A variety of code fragments for testing proposed language designs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-05-18 (19 minutes)

I’ve been thinking about code size, bytecode formats, and so on: what kind of tradeoffs in program representation are best? Existing microbenchmarks tend to be very atypical of real code; real code is mostly much more straightforward and boring than microbenchmarks.

So here are some sample code fragments to try different compilation strategies with (after hand-translating them to some uniform syntax, I suppose). These are chosen to cover the range of real code found in the wild, although they are biased towards code bases of high quality and towards medium-length functions: functions between 8 and 64 lines are better represented. There is code here in Pascal, C, C++, C#, Java, Golang, Perl, Tcl, Python, PHP, JS, Lua, Elisp, Ruby, Haskell, R, and Visual Basic — every popular programming language except Excel, Swift, assembly, SQL, and Matlab. The idea here is to include things written in somewhat different paradigms.

I thought about including code in bash, TeX, assembly, SQL, CSS, Prolog, and HTML, but their execution models are too different from the mainstream to be reasonably translatable to a mainstream virtual machine. Even R and Haskell are kind of pushing it.

The classic dumb Fibonacci, in C:

fib(n) { return n < 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); }

A nearly totally vacuous class definition:

class Match:
    def __init__(self, length, rendering):
        self.length = length
        self.rendering = rendering

A test of the mod_pubsub JS interface, some code I think I wrote in 2000, unless it was Ben or Rohit:

function do_it()
    var topic = kn_argv['kn_topic'];
    kn_publish(topic, {}, { onSuccess: function(e) {succeed()},
                            onError: function(e) {fail(e.kn_payload)} });

Part of the Perl abstract base class DBD::File:

sub table_meta_attr_changed
    my ($class, $meta, $attrib, $value) = @_;
    defined $reset_on_modify{$attrib} and
        delete $meta->{$reset_on_modify{$attrib}} and
        $meta->{initialized} = 0;
    } # table_meta_attr_changed

The Lua code in LuaTeX for computing the full platform string on Linux:

function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
    local platform = "linux"
    os.platform = platform
    return platform

A byteswapping function by Jon Lech Johansen in C#:

byte [] NetToHost( byte [] Input, int Pos, int Count )
    if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
        for( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
            Array.Reverse( Input, Pos + (i * 4), 4 );

    return Input;

In GNU cp, some slight options parsing hackery:

/* For long options that have no equivalent short option, use a
   non-character as a pseudo short option, starting with CHAR_MAX + 1.  */

A function from netqmail to downcase a NUL-terminated string:

#include "case.h"

void case_lowers(s)
char *s;
  unsigned char x;
  while (x = *s) {
    x -= 'A';
    if (x <= 'Z' - 'A') *s = x + 'a';

Part of Jon Lech Johansen’s DeDRMS utility in C#:

class M4PStream
    // ...
    public M4PStream( FileStream fs )
        br = new BinaryReader( fs );
        bw = new BinaryWriter( fs );
        sbuffer = br.ReadBytes( Convert.ToInt32( fs.Length ) );

        alg = Rijndael.Create();
        alg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
        alg.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
    // ...

A function from the Nouveau video driver in the Linux kernel:

nvbios_cstepEe(struct nvkm_bios *bios, int idx, u8 *ver, u8 *hdr)
        u8  cnt, len, xnr, xsz;
        u16 data = nvbios_cstepTe(bios, ver, hdr, &cnt, &len, &xnr, &xsz);
        if (data && idx < cnt) {
                data = data + *hdr + (idx * len);
                *hdr = len;
                return data;
        return 0x0000;

Part of the Elisp code for Flymake, which gives you on-the-fly error checking in Emacs, in this case converting between a couple of slightly different data formats in order to pop up a list of suggested corrections when you click on an error:

(defun flymake-make-emacs-menu (menu-data)
  "Return a menu specifier using MENU-DATA.
MENU-DATA is a list of error and warning messages returned by
See `x-popup-menu' for the menu specifier format."
  (let* ((menu-title     (nth 0 menu-data))
         (menu-items     (nth 1 menu-data))
         (menu-commands  (mapcar (lambda (foo)
                                   (cons (nth 0 foo) (nth 1 foo)))
    (list menu-title (cons "" menu-commands))))

The SafeBuffer indexing method from Ruby ActiveSupport:

def [](*args)
  return super if args.size < 2

  if html_safe?
    new_safe_buffer = super
    new_safe_buffer.instance_eval { @html_safe = true }

