Quintic upsampling of time-series with 1½ multiplies per sample

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-10-28 (2 minutes)

If f is a cubic k₀x³ + k₁x² + k₂x + k₃, then f(0) = k₃ is a linear function of f(-3), f(-1), f(1), and f(3). Furthermore, the coefficients for f(-3) and f(3) are equal, as are the coefficients for f(-1) and f(1). This means that we can cubic-spline interpolate the samples at the midpoints of existing sample intervals using only two multiplications per sample, plus some additions and subtractions.

More specifically, f(1) = k₀ + k₁ + k₂ + k₃, and f(3) = 27k₀ + 9k₁ + 3k₂ + k₃, and f(-1) and f(-3) are the same but with alternating signs. This gives us this matrix equation:

[-27 9 -3 1]      [f(-3)]
[ -1 1 -1 1] k⃗ = [f(-1)]
[  1 1  1 1]      [ f(1)]
[ 27 9  3 1]      [ f(3)]

Inverting that matrix with sympy.Matrix(...).inv() gives us:

[-1/48  1/16 -1/16  1/48]
[ 1/16 -1/16 -1/16  1/16]
[ 1/48 -9/16  9/16 -1/48]
[-1/16  9/16  9/16 -1/16]

Of that, the last row is the one we want, which gives us k₃ = f(0) = (-f(-3) + 9f(-1) + 9f(1) - f(3))/16.

This means that in fact you don’t need much in the way of multiplication: you only ever need to multiply samples by 9 when you’re interpolating between them, which amounts to adding xᵢ<<3 to xᵢ. And if you’re doing multiple iterations of interpolation, you only need to do the multiplication by 9 for the new samples on each iteration; you don’t need it for the ones you already multiplied by 9 in the previous pass.

Doing the same exercise for quintics, we get:

[-3125 625 -125 25 -5 1]
[ -243  81  -27  9 -3 1]
[   -1   1   -1  1 -1 1]
[    1   1    1  1  1 1]
[  243  81   27  9  3 1]
[ 3125 625  125 25  5 1]

[-1/3840   1/768  -1/384   1/384  -1/768 1/3840]
[  1/768  -1/256   1/384   1/384  -1/256  1/768]
[  1/384 -13/384  17/192 -17/192  13/384 -1/384]
[ -5/384  13/128 -17/192 -17/192  13/128 -5/384]
[-3/1280  25/768 -75/128  75/128 -25/768 3/1280]
[  3/256 -25/256  75/128  75/128 -25/256  3/256]

So we get [3 -25 75 75 -25 3]/256, which requires 3 multiplications per input sample for a single pass, or 1½ in the limit for many passes.

In two dimensions the situation is hairier.
