Counting the number of spaces to the left in parallel

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-10-11 (5 minutes)

Suppose we want to transform a sequence like this:


into another sequence as follows:


which is to say, for each position, we want to compute the number of places to the left that you have to go to find a #. (This problem comes from a problem I'm thinking about with regard to coregistration of potentially translated sparse bitmaps with their pointwise products.)

This is super easy in an imperative language:

for item in seq:
    if item == '#':
        count = 0
    yield count
    count += 1

However, that approach is inherently serial. What does it look like to reformulate this in a way that we can compute with a prefix sum, so that we can automatically parallelize it?

Parallel prefix sum algorithms require the addition operation over which they're computing the sum to be associative, and no associativity is evident in the above at first glance.

The fully general procedure for this transformation on such loops over input is to formulate each iterations of the loop as a function from previous state to next state, the function in question being determined by the input on that iteration of the loop, and then to apply the prefix-sum algorithm to these functions with the "addition" operator being functional composition.

In this case, the loop state is merely count, and there are two possible functions:

Thinking of these as functions from a previous to a next state, they are λc.1 and λc.c+1. These do not form a set that is closed under composition; under composition you have the set {n∈ℤ | λc.n, λc.c+n}, more or less. (λc.0 and λc.c+0 actually don't occur.) The composition rules are then the following:

(These are just the two functions + and K, of SKI-combinator fame.)

You can write this in OCaml with an appropriate data type as follows:

let compose = function K a -> (fun _ -> K a)
                     | Plus a -> function K b -> K (a + b) 
                                        | Plus b -> Plus (a + b)

I feel like this algebra is some kind of semigroup that I should recognize. It isn't commutative, it has no inverses, and although λc.c+0 would be an identity element, that doesn't actually occur in my problem. But it is associative, which is all prefix-sum needs.

From the sequence of count values, you can reconstruct the desired original inputs: they're one less than the count values.

Given a representation of this set of functions, say =n for λc.n and +n for λc.c+n, you can compute the function in parallel in logarithmic time as follows:

 . # . . . . # . # . . # . . . . # . . . . . # # . # . . # . . . . #
  =1  +2  +2  =2  =2  =1  +2  +2  =2  +2  +2  =1  =1  +2  =2  +2  =1
      =3      =2      =1      +4      =4      =1      =3      =4  =1
              =2              =5              =1              =4  =1
                              =5                              =4  =1
                                                              =4  =1
                                                              =4  =1
                              =5                              =4  =1
              =2              =5              =1              =4  =1
      =3      =2      =1      =5      =4      =1      =3      =4  =1
  =1  =3  =5  =2  =2  =1  =3  =5  =2  =4  =6  =1  =1  =3  =2  =4  =1
 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 0

In theory, this only takes 14 computational steps on each of 34 processors, rather than the 34 needed to calculate the same thing serially. In practice, it is going to be difficult to find hardware that can realize a 2x speedup on that problem. But for 4096 positions instead of 34, it should only take 26 steps rather than 4096, so you do eventually get a speedup if you have enough hardware, even if your chunk size is larger.

This was only possible for this algorithm because the state kept from one loop iteration to the next was relatively compact. If the state grows proportional to the number of iterations (or worse), you will never get a speedup.

What kind of Sufficiently Smart Compiler would it take to analyze the serial program and parallelize it in this way? Because here's the code you get to write in OCaml for the parallel version:

type counter = K of int | Plus of int
let compose = function K a -> (fun _ -> K a)
                     | Plus a -> function K b -> K (a + b) 
                                        | Plus b -> Plus (a + b)
and init = function '#' -> K 1 | _ -> Plus 1
and final = (-) 1
in prefixsum init compose final

which I feel is not just longer but dramatically less clear than the serial version

for item in seq:
    if item == '#':
        count = 0
    yield count
    count += 1

even though the latter is in some sense written at a lower level of abstraction.