A function from the Linux network scheduling code:

static int ingress_dump(struct Qdisc *sch, struct sk_buff *skb)
        struct nlattr *nest;

        nest = nla_nest_start(skb, TCA_OPTIONS);
        if (nest == NULL)
                goto nla_put_failure;

        return nla_nest_end(skb, nest);

        nla_nest_cancel(skb, nest);
        return -1;

A function from Godoc, the Golang documentation extractor:

func findSpec(list []ast.Spec, id *ast.Ident) ast.Spec {
        for _, spec := range list {
                switch s := spec.(type) {
                case *ast.ImportSpec:
                        if s.Name == id {
                                return s
                case *ast.ValueSpec:
                        for _, n := range s.Names {
                                if n == id {
                                        return s
                case *ast.TypeSpec:
                        if s.Name == id {
                                return s
        return nil

Part of the GNU ISO C++ library implementing the thin_heap type:

inline void
fix_sibling_rank_1_unmarked(node_pointer p_y)
  _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(p_y->m_p_prev_or_parent != 0);

  _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ONLY(node_pointer p_w = p_y->m_p_l_child;)
  _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(p_w->m_p_next_sibling == 0);
  _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(p_y->m_p_next_sibling == 0);

  p_y->m_p_next_sibling = p_y->m_p_l_child;
  p_y->m_p_next_sibling->m_p_prev_or_parent = p_y;
  p_y->m_p_l_child = 0;

Part of the tests for d3.js:

"can output a percentage with rounding and sign": function(format) {
  var f = format("+.2p");
  assert.strictEqual(f(.00123), "+0.12%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(.0123), "+1.2%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(.123), "+12%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(1.23), "+120%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(-.00123), "-0.12%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(-.0123), "-1.2%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(-.123), "-12%");
  assert.strictEqual(f(-1.23), "-120%");

Another function from netqmail, this one for comparing two strings lexically:

int str_diffn(s,t,len)
register char *s;
register char *t;
unsigned int len;
  register char x;

  for (;;) {
    if (!len--) return 0; x = *s; if (x != *t) break; if (!x) break; ++s; ++t;
    if (!len--) return 0; x = *s; if (x != *t) break; if (!x) break; ++s; ++t;
    if (!len--) return 0; x = *s; if (x != *t) break; if (!x) break; ++s; ++t;
    if (!len--) return 0; x = *s; if (x != *t) break; if (!x) break; ++s; ++t;
  return ((int)(unsigned int)(unsigned char) x)
       - ((int)(unsigned int)(unsigned char) *t);

A module from the Free Pascal compiler providing access to an AmigaOS timer function:

unit timerutils;


uses exec, timer, amigalib;

Function CreateTimer(theUnit : longint) : pTimeRequest;
{ some stuff omitted }


Function CreateTimer(theUnit : longint) : pTimeRequest;
    Error : longint;
    TimerPort : pMsgPort;
    TimeReq : pTimeRequest;
    TimerPort := CreatePort(Nil, 0);
    if TimerPort = Nil then
        CreateTimer := Nil;
    TimeReq := pTimeRequest(CreateExtIO(TimerPort,sizeof(tTimeRequest)));
    if TimeReq = Nil then begin
        CreateTimer := Nil;
    Error := OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, theUnit, pIORequest(TimeReq), 0);
    if Error <> 0 then begin
        CreateTimer := Nil;
    TimerBase := pointer(TimeReq^.tr_Node.io_Device);
    CreateTimer := pTimeRequest(TimeReq);
{ lots of stuff omitted }

From quodlibet, some PyGTK code with a callback:

def edit_patterns(cls, button):
    def valid_uri(s):
        # TODO: some pattern validation too (that isn't slow)
            p = Pattern(s)
            u = URI(s)
            return (p and u.netloc and
                u.scheme in ["http", "https", "ftp", "file"])
        except ValueError:
            return False

    win = StandaloneEditor(filename=cls.PATTERNS_FILE,
        title=_("Search URL patterns"), initial=cls.DEFAULT_URL_PATS,

From slide-rule.tcl, some Tk code with callbacks that I wrote in like 1997:

proc sl_ru_bind {canvas} {
        bind $canvas <1> {
                global old_x
                set old_x %x
                global dragobj
                set dragobj [groupof %W [%W find closest %x %y]]
        bind $canvas <B1-Motion> {
                global old_x dragobj
                %W move $dragobj [expr (%x - $old_x) / 2] 0
                set old_x %x

