The history of NoSQL and dbm

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-04-10 (16 minutes)

The current fashion of “NoSQL” key-value stores reminds me that Unix has shipped with a NoSQL key-value store since Seventh Edition Unix in 1979, written by Ken Thompson and called dbm. Dbm files are on-disk hash tables mapping strings to strings, and they are used by many Unix programs — Sendmail and Postfix, for example, support storing arbitrary tables related to mail delivery in dbm files, and Apache supports using dbm files for many purposes. They’re supported by a dbm library, which generally only works properly if at most one program has them open at a time. You don’t normally connect to a “dbm server”, but rather open the file and lock it.


The 1979 dbm interface looks like this, in modern ANSI C parlance:

typedef struct { char *dptr; int dsize; } datum; 
int   dbminit  (const char *name);
int   store    (datum key, datum content);
datum fetch    (datum key);
int   delete   (datum key);
datum firstkey ();
datum nextkey  (datum key);
int   dbmclose ();

(Adapted from the GDBM docs.)

This is very simple, and it’s easy to figure out how to use it, aside from an allocation issue I mention below, but you can perhaps see some problems right there in the interface — not only do store() and fetch() and the like not have a namespace prefix, making it easy to have collisions with your functions, but also they don’t have a parameter to tell you which dbm file to access! That means you can only have one dbm file open at a time in a single process, but on the PDP-11 that V7 Unix ran on, the process’s entire address space was only 64KiB, so you couldn’t do too much in one process anyway.

The dbm file uses a scheme called “extendible hashing” to allow the on-disk hash table to grow smoothly as data is added to the file, though in a way that requires the underlying filesystem (and your backup programs!) to handle sparse files efficiently.

The original dbm was more or less replaced with Berkeley ndbm in 1986, which solved those interface problems, but, as I understand it, still used the same limited disk file format. Other more or less enhanced clones included sdbm (1987), GDBM (1990–2002), Berkeley DB (1991 to present), QDBM (2000, QDBM’s successor Tokyo Cabinet, TDB, its variant ntdb, tdbm, Larry McVoy’s memory-mapped MDBM (significantly enhanced this millennium by Yahoo), and a pure-Python implementation called dumbdbm.

In the original dbm interface, it isn’t obvious from the API where the buffer space for the fetched data comes from, and in particular when it will be reused — in GDBM, at least, it’s malloced, and the caller must free it, even if they only cared about testing whether the key is present or not. But that would be an unlikely thing for 1979 Unix to do (it was very shy about dynamic allocation) and GDBM’s compatibility ndbm interface frees it for you on the next call, whether you like it or not. I infer that probably dbm and ndbm returned you a pointer to a static buffer. And, indeed, we can see the fetch function in 1979 dbm doing exactly that; pagbuf is a static buffer defined (!) in dbm.h.


One dbm replacement is particularly interesting, because instead of being an enhanced version of dbm, it was a deliberately more limited version.

When Daniel Bernstein decided to write a secure replacement for Sendmail in 1995, called qmail, he was faced with the problem that existing C libraries were full of unreliabilities, poor performance, and security holes, just like Sendmail itself. He solved this problem by writing replacements for all of the standard C library functionality that he needed, from scratch, without any functionality he did not need, and without bugs. One of the things he needed was a rough equivalent of dbm, but he did not need dbm’s ability to incrementally update an existing database. So the qmail equivalent of dbm is called “cdb”, “constant database”, and it consists of 329 lines of C. The read interface consists of these two functions:

int cdb_seek(int fd, char *key, unsigned int len, uint32 *dlen);
int cdb_bread(int fd, char *buf, int len);

cdb_seek returns 1 if key of length len is present in the file open on file descriptor fd, 0 if not, and -1 on I/O error, storing the length at dlen; cdb_bread then reads the corresponding value, if desired, into buf, returning -1 on error, including truncated files, or 0 on success.

Rather than using the extendible-hashing algorithms used by dbm, the cdb file is always divided into 256 hash buckets, described by a 2KiB table at the beginning of the file, whose format limits it to 4GiB. And the code to generate the file builds a hash table with separate chaining in memory, then writes it to the file once insertion is complete.

cdb is less featureful and presumably less performant than other variants of dbm, but because it likely has no bugs and is only about 2 kilobytes of executable code, it may be preferable at times.

Language integration

Perl 4 had native support for dbm files, and a lot of websites that graduated from storing their data in static text files started to use dbm files instead. Perl 4 was the first widely-used garbage-collected language; most of the shift from static websites to web applications in 1994 and 1995 was implemented in Perl, and many sites still didn’t have Perl 5 installed.

Python, too, has shipped with support for dbm files for a very long time.

Why not just use a filesystem directory?

You might reasonably ask why people used dbm files, which after all merely map sequences of bytes to sequences of bytes, when the filesystem already performs this function. The reason is that, at the time, most Unix filesystems still used sequential search in filesystem directories for filenames, and as a result, directories with more than a few dozen files in them started to get slow. If you are going to maintain a table and then sequentially search it, you can just use a text file for that. (And Unix does, all over the place.) Also, in most Unix filesystems, files take up at least 256 bytes or so.

The Pick operating system and the ReiserFS filesystem for Linux were based on making the normal filesystem apt for this kind of purpose, rather than trying to build the facilities in userspace. Various forms of Pick are still around, but ReiserFS ran into performance limitations in the Linux system call interface, then lost its influence after Hans Reiser murdered his wife in 2007 and was not able to effectively lead the project from prison.

