Further notes on algebras for dark silicon

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-17 (updated 2017-04-18) (23 minutes)

Typical computers support three algebras directly: GF(2ⁿ) (integer math), GF(2)ⁿ (bitwise operations), and floating-point math, which is its own weird thing. Combining operations from more than one of these algebras often gives surprisingly fast iteration-free code to solve problems that would seem to require iteration, like clearing the rightmost bit set in a word: x & x - 1. However, other operations that aren’t inherently computationally expensive are still expensive with these operations — the classic example is the fixed bit permutation at the input and output of DES, which is frequently speculated to be nothing more than an attempt to artificially slow down software implementations.

With the advent of the dark-silicon age, where we can fabricate far more transistors on a chip than we can afford to remove the heat from at reasonable clock speeds, it seems that adding new instructions that are less mainstream in their applications should be worthwhile. So far, this has mostly taken the form of instructions to implement particular cryptographic algorithms (like AES-NI) and multimedia-oriented and 3-D-oriented instructions like those in 3DNow!, MMX, various versions of SSE, AltiVec, and modern GPUs. These have the advantage of adding various kinds of vector algebras.

(SSE 4.2 also added a CRC32 instruction.)

Unfortunately, the available instructions in the multimedia and 3-D sets are generally fairly incoherent, making them awkward to program with.

We could add more random instructions that compute functions like “⌈√(x³ - 50x + y)⌉ over the integers”, but this would be kind of a waste of time — they can already be evaluated on mainstream hardware without unreasonable overhead on top of their inherent computational cost; and they don’t compose in a useful way — which is to say, they don’t form an interesting algebra. Or we could add an instruction that computes the derivative of a closed-form symbolic expression, but because the set of closed-form symbolic expressions is infinite, you can’t fit a symbolic expression into a fixed-size register — only finite algebras are of interest.

So, what other finite algebras might it be advantageous to add hardware support for because mainstream hardware currently imposes punishing overhead on them?

Things we already pretty much have

We might consider lattices of finite set containment, but in fact the bitwise operations already give us that. Many other interesting lattices are already provided by the vector-math stuff we added for 3-D rendering.

Similarly, both signed and unsigned integer math are already reasonably well supported by the GF(2ⁿ) operations thath have been in CPUs for decades.

Bitwise rotation instructions have been totally mainstream for decades (since at least the 4004); I was always mystified by these, but it turns out they’re necessary for multi-precision bit-shift operations, and they’re also handy for individually testing bits that you’re shifting out of numbers.

We also got saturating arithmetic as part of the whole multimedia and vector instruction shit sandwich.

Linear feedback shift registers seem like they would be a pain, since in theory the next bit to shift into the register is the XOR of the tapped bits from the register. But in fact you can also implement an LFSR by shifting a bit out of the register and using it to conditionally XOR all of the tapped bits into the register.

Shuffling, permutation, symmetric groups, and substitution ciphers

Much of this section concerns, in one or another sense, the symmetric group on some small number of elements, typically somewhere between 16 and 256 elements. This may seem like a strangely arbitrary choice, but in fact the symmetric group on N elements is in some sense the canonical group on N elements — every other group on N elements is a subgroup of it! So, in a sense, operations that can handle arbitrary symmetric groups can handle arbitrary groups.

Computers are, at their core, code machines; they operate on arbitrary information enciphered into a representation they can deal with. Classical (pre-computer) ciphers were broadly classified into substitution and transposition ciphers. In substitution ciphers, the pieces of the plaintext tell where to put pieces of the key schedule to form the ciphertext; in transposition ciphers, the pieces of the key schedule where to put pieces of the plaintext to form the ciphertext. These are in a sense the same operation, and it is somewhat surprising that they are so poorly supported in modern hardware. Perhaps this is accounted for by the fact that they are very well supported indeed by RAM (and the 8086 has an XLAT instruction that uses RAM for this in 11 clock cycles); it’s just that RAM is falling progressively further and further behind the capabilities of CPUs.