A perspective projection in JS from some code I wrote to design domes:

function project(points, zDist, zMin, width) {
  var rv = [];
  for (var ii = 0; ii < points.length; ii++) {
    var p = points[ii]
      , xx = p[0]
      , yy = p[1]
      , zz = p[2] + zDist
    if (zz > zMin) {
      rv.push([width * xx / zz, width * yy / zz]);
    } else {
      rv.push([NaN, NaN]);
  return rv;

Some disappointingly boilerplatish code from Lucene:

  public String toString(String field) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    buffer.append(", ");
    return buffer.toString();

From Darius’s constraint-programming draft in JS:

// Try to reduce eqns to an equivalent system with each variable
// defined by a single equation. (The result may be inconsistent 
// or underconstrained.)
function reduceEquations(eqns) {
    for (let i = 0; i < eqns.length; ++i) {
        const eqi = eqns[i];
        const v = eqi.aVariable();
        if (v === null) continue;
        for (let j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
            eqns[j] = eqns[j].substituteFor(v, eqi);
            if (eqns[j].isInconsistent()) {
                return {isConsistent: false};
    return {isConsistent: true,
            equations: (eqns.filter(eqn => !eqn.isTautology())
                            .map(eqn => eqn.normalize()))};

The glue code in the Lua 5.1 OS interface to allow Lua code to call mktime(3):

static int os_time (lua_State *L) {
  time_t t;
  if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 1))  /* called without args? */
    t = time(NULL);  /* get current time */
  else {
    struct tm ts;
    luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
    lua_settop(L, 1);  /* make sure table is at the top */
    ts.tm_sec = getfield(L, "sec", 0);
    ts.tm_min = getfield(L, "min", 0);
    ts.tm_hour = getfield(L, "hour", 12);
    ts.tm_mday = getfield(L, "day", -1);
    ts.tm_mon = getfield(L, "month", -1) - 1;
    ts.tm_year = getfield(L, "year", -1) - 1900;
    ts.tm_isdst = getboolfield(L, "isdst");
    t = mktime(&ts);
  if (t == (time_t)(-1))
    lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)t);
  return 1;

A fairly boilerplatish class definition in Perl:

package Pod::Simple::PullParserToken;
 # Base class for tokens gotten from Pod::Simple::PullParser's $parser->get_token
@ISA = ();
$VERSION = '3.16';
use strict;

sub new {  # Class->new('type', stuff...);  ## Overridden in derived classes anyway
  my $class = shift;
  return bless [@_], ref($class) || $class;

sub type { $_[0][0] }  # Can't change the type of an object
sub dump { Pod::Simple::pretty( [ @{ $_[0] } ] ) }

sub is_start { $_[0][0] eq 'start' }
sub is_end   { $_[0][0] eq 'end'   }
sub is_text  { $_[0][0] eq 'text'  }


Some R code from the CRAN survival analysis package, doing some kind of magic metaprogramming hackery that I don’t understand:

as.character.Surv <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.R()) class(x) <- NULL
    else        oldClass(x) <- NULL
    type <- attr(x, 'type')
    if (type=='right') {
        temp <- x[,2]
        temp <- ifelse(is.na(temp), "?", ifelse(temp==0, "+"," "))
        paste(format(x[,1]), temp, sep='')
    else if (type=='counting') {
        temp <- x[,3]
        temp <- ifelse(is.na(temp), "?", ifelse(temp==0, "+"," "))
        paste('(', format(x[,1]), ',', format(x[,2]), temp,
                         ']', sep='')
    else if (type=='left') {
        temp <- x[,2]
        temp <- ifelse(is.na(temp), "?", ifelse(temp==0, "<"," "))
        paste(temp, format(x[,1]), sep='')
    else {   #interval type
        stat <- x[,3]
        temp <- c("+", "", "-", "]")[stat+1]
        temp2 <- ifelse(stat==3,
                         paste("[", format(x[,1]), ", ",format(x[,2]), sep=''),
        ifelse(is.na(stat), "NA", paste(temp2, temp, sep=''))

A method from Cynthiune, an MP3 player written in Objective-C for GNUStep, showing the old style retain/release/autorelease memory-management for NeXTSTep apps:

