "n", you can set up a series of portals to those letters to spell phrases like “no note on teen tenon tent to neon noon onto no tone”. The rendering of the phrase will automatically reflect whatever changes you make to the original letterforms.

Furthermore, you can make a portal for a whole set of such pictures, such as an entire monospaced font, and use portals onto that portal to pull out individual letterforms. Then, if you redirect the portal to a different set of pictures, you have achieved a change of font. You could even have an area with several different font variants, such as plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic.

This works for monospaced fonts that don’t differ too much in aspect ratio, and for proportional fonts that share the same font metrics, but it won’t work very well for changing fonts between fonts with different metrics, including often changing between the plain and bold versions of the same font.

(You can make a crudely bolded version of such a font by making two overlapping portals to it that are shifted by less than a linewidth, thus thickening its lines.)

By putting portals within their own target, you can automatically generate fractals — which of course implies that the rendering code needs to handle infinite recursion gracefully.

User interface interaction techniques thus enabled

Since everything you see on the screen is a portal to “somewhere else”, you can provide a command to jump to that other place, at which point you can zoom in or out as you wish. And you can add such a portal from anywhere to anywhere.

More commonly, you’d like to zoom in to look at a particular portal, without jumping through the portal. This should help a lot with the problem ZUIs have with constrained pixel displays, where things are almost always either too big or too small.

Conversely, you can display a set of “backlinks” to a place that are visual thumbnails in context of places that have a portal overlapping that place.

Because everything is a portal, in addition to jumping through it or moving it around, you can also drive it around the space it views, zooming, panning, and rotating.

Probably the usual way of making a new portal should be cloning an existing portal, after which you can start to make changes to it.

Minimal interactions necessary to use it

There are only a few basic actions:

For minimality of mechanism, the viewport portal should not require specially-implemented commands for it. It’s just that deleting it or changing where it appears are inapplicable operations.

The usual map navigation actions are panning and zooming, and panning usually results from left-mouse dragging or finger-dragging. It would maybe be kind of unfortunate if left-mouse dragging did something to change the world, but of course that kind of conflicts with the desire for the viewport portal not to be special...

You might be able to get by with only jump-to rather than free panning and zooming: click on a portal to make it mostly fill your viewport. But that really only works for the viewport portal. Ideally (for minimality of mechanism) the viewport portal would be much like any other portal.

So that means that jump-to takes two different portals as arguments: the jump destination and the thing you want to cause to point at it (your “focus portal”).

Even telling what you’re clicking on may be a little tricky, since you can be looking at a portal that is viewing a zoomed-in view of another portal which is zoomed into a third portal, etc.

Practically speaking, you probably need to be able to copy portals so that you can make modified versions of them. But you can have two kinds of “copy relationships” between portals: a portal can simply be a view of another portal, or it can be a clone of it. It might make sense to start with a “create a view” command and then possibly later convert that into a “make a copy of the viewed scene”.

At some point it may also be useful to push objects through a portal.

I’m thinking that probably when you click (or double-click?) on a portal a halo of buttons should appear around it offering you different options: one to change its size, one to move it around where it is displayed, one to delete it. Probably zooming and panning the selected portal should just be the usual mouse drag and scroll i


I’ve talked above a bit about techniques that might be useful for an efficient implementation of this system.

However, it should be possible to hack together a simple implementation of the system, enough to play with, much more easily... and so I spent a couple of hours on that in DHTML with <canvas>.

Real-time responsiveness

In the form described above, it’s possible to require an arbitrary amount of computation per pixel; in fact, if the pixel happens to be a fixed point of a portal transformation, the amount is theoretically infinite. This is intolerable for real-time user interface responsiveness.

To avoid this problem, I propose that we render portals each frame not from their current contents but from their previous contents, cached as a raster image from the previous frame. If no previous contents are available, use some placeholder texture that’s easy to compute.

In the absence of alpha-compositing, this would guarantee that it’s possible to calculate the screen image each frame with a single texture sample per screen pixel, plus some increment of work in updating offscreen texture buffers; if this increment is small, updates might take many frames to settle, while if it is large, they should settle quickly. This background increment itself has the same real-time pixel bound as the screen update. Normally you would expect the increment to be many times the size of the screen. For example, the VideoCore IV used in the Raspberry Pi claims a fill rate of a gigapixel per second, but only 2.1 megapixels of output screen resolution at most (and only one megapixel by default), so it should be able to compute almost seven screenfuls of offscreen texture updates per frame in the worst case.

To guarantee real-time responsiveness in the presence of alpha-compositing, partially-alpha-composited images should also be cached. Ideally you'd do this front-to-back, inverse-painter’s- algorithm style.

Finally, it makes sense to schedule this offscreen texture updating to happen before the screen is painted rather than after, so that you’ll only see lag in the case where there’s more work to be done than can actually be done in a single frame time.