Knuth’s MMIX has instructions called MOR and MXOR, which “regard the 8 bytes of a register as a 8×8-Matrix and compute the result as a matrix multiplication”, or “set eacy byte of $X by looking at the corresponding byte of $Z and using its bits to select bytes of $Y” (Knuth’s Fascicle 1). In effect, each bit specifies whether or not to include one of the 8 input bytes in the computation of one of the 8 output bytes. If only one bit is set in each byte of the second argument, the output is just a rearrangement or shuffle of the input bytes; but, by setting more bits, we can activate the OR or XOR mentioned in the name.

Being generalized matrix multiplications using associative operators, these operations are of course associative. I know of no manufactured CPU that implements them, but something similar is commonplace in FPGA routing — the bits in $Z amount to a crossbar switch.

As Mytkowicz, Musuvathi, and Schulte showed in their 2014 paper, the shuffle instructions such as PSHUFB in SSE3 and SSE4.2 can be used to accelerate and parallelize finite-state-machine execution. The PSHUFB instruction (_mm_shuffle_epi8) and its variant VPSHUFB is something like a cut-down MOR, using indices encoded as binary integers instead of bit vectors, thus offering no possibility of combining multiple input bytes into one output byte, but it can operate on 128-bit and 256-bit registers as well as 64-bit ones. Still, because it applies a permutation to the input (which may be a permutation) it’s associative too, which is how Mytkowicz et al. used it to accelerate finite-state machines.

(More recent versions of SSE include PSHUFW and PSHUFD versions, which shuffle wider chunks around.)

If what you wanted was specifically to compose permutations like that, you’d be faced with a couple of problems:

  1. Even a 256-bit VPSHUFB wastes 3 bits out of every index, in the sense that the maximum valid byte index is 31, so only the low 5 bits of the index are used. If you were to cut the indices to 6 bits, you could fit 42 of them into a 256-bit register; if you could somehow use arithmetic coding, you could get the number a little higher still.

  2. There are times when you would like to compose permutations on sets of more than 32 or 42 elements, and it isn’t immediately obvious how to efficiently decompose such permutations on larger sets into permutations on smaller sets, although related questions have been explored in some depth in the context of building circuit-switched telephone systems out of crossbar switches.

Another issue is that there are a number of kinds of bit permutation that byte-shuffling (whether 8-bit or SIXBIT) doesn’t help you with. Massalin famously called for a perfect-bitwise-shuffle operation in her dissertation, which is still not available in current hardware.

So here are a couple of new shuffling designs that might be worth exploring:

  1. A 64-bit value v is considered to consist of 16 4-bit nybbles v0 through v[15]. xbar(a, b)[i] = a[b[i]], thus providing the same permutation-composition power as a 128-bit PSHUFB in half the bits. Additional nybble-perfect-shuffle operations “hi” and “lo” provide a way to combine nybbles from different registers without requiring fundamental operations of greater than binary arity: lo(a, b)[i] is a[(i-1)/2] when i is odd but b[i/2] when i is even, while hi(a, b)[i] is a[8 + (i-1)/2] when i is odd but b[8 + i/2] when i is even.

These nybble-perfect-shuffle operations make it straightforward to use this 16-nybble-xbar instruction as a 16-byte xbar, a 16-wyde xbar, etc.; and they make it relatively straightforward to leverage them into computing permutations of larger groups of nybbles.