@implementation M3UUnarchiver : PlaylistUnarchiver

+ (NSArray *) _fileListFromLines: (NSArray *) arrayOfLines
            inReferenceDirectory: (NSString *) directory
  NSMutableArray *filelist;
  NSEnumerator *lines;
  NSString *currLine, *newString;

  filelist = [NSMutableArray new];
  [filelist autorelease];

  lines = [arrayOfLines objectEnumerator];
  currLine = [lines nextObject];
  while (currLine)
      if (![currLine hasPrefix: @"#"] && [currLine length])
          newString = [NSString stringWithString: currLine];
          if (![newString isAbsolutePath])
            newString = [directory stringByAppendingPathComponent: newString];
          newString = [newString stringByStandardizingPath];
          [filelist addObject: newString];
      currLine = [lines nextObject];

  return filelist;

A C part of the SQLite test suite:

** Usage: sqlite3_shared_cache_report
** Return a list of file that are shared and the number of
** references to each file.
int sqlite3BtreeSharedCacheReport(
  void * clientData,
  Tcl_Interp *interp,
  int objc,
  Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
  extern BtShared *sqlite3SharedCacheList;
  BtShared *pBt;
  Tcl_Obj *pRet = Tcl_NewObj();
  for(pBt=GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList); pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
    const char *zFile = sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager, 1);
    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, pRet, Tcl_NewStringObj(zFile, -1));
    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, pRet, Tcl_NewIntObj(pBt->nRef));
  Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, pRet);
  return TCL_OK;

A small part of the SQLite test suite, in Tcl:

# Convert a string containing EXPR, AGG, and BOOL into a string
# that contains nothing but X, Y, and Z.
proc extract_vars {a} {
  regsub -all {EXPR} $a X a
  regsub -all {AGG} $a Y a
  regsub -all {BOOL} $a Z a
  regsub -all {[^XYZ]} $a {} a
  return $a

# Test all templates to make sure the number of EXPR, AGG, and BOOL
# expressions match.
foreach term [concat $aggexpr $intexpr $boolexpr] {
  foreach {a b} $term break
  if {[extract_vars $a]!=[extract_vars $b]} {
    error "mismatch: $term"

From some dumb test code I wrote for a C random music generator:

  int ii, jj, kk;
  score sc;
  for (ii = 0; ii != 256; ii++) {
    for (jj = 0; jj != 8192; jj++) {
      unsigned char samp = 0;
      for (kk = 0; kk < 6; kk++) {
        int t = ii << (kk/2) | jj >> (13 - (kk/2));
        int f = freq(next_note(t, &sc, kk));
        samp += jj * f * (1 << kk) >> 10 & 32;
      printf("%c", samp);
  return 0;

More code from SQLite, this time in one of its memory allocators:

** Unlink the chunk at mem5.aPool[i] from list it is currently
** on.  It should be found on mem5.aiFreelist[iLogsize].
static void memsys5Unlink(int i, int iLogsize){
  int next, prev;
  assert( i>=0 && i<mem5.nBlock );
  assert( iLogsize>=0 && iLogsize<=LOGMAX );
  assert( (mem5.aCtrl[i] & CTRL_LOGSIZE)==iLogsize );

  next = MEM5LINK(i)->next;
  prev = MEM5LINK(i)->prev;
  if( prev<0 ){
    mem5.aiFreelist[iLogsize] = next;
    MEM5LINK(prev)->next = next;
  if( next>=0 ){
    MEM5LINK(next)->prev = prev;

A function in the Maybe monad from Brandon Moore’s Haskell ray tracer:

hit :: Vec -> Vec -> Sphere -> Maybe (Float, Vec, Vec)
hit x d (Sphere r center _ _) = do
  let face = diff x center
      a = dot d d
      b = 2*dot d face
      c = (dot face face) - (r*r)
      disc = b^2 - 4*a*c
  guard (b < 0) -- vector from center to camera should point opposite from ray
  guard (disc >= 0)
  let t = 2*c / (-b + sqrt disc)
      intersection = x `add` scale t d
      normal = normalize (diff intersection center)
      xbounce = dot d normal
      reflected = add d (scale (-2*xbounce) normal)
  return (t, intersection, reflected)

From Lucene:

public class DateTools {

  private final static TimeZone GMT = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");

  private static final SimpleDateFormat YEAR_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat MONTH_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat DAY_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat HOUR_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHH", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat MINUTE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat SECOND_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss", Locale.US);
  private static final SimpleDateFormat MILLISECOND_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS", Locale.US);
  static {
    // times need to be normalized so the value doesn't depend on the 
    // location the index is created/used:

  private static final Calendar calInstance = Calendar.getInstance(GMT);

  // cannot create, the class has static methods only
  private DateTools() {}
  // ...

