Compact namespace sharing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-07-25 (7 minutes)

Smalltalk bytecode is super compact, partly because it doesn’t include literal constants, addresses, and method selectors in the bytecode itself; instead they’re stored in a separate per-method vector and referred to by index. Java bytecode uses the same approach, but the result is that even though the bytecode itself is very compact, the .class files can easily be far from compact, more like huge and bloated.

You could imagine sharing, say, a single constant pool over an entire static program, just as some Smalltalks have shared a single object table over an entire dynamic program. Then, each constant would only be listed once in the pool. But it would be a large pool, so an arbitrary index into it could occupy many bits, such as 16 or even more. By contrast, Smalltalk bytecodes are only 8 bits, and typically only 3–5 of these are occupied in indexing into such a pool. This static locality of reference gives us potentially very considerable compression, but at the cost of duplication among the “dictionaries” used for this compression.

This is not the only possible compression mechanism for this information — you could also imagine things like move-to-front coding, and Smalltalk also has a fixed dictionary of special constants accessed by a separate opcode — but if that's the one we’re using, we can consider how to optimize it better.

Function calls and returns are a kind of context switch: after the transfer of control, the variables and constants of interest to the new code are no longer the same as those of interest to the old code, much as in a switch between threads or processes. In 1973, Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, and Richard Steiger suggested conceptualizing each function’s activation record as a separate “actor”, like a process; “actors [or, if you will, virtual processors, activation frames, …] … it is impossible to determine whether a given object is “really” represented as…a hash table, a function, or a process,” they said.

Context switches can have widely varying costs. Context switches that happen more often have a proportionally higher total cost, whatever other factors may be involved; and context switches that overwrite more state also have a proportionally higher cost. In the context of function calls and returns, a return that need only restore a saved PC and SP is inexpensive; a return that must restore %eip, %esp, %ebx, %ebp, %esi, and %edi is more expensive; and a return that must additionally restore floating-point registers, vector registers, and some kind of dynamic exception handling context, is more expensive still.

However, the alternative to overwriting more state is typically adding another level of indirection, and thus cost, to things that happen when you’re not context switching. Bernie Greenberg’s Multics Emacs paper explains his choice of a heavyweight context-switch mechanism for switching buffers in Multics Emacs as follows:

The implementation of multiple buffers was viewed as a task of multiplexing the extant function of the editor over several buffers. The buffer being edited is defined by about two dozen Lisp variables of the basic editor, identifying the current Editorline, its current (open/closed) state, the first and last Editorlines of the buffer, the list of marks, and so forth. Switching buffers (i.e., switching the attention of the editor, as the user sees it) need consist only of switching the values of all of these variables. Neither the interactive driver nor the redisplay need be cognizant of the existence of multiple buffers; the redisplay will simply find that a different "current Editorline" exists if buffers are switched between calls to it. What is more, the only functions in the basic editor that have to be aware of the existence of multiple buffers are those that deal with many buffers, switch them, etc. All other code simply references the buffer state variables, and operates upon the current buffer.

The function in the basic editor which implements the command that switches buffers does so by saving up the values of all of the relevant Lisp variables, that define the buffer, and placing a saved image (a list of their values) as a property of the Lisp symbol whose name is the current buffer's. The similarly saved list of the target buffer's is retrieved, and the contained values of the buffer state variables instated. A new buffer is created simply by replacing the "instatement" step with initialization of the state variables to default values for an empty buffer. Buffer destruction is accomplished simply by removing the saved state embedded as a property: all pointers to the buffer will vanish thereby, and the MacLisp garbage collector will take care of the rest.

The alternate approach to multiple buffers would have been to have the buffer state variables referenced indirectly through some pointer which is simply replaced to change buffers. This approach, in spite of not being feasible in Lisp, is less desirable than the current approach, for it distributes cost at variable reference time, not buffer-switching time, and the former is much more common.

This is also the reason shallow binding is usually preferred to deep binding in implementing dynamically-scoped languages: shallow binding makes function calls expensive, but variable access cheap.

So suppose that, when we enter a function, we load a whole passel of values into the registers of the machine, virtual or otherwise; there’s a passel pointer before the beginning of the function code, and it is used to initialize the registers. Some of these registers may contain “constants” that we want to be able to use, others contain initial values for local variables, and others still may be instance variables of an object, which will need to be saved back to the object when the function is done.

The wide cache memory buses featured on modern high-performance processors can transfer 64 bytes at a time; wide 128-bit, 256-bit, and 512-bit (16-, 32-, and 64-byte) SIMD registers can be loaded in a single cache access (right?). Hardware designed slightly differently could

fixed levels of hierarchy

wide memory

message queues