  1. The N-bit value mux(x, y, z) is computed from three N-bit values x, y, and z as follows. The bit mux(x, y, z)[i] is x[i] if z[i] is 1, otherwise y[i]. The N-bit value shuf(a, b) is computed from an N-bit value a and an N/2-bit value b as mux(a[0:N/2], a[N/2:N], b) || mux(a[0:N/2], a[N/2:N], ¬b) where || is string concatenation and ¬ is bitwise negation. The N-bit value 2shuf(a, b) is computed from two N-bit values a and b as shuf(shuf(a, b[0:N/2]), b[N/2:N]). Arguments from sorting networks suggest that it’s possible to perform any permutation of N bits by providing the appropriate b values to (lg N)(lg N + 1)/4 2shuf operations; when N is 128, for example, 14 2shuf operations suffice, and when N is 1024, 28 2shuf operations suffice. Arguments from mux(x, y, z) = x & z | y & ~z suggest that you can do this on existing hardware and don’t need new hardware. XXX no this is totally wrong because the bits aren’t being perfect-shuffled! I want a perfect shuffle! rewrite

  2. MNAND or MNOR, which are analogous to the MOR and MXOR instructions, but permit specifications of a large class of small parallel computations as a fixed sequence of $Z values.


As Darius Bacon pointed out, you can think of linear interpolation as being a sort of generalization of C’s ternary operator.

GPUs automatically provide linear interpolation between texels. Iterating linear interpolation provides Bézier curves. Alpha-blending linearly interpolates between pixel values. The usual way to do linear interpolation is with two separate multiplications and a subtraction:

x := 1.0 - y;
z := y · a;
z += x · b;

However, this uses slightly more than twice as many bit operations as necessary; you can adapt the standard binary long multiplication algorithm to lerp instead. The standard algorithm to add the product y · b to z, consuming both, is:

  1. Go to step 4.
  2. If y is odd (that is to say, if y & 1 is nonzero), z += b.
  3. y ← ⌊y/2⌋; concurrently, b ← b · 2.
  4. If y is nonzero, go to step 2.

While implementations of multiplication on transistor-starved hardware of the distant past often used this algorithm literally, taking more time to multiply by a larger multiplicand or one with more 1 bits — the 8086 would take anywhere from 128 to 154 clock cycles for a 16×16-bit multiply, while the 80486 would take 13 to 26 — modern hardware instead unrolls the loop into a cascade of carry-save adders. To multiply two 16-bit integers, for example, it has 256 carry-save adders. This means the loop gets rewritten as follows for a 16-bit multiply:

Repeat 16 times:

  1. If y is odd, z += b.
  2. y ← ⌊y/2⌋; b ← b · 2.

The modification to make this algorithm interpolate linearly between a and b is very simple:

Repeat 16 times:

  1. z += (b if y is odd else a).
  2. y ← ⌊y/2⌋; b ← b · 2; a ← a · 2.

This is easiest to understand if we think of a, b, and y as initially representing 16-bit fractions between 0 and 1, with 1 being represented by 16 1 bits, and the 32-bit result as likewise representing a fraction between 0 and 1, but with 1 being represented by 15 1 bits followed by 6 0 bits followed by as 1, which is admittedly a somewhat awkward representation. You can restore it to a proper 16-bit form, if lerping is what you want, by taking the leftmost 16 bits and adding their most significant bit to their least significant bit.

So, for example, the 13-instruction multiplication code example on p.54 of the 8080 Programmer’s Manual would become 15 instructions, and would execute 11 or 12 instructions per iteration instead of 10 or 11.

(Most current hardware multipliers reportedly use Booth’s multiplication algorithm, which is not quite as easy to adapt.)

Of course, you can replace “16” and “32” in the above with “N” and “2N”.

Decimal arithmetic

In the 1950s and into the 1960s, business computers invariably used (binary-coded) decimal arithmetic, thus avoiding the need to laboriously convert numbers from binary into decimal for output using a long, slow series of divisions by 10. The IBM Type 650 was a typical example of this class; a random memory access on it took 2.5 ms, and it typically ran about 1000 instructions per second, but needed 16.9 ms for a division, so converting a single six-digit number from binary to decimal for output would have required a full tenth of a second — much longer than was required to punch it into a card.

As computers got faster, conversion to decimal ceased to be the computational bottleneck, and IBM moved its decimal-computer customers over to the binary System/360, but included instructions in the 360 instruction set for operating on binary-coded decimal numbers as well, stuffed two digits per byte, but only in memory (not in registers).