From shlex in the Python standard library:

def read_token(self):
    quoted = False
    escapedstate = ' '
    while True:
        nextchar = self.instream.read(1)
        if nextchar == '\n':
            self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
        if self.debug >= 3:
            print "shlex: in state", repr(self.state), \
                  "I see character:", repr(nextchar)
        if self.state is None:
            self.token = ''        # past end of file
        elif self.state == ' ':
            if not nextchar:
                self.state = None  # end of file
            elif nextchar in self.whitespace:
                if self.debug >= 2:
                    print "shlex: I see whitespace in whitespace state"
                if self.token or (self.posix and quoted):
                    break   # emit current token
            elif nextchar in self.commenters:
                self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
            elif self.posix and nextchar in self.escape:
                escapedstate = 'a'
                self.state = nextchar
            elif nextchar in self.wordchars:
                self.token = nextchar
                self.state = 'a'

Some test code for a Visual Basic interface to mod_pubsub:

Module TestUtil
    Public TU_OK As String = "OK"

    Dim TU_VERBOSE_ALL As Boolean = False
    Dim TU_TESTSUITE As String = ""
    Dim TU_TESTCASE As String = ""
    Dim TU_SERVER As String = ""
    Dim TU_MISSINGSERVER As String = ""
    Dim TU_SERVERNAME As String = ""
    Dim tu_servers As New ArrayList()

    Dim tu_count_subListener_OnUpdate As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_subConnSH_OnConnStatus As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_subReqSH_OnError As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_subReqSH_OnSuccess As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_pubConnSH_OnConnStatus As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_pubReqSH_OnError As Integer = 0
    Dim tu_count_pubReqSH_OnSuccess As Integer = 0

    '/// Public Events

    Public Class TU_SubListener
        Inherits LibKNDotNet.IListener

        Public Overrides Sub OnUpdate(ByVal msg As LibKNDotNet.Message)
            TU_dumpMsg("TU_SubListener.OnUpdate", msg)
            tu_count_subListener_OnUpdate = tu_count_subListener_OnUpdate + 1
        End Sub

    End Class

    Public Sub TU_INIT_TESTCASE(ByVal testCaseName As String)
        TU_TESTCASE = testCaseName
        If TU_VERBOSE_ALL = False Then
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("=== Start test: " & TU_TESTSUITE & "." & testCaseName)
    End Sub

    ' lots more stuff here omitted
End Module

A PHP class from Laravel:

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate as GateContract;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\AuthServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * The policy mappings for the application.
     * @var array
    protected $policies = [
        'App\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',

     * Register any application authentication / authorization services.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate  $gate
     * @return void
    public function boot(GateContract $gate)


A database schema migration in PHP from Laravel:

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Part of the Python 3.2 marshal module:

static void
w_object(PyObject *v, WFILE *p)
    Py_ssize_t i, n;


    if (p->depth > MAX_MARSHAL_STACK_DEPTH) {
        p->error = WFERR_NESTEDTOODEEP;
    else if (v == NULL) {
        w_byte(TYPE_NULL, p);
    else if (v == Py_None) {
        w_byte(TYPE_NONE, p);
    else if (v == PyExc_StopIteration) {
        w_byte(TYPE_STOPITER, p);
    else if (v == Py_Ellipsis) {
        w_byte(TYPE_ELLIPSIS, p);
    else if (v == Py_False) {
        w_byte(TYPE_FALSE, p);
    else if (v == Py_True) {
        w_byte(TYPE_TRUE, p);
    else if (PyLong_CheckExact(v)) {
        long x = PyLong_AsLong(v);
        if ((x == -1)  && PyErr_Occurred()) {
            PyLongObject *ob = (PyLongObject *)v;
            w_PyLong(ob, p);
        else {
            long y = Py_ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT(long, x, 31);
            if (y && y != -1) {
                w_byte(TYPE_INT64, p);
                w_long64(x, p);
                w_byte(TYPE_INT, p);
                w_long(x, p);
    // other cases omitted

A three-page function from GNU cp:

static bool
make_dir_parents_private (char const *const_dir, size_t src_offset,
                          char const *verbose_fmt_string,
                          struct dir_attr **attr_list, bool *new_dst,
                          const struct cp_options *x)
  struct stat stats;
  char *dir;            /* A copy of CONST_DIR we can change.  */
  char *src;            /* Source name in DIR.  */
  char *dst_dir;        /* Leading directory of DIR.  */
  size_t dirlen;        /* Length of DIR.  */

