A stack of coordinate contexts

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (9 minutes)

I thought I had a novel way of thinking about automatic APL-style lifting of pointwise operators, and it yielded some interesting suggestions, but I think it turns out it kind of sucks as a generic way of thinking about APL operators. Here I document my blind alley in case other people find it interesting.

The Problem

In APL, you can write 4 + 5 and get 9, or 4 + 3 4 5 6 and get 7 8 9 10, or 4 5 6 + 2 3 8 and get 6 8 14. And you can similarly add a vector to a matrix, and each element of the vector will be added to an entire row (or column, depending on your point of view) of the matrix. And so on.

The Basic Approach

So here's a way to think about that.

Suppose we have a (possibly finite) stack of coordinate contexts, each of which contains one coordinate, and each of our values is a function of this stack. Scalars don't look at the stack at all. Vectors look at the top item on the stack to figure out which scalar to return. Matrices look at the top two. Now we consider our language's e.g. multiplication to be pointwise multiplication over these functions.

Suppose we use + to denote mathematical addition and +. to denote the addition operator of our language. Then we can say

x + y = \ C . x(C) +. y(C)  where C is a coordinate stack.

So if x and y are both scalars, then so is the result; if one is a vector and the other is a scalar, then the result will be a vector, in that it will depend on the top item of the coordinate stack for one side of the addition; and so on. This automatically provides the desired behavior for binary operators on vectors of different ranks.

Unintuitively, the indices that we normally think of as changing fastest are further down the stack.

Can we define other APL functions this way?

Transpose and Compose

If we want to define the transposition operator that transposes the first two indices, we can define it in terms of cons, car, and cdr functions on coordinate stacks. car returns the top index off the stack; cdr returns a coordinate stack missing that top index; and cons returns a coordinate stack with a new car pushed on top of what was previously there.

transpose x = \ C . x(cons (car (cdr C)) (cons (car C) (cdr (cdr C))))

That's just the Forth SWAP or the PostScript exch operator. It's probably clearer if I write it with Haskell's right-associative infix cons operator ':' and pattern-matching:

transpose x = \a:b:z . x (b:a:z)

If we define transpose this way, then we can apply it to a scalar --- but the resulting value will require at least two stack levels that it actually ignores, i.e. will be an infinite matrix. I could add error-checking cases to transpose to handle this.

(XXX this is wrong. What you want is something that transposes the two leftmost indices, the ones that change slowest, not the ones that chnage fastest.)

There's a useful operator that Numeric calls "take", and which APL implements by indexing one array with another (e.g. 4 5 6[1 2 1] yields 4 5 4, and 4 5 6[2 3 rho 1 2 2 1 3 1] yields 2 3 rho 4 5 5 4 6 4).

In its most basic form it only applies to a one-dimensional array as its first argument. I'll call it "compose". Can we define this "compose" operator?

compose(lookuptable, indices) = \C.lookuptable(cons(indices(C), nil))

That is, we create a new coordinate stack to use to index the lookuptable, consisting only of the values from indices. That's OK for one-dimensional lookuptables, but maybe we can generalize it so that it does the right thing if the elements of the lookuptable are vectors or more complicated things.

To do that, we need to provide the leftover elements of the coordinate stack --- the ones not needed to index into indices --- to lookuptable in place of the nil.

Taking Rank Into Account

So now we need to consider each array as more than just a function from coordinate stacks to scalars; now we also care about its rank (although that was obvious from the start, since without knowing its rank and also its size in each dimension, we can't do simple things like display it on the screen).

So now I am losing interest, because I think this way of thinking about it doesn't actually simplify things any over the traditional view (where an array consists of a vector of dimensions and a vector of contents). But I'll pursue it just a little bit longer. Let's call the contents function of x "x.f", and its rank function, which tells how many items it cares about on the coordinate stack, "x.r", and write { f = x.f, r = x.r } to express a new one identical to x. So we have

x + y = { f = \ C . x.f(C) +. y.f(C), r = max(x.r, y.r) }
transpose x = { f = \a:b:z . x.f(b:a:z), r = x.r }
compose(lookuptable, indices) = {
    f = \ C . lookuptable.f(cons(indices.f(C), dropn(C, indices.r))),
    r = indices.r + lookuptable.r - 1
} where dropn(X, 0) = X and dropn(X, N>0) = cdr dropn(X, N-1)

The more general form of the "+" case for scalar binary operations is

scalarop(op, x, y) = { f = \C . op(x.f(C), y.f(C)), r = max(x.r, y.r) }

You could treat arbitrary unary scalar operations as if they were vectors, then apply them with compose:

opvalue(op) = { f = \C . op(car C), r = 1 }

Or you could have a scalarunop:

scalarunop(op, x) = { f = \C . op(x C), r = x.r }

(It seems like you ought to be able to derive the "r"s mechanically from the expressions for the stacks to which you're applying the "f"s. In the transpose case, the stack is still the same height, so the rank is the same; in the compose case, we drop indices.r items from the stack and then add one, so we need an extra indices.r - 1 items. But I'm not quite sure how to do that yet.)

The other basic Forth stack manipulation operators also have interesting functions. DUP, diminishing the rank by 1, takes the diagonal of a matrix; DROP, increasing the rank by 1, turns a vector into a matrix so that it can be applied column-wise. For now I'm not going to think about OVER (diagonal between first and third dimensions?), ROT (rearranging the order of the top three coordinates?), NIP, TUCK, 2DUP, and 2DROP.


One-dimensional monadic iota is fairly straightforward; its content function doesn't depend at all on its argument. (Only its size does, and we haven't talked about size yet.)

iota = { f = car, r = 1 }

APL's N-dimensional monadic iota is kind of stupid; it takes the values produced by the one-dimensional iota --- as many as needed --- and then reshapes them into the requested shape.

Numerical Python has a somewhat more general operation called "indices". Applied to a vector describing an N-dimensional shape, it returns N sets of indices, each of which has the shape requested, and contains the Nth index. For example:

>>> Numeric.indices((2, 3))
array([[[0, 0, 0],
        [1, 1, 1]],
       [[0, 1, 2],
        [0, 1, 2]]])

So the first top-level item has the first coordinate of each location, the second item has the second coordinate, etc. That is, Numeric.indices((a,b))[0][x][y] == x, and Numeric.indices((a,b))[1][x][y] == y. This sounds stupid but is very useful if you want to tabulate values of N-dimensional functions.

Unfortunately it's a little clumsy to work with in the one-dimensional case, because iota (which it calls "arange") is wrapped in another layer of nesting. It's a little clumsy to define in this system; although its pointwise value is, like iota, just one of the coordinates, the number that specifies which coordinate is hidden deep in the stack, and counts backward from there.

indices(dims) = {
    f(C) = C[length(dims) - C[length(dims)] - 1],
    r = length(dims) + 1 

The "- 1" is there to make the coordinates zero-based.


Reshape (dyadic rho) is extremely simple in the standard representation, and rather a dog's breakfast in this one.


Reduce ought to work by default along the axis that changes slowest, and that's kind of ugly here.


It was a cute idea --- especially the Forth stack manipulations turning into operations --- but I think it makes things more complicated, not less.