The primary instruction set we use today, AMD64, is derived ultimately from the instruction set of a 1971 Japanese pocket calculator, whose 4004 CPU was developed by Intel. The 4004 had a DAA instruction, “Decimal Adjust Accumulator”, used to convert the result of a 4-bit binary arithmetic operation into a 4-bit BCD result; Intel’s manual explains:

The accumulator is incremented by 6 if either the carry/link is 1 or if the accumulator content is greater than 9. The carry/link is set to 1 if the result generates a carry, otherwise it is unaffected.

The history of this instruction is as follows:

So, today, if you have some decimal numbers, such as “321.23”, “289.528”, “9076”, and “8”, and you want to do some arithmetic on them on a computer, you have a few different options. You can go through a series of multiplications to convert them to binary floating-point and then do arithmetic on them in binary, accepting the inevitable rounding errors on numbers like “0.1”; you can pick a prescale, like 100, and convert them to binary integers instead (for example, "8" becomes 800, and "321.23" becomes 32123) and then do arithmetic on those; or you can use a software implementation of decimal math like the Python decimal module.

(The computationally expensive part, actually, is not converting from decimal to binary on binary hardware; that’s only a series of multiplications, which are fast. It’s converting back the other way, which is a series of divisions, which are slow.

John Cowan quoted Wikipedia:

IBM POWER6 includes DFP in hardware, as does the IBM System z9.1 SilMinds offers SilAx; a configurable vector DFP coprocessor.2

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Polynomials over GF(2)ⁿ

Computing properties of LFSRs and CRCs require doing computations with polynomials over GF(2)ⁿ. Addition and subtraction of these polynomials are just XOR, but multiplication and division are more complicated operations.

SSE4.2 added a CRC32 instruction which performs an XOR and a polynomial division by the polynomial 11EDC6F41₁₆, the CRC32C polynomial; it runs a bit over twice as fast as a software implementation, which makes me think that hopefully better alternative uses for the silicon are available. As far as I can tell, though, you can’t use the SSE4.2 instruction to, for example, do Rabin-Karp string search or rsync sliding-window duplicate probing.

Arithmetic Coding


Cellular Automata

The Cytocomputer was some custom silicon designed in the 1970s at ERIM for some machine-vision applications; essentially it was a pipelined two-dimensional cellular automaton which processed one pixel (or cell) each clock cycle, with one line plus two pixels of latency per pipeline stage, using FIFO buffers. Each generation of the cellular automaton was run on a separate hardware stage of the pipeline, which could therefore easily be programmed for a different transition rule. Typical rules did things like dilation, erosion, and edge detection.

Cellular automata, especially those with a small number of states, are just about the worst possible case for per-instruction overhead.




Complex numbers

Base -1+i, “proposed by S. Khmelnik in 1964 and Walter F. Penney in 1965,” allows us to represent the Gaussian integers as finite bitstrings without needing sign bits. The addition and multiplication operations on these numbers form a commutative ring, indeed, a Euclidean domain, so even division can be sensibly defined. I am not sure if there is a way to preserve these properties with a finite bit length, the way ordinary unsigned binary arithmetic does with GF(2ⁿ). The fourth power of the base is real ((-1+i)⁴ = -4) and so, in the complex plane, bit shifts by multiples of four amount to scaling a 2-D plane by a power of 4 with some number of half-turns.

Complex numbers can be used to represent geometrical points, translation (by addition), and rotation with scaling (by multiplication).

So it might be worthwhile to add hardware to implement the relevant addition and multiplication algorithms for base -1+i.

p-adic numbers

p-adic numbers (for some prime p) form a field. This gives Hehner and Horspool’s “quote notation” for finitely representing rational numbers with simple arithmetic algorithms, although that notation is not now considered practical due to exponential size explosions on some common cases.

Other rings