  ASSIGN_STRDUPA (dir, const_dir);

  src = dir + src_offset;

  dirlen = dir_len (dir);
  dst_dir = alloca (dirlen + 1);
  memcpy (dst_dir, dir, dirlen);
  dst_dir[dirlen] = '\0';

  *attr_list = NULL;

  if (stat (dst_dir, &stats) != 0)
      /* A parent of CONST_DIR does not exist.
         Make all missing intermediate directories. */
      char *slash;

      slash = src;
      while (*slash == '/')
      while ((slash = strchr (slash, '/')))
          struct dir_attr *new IF_LINT ( = NULL);
          bool missing_dir;

          *slash = '\0';
          missing_dir = (stat (dir, &stats) != 0);

          if (missing_dir || x->preserve_ownership || x->preserve_mode
              || x->preserve_timestamps)
              /* Add this directory to the list of directories whose
                 modes might need fixing later. */
              struct stat src_st;
              int src_errno = (stat (src, &src_st) != 0
                               ? errno
                               : S_ISDIR (src_st.st_mode)
                               ? 0
                               : ENOTDIR);
              if (src_errno)
                  error (0, src_errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
                         quote (src));
                  return false;

              new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
              new->st = src_st;
              new->slash_offset = slash - dir;
              new->restore_mode = false;
              new->next = *attr_list;
              *attr_list = new;

          if (missing_dir)
              mode_t src_mode;
              mode_t omitted_permissions;
              mode_t mkdir_mode;

              /* This component does not exist.  We must set
                 *new_dst and new->st.st_mode inside this loop because,
                 for example, in the command `cp --parents ../a/../b/c e_dir',
                 make_dir_parents_private creates only e_dir/../a if
                 ./b already exists. */
              *new_dst = true;
              src_mode = new->st.st_mode;

              /* If the ownership or special mode bits might change,
                 omit some permissions at first, so unauthorized users
                 cannot nip in before the file is ready.  */
              omitted_permissions = (src_mode
                                     & (x->preserve_ownership
                                        ? S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO
                                        : x->preserve_mode
                                        ? S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH
                                        : 0));

              /* POSIX says mkdir's behavior is implementation-defined when
                 (src_mode & ~S_IRWXUGO) != 0.  However, common practice is
                 to ask mkdir to copy all the CHMOD_MODE_BITS, letting mkdir
                 decide what to do with S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX.  */
              mkdir_mode = src_mode & CHMOD_MODE_BITS & ~omitted_permissions;
              if (mkdir (dir, mkdir_mode) != 0)
                  error (0, errno, _("cannot make directory %s"),
                         quote (dir));
                  return false;
                  if (verbose_fmt_string != NULL)
                    printf (verbose_fmt_string, src, dir);

              /* We need search and write permissions to the new directory
                 for writing the directory's contents. Check if these
                 permissions are there.  */

              if (lstat (dir, &stats))
                  error (0, errno, _("failed to get attributes of %s"),
                         quote (dir));
                  return false;

              if (! x->preserve_mode)
                  if (omitted_permissions & ~stats.st_mode)
                    omitted_permissions &= ~ cached_umask ();
                  if (omitted_permissions & ~stats.st_mode
                      || (stats.st_mode & S_IRWXU) != S_IRWXU)
                      new->st.st_mode = stats.st_mode | omitted_permissions;
                      new->restore_mode = true;

              if ((stats.st_mode & S_IRWXU) != S_IRWXU)
                  /* Make the new directory searchable and writable.
                     The original permissions will be restored later.  */

                  if (lchmod (dir, stats.st_mode | S_IRWXU) != 0)
                      error (0, errno, _("setting permissions for %s"),
                             quote (dir));
                      return false;
          else if (!S_ISDIR (stats.st_mode))
              error (0, 0, _("%s exists but is not a directory"),
                     quote (dir));
              return false;
            *new_dst = false;
          *slash++ = '/';

          /* Avoid unnecessary calls to `stat' when given
             file names containing multiple adjacent slashes.  */
          while (*slash == '/')

  /* We get here if the parent of DIR already exists.  */

  else if (!S_ISDIR (stats.st_mode))
      error (0, 0, _("%s exists but is not a directory"), quote (dst_dir));
      return false;
      *new_dst = false;
  return true;