The filesystem interface requires at least three system calls to get the contents of a file: open(), read(), and (in the steady state, anyway) close(). Even today, Linux system calls require on the order of a microsecond, about 300ns on my machine, so about 1 μs for the three put together, which will limit you to about 300k such file reads per second on a single thread. By comparison, MDBM can manage about 450 ns per random read. One of the last controversial projects of Reiser’s company was a system for batching up a whole sequence of Reiser4 operations into a single system call.

Why not SQL?

So we used dbm files for all kinds of things, including things where a relational database would worked a lot better. You might wonder why we didn’t just use relational databases.

The problem is, there were no decent free software SQL databases. University INGRES was, as I recall, available, but it had its own query language (“QUEL”) and didn’t support SQL; its development had ended in 1985, though Wikipedia tells me that Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server were developed from that codebase. At Berkeley they were developing Postgres, which was licensed to Illustra about 1994 as an “object-relational database,” and eventually sold to INFORMIX, but Postgres was slow and unreliable, and it didn’t support SQL either, yet — its query language was a thing called “POSTQUEL”. SQLite and MySQL and MariaDB and even Gadfly didn’t exist yet.

A lot of people did build web sites and things with SQL database backends, including well-known companies like Amazon and eBay and lesser-known companies like ArsDigita, which was in many ways the prototype for Google. But they had to license proprietary databases to do it.

There was additionally the problem that relational databases were very heavyweight, like Cassandra today — you couldn’t run them at all on a low-end machine, and you universally had to run them in a separate process and connect your app to them via IPC — sockets or whatever. (This was partly ideological. As Stonebraker said in the original Postgres — excuse me, POSTGRES — paper, “DBMS code must run as a sparate process from the application programs that access the database in order to provide data protection.”) You probably had to have a separate machine to run the database server on, a workstation or maybe a tower-case PC. This kind of nonsense meant that there was no possible way to use . This may be hard to imagine now that most cellphones have dozens of SQL databases in them (mostly SQLite) but consider that, even today, starting up sqlite3 linked with glibc and opening a database, you’re already using 27 megs of virtual memory:

user     26485  0.0  0.0  26916  3728 pts/3    T    01:47   0:00 sqlite3 hello.d

Until the DRAM price bubble burst in 1995 or 1996, DRAM cost US$40 per megabyte for years due to collusion in a cartel of DRAM manufacturers, so that was about US$1000 worth of memory.

(This level of bloat is probably mostly glibc’s fault. The sqlite3 binary and library are under a megabyte.)

In 1994, David Hughes in Australia sparked a revolution by writing a simple SQL database he called “mSQL” (for “mini SQL”) and releasing it with source code, but not as open source — it was “free for noncommercial use” only. In 1995, he founded a company he called Hughes Technologies to commercialize it. But that’s another story, so I am going to return to talking about dbm.

Crash safety

In the environment Unix grew up in, a power loss was a catastrophic event, similar to a disk head crash, a datacenter fire, or a memory corruption bug in the kernel. Some other operating systems had crashproof filesystems which were designed not to lose data in the event of power loss, but Unix did not, and indeed this was one of the desiderata in the original plans for the GNU system — GNU would be better than Unix because its filesystem would have versioning and be crashproof.

Corrupting your filesystem and losing files on power loss was still common in Linux up until about 2004 or 2005, at which point ext3fs and other journaled filesystems put an end to that problem, for the most part.

Nowadays, by contrast, it is very common for Unix machines to lose power — their batteries may run out, or you may drop them on the sidewalk and joggle the battery out of touch with the contacts. By contrast, memory corruption bugs in the kernel and cellphone fires are vanishingly rare, and SSDs have no moving parts and therefore don’t have head crashes.

However, if there are consistency constraints inside some file that is being written to in random places, it’s possible for an inconsistent, acausal snapshot of that file to be what survives. Unix provides an fsync() system call to limit the possibilities for such inconsistencies — it doesn’t return until all the data for the file in question is safely saved on disk. This guarantees two relevant properties:

  1. If fsync() returns and the program takes some action afterwards, such as displaying a user interface message or sending a packet over the network, then if we observe this action, then we know that the data written before fsync() will not be lost.
  2. Either all data written before fsync() is preserved, or no data written after fsync() is preserved, or both. It is never the case that some data written after fsync() is preserved, while some data written before fsync() is lost. That is, fsync() serves as a “write fence”.

Property #2 is necessary to guarantee the atomicity and consistency properties of transactions; property #1 is necessary to guarantee the durability property of transactions.

However, because property #1 is very expensive to provide, especially on spinning-rust disks, it is very common that programs do not bother. There was a great deal of controversy a few years back over MongoDB doing this in order to get better performance numbers, but you will of course see that the MDBM numbers I cited earlier are taken under the same conditions, and the GDBM manual explains:

…the following may be added added to read_write by bitwise or: GDBM_SYNC, which causes all database operations to be synchronized to the disk, and GDBM_NOLOCK, which prevents the library from performing any locking on the database file. The option GDBM_FAST is now obsolete, since gdbm defaults to no-sync mode.

Unless your database was opened with the GDBM_SYNC flag, gdbm does not wait for writes to be flushed to the disk before continuing. The following routine can be used to guarantee that the database is physically written to the disk file.

gdbm_sync ( dbf )

It will not return until the disk file state is syncronized [sic] with the in-memory state of the database.

Unfortunately, because omitting fsync() endangers not only property #1 but also property #2, it is entirely possible for a GDBM file to be corrupt after a power outage. In the case of GDBM, although I haven’t verified this, I think this means that some previously stored data that wasn’t being modified could be irretrievable, but not necessarily all of it.

Worse, making this work properly typically involves inserting an fsync() as a write-fence in the middle of a sequence of write operations. Doing an fsync() at the end can ensure that, if the execution gets that far, the data stored is not lost; but it cannot ensure that a power failure at some other point does not leave the disk file in an inconsistent state.
