Dehydrating processes and other interaction models

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-12-28 (updated 2019-01-01) (36 minutes)

I was thinking about the problem of displaying graphical user interfaces and reacting to clicks and other user events in them, and I think I found an interesting unexplored design space, which seems more and more promising as I think about it.

To talk about this, I need to talk about a concept that I don’t have a good name for. I guess I’ll call it “interaction models”. This is not exactly about user interface paradigms as conventionally understood — e.g., command-line software, graphical user interfaces, hypertext — although it’s not entirely orthogonal to them. It’s more about the model within which programs using those user-interface paradigms interact with not only the user, but also each other and the rest of the computing system. This document is about a new interaction model which I am exploring.


Most existing programs fit fairly cleanly into one of several existing interaction models: “apps”, “REST”, “batch processing”, “REPL”, “notebook”, and “open operating system”, though of course there are gray areas.


The now-conventional (“apps”) model for this is that, behind the window, there’s a running program, typically on a multitasking operating system in which it runs in a “process” (a virtual computer), which has a thread of execution and a stack and a virtual memory space and whatnot; and, at times, it responds to user interface events, modifying its internal state and possibly its external appearance.

This works, and it can be extremely efficient, but it has some drawbacks:


Another approach is REST. In REST, the “window” is a document sent to your user-agent by a server, containing your entire session state and including links to other resources that may be relevant. All applications use the same user-agent and the same resource link namespace. REST has a number of advantages over the apps model:

However, because the server is physically far away and because the user-agents we are using are unbelievably inefficient, current software is shifting away from the REST model and toward the apps model.

Teletypes, typescripts, and the REPL model

“Apps” are actually somewhat older than graphical user interfaces — in a sense, an “app” is what you get as soon as you load a program onto a general-purpose computer and start it running, even if you don’t have an operating system. The machine, in essence, starts to manifest in the physical world the behavior of the abstract machine embodied in the program — it becomes an avatar of the program, though perhaps likening programs to devas or gods is blasphemous. Traditionally, with or without timesharing, once the program starts running, barring the invocation of debugging features such as interrupt keys or single-step switches, your interaction is with the program, not the computer or the operating system — or, at least, that is the desired illusion.

In the app model, you launch a program, which puts your user interface to the machine into a special mode where it behaves differently until it exits — or, if you have a multitasking user interface, until you switch tasks. This is the same way Instagram interacts on your cellphone in 2018, the same way Sketchpad worked in 1962, and the same way Mel Kaye’s Blackjack program worked on the LGP-30 in the 1950s.

The LGP-30 was a very simple computer indeed; it contained barely over a hundred vacuum tubes, and it ran far too slowly to produce a useful display on an oscilloscope screen. So the user interface on the LGP-30 was a Friden Flexowriter, a kind of teletype.

A Teletype™ (or, generically, a teletype) is an electric typewriter that could be driven either by the computer or by its operator. (Or, in its original application, by another teletype, perhaps in another city.) This meant that the user interface only needed enough electronic or electromechanical memory for the single byte currently being input or output, rather than the dozens of bytes required for the HP 9100’s calculator display, the kilobyte or more required for character-cell terminals, or the many kilobytes to megabytes required for framebuffers. Some form of teletype was the primary form of user interface for BASIC, JOSS, and APL in the 1960s, and then Unix in the 1970s, and it remains with us today in the Unix terminal interface, which even today uses the abbreviation “tty”.

On the teletype, many programs could produce their final permanent results just by showing them to the user, perhaps without even storing them in the very limited memory of the time. For example, if you had a series of calculations you wanted to carry out in LISP, APL, JOSS, or BASIC, you could type the formulas into the computer, one after the other, and on the paper you would have the formulas, each followed by its result, for ease of future reference. This form of interactivity is known today as a REPL, for “read-eval[uate]-print loop”, from its name in Lisp, and it remains nearly a sine qua non of new programming languages.

The REPL facility meant that you could write useful interactive programs in LISP or APL that, paradoxically, contained no code for processing user input; they merely provided a vocabulary of procedures for the user to invoke from the REPL, leaving the interaction to the REPL.

The teletype user interface is very limiting — you can’t even erase a character once it’s on the paper, and it was common to use baud rates as low as 110 baud, or 11 characters per second, because the mechanics couldn’t print any faster anyway. But it does have some real advantages over framebuffers and character-cell terminals: you can get a large character repertoire and also boldface and underlining by overprinting multiple characters in the same position, and, most interestingly, the user is left with a complete and indelible record of their interaction, typically on continuous-feed fanfold paper, showing both everything they did and everything the computer typed — a record they could annotate with pencil or pen.

This made it possible to easily produce not only printed textual documents, but also banners, data tables, and data plots.

Batch processing

As an example of app-model glass-teletype interaction, Chapter 6 of the TeXbook (originally published in 1984 and documenting the 1983 version of TeX that supplanted the 1978 version) talks about how to start the TeX compiler and then interact with it once it’s started:

log in; and start \TeX. \ (You may have to ask somebody how to do this on your local computer. Usually the operating system prompts you for a command and you type ‘tex’ or ‘run tex’ or something like that.)

When you’re successful, \TeX\ will welcome you with a message such as

This is TeX, Version 3.141 (preloaded format=plain 89.7.15)

The ‘**’ is \TeX’s way of asking you for an input file name.
% Incidentally, 89.7.15 was Jill’s 50th birthday.

Now you’re ready for Experiment~2: Get \TeX\ going again. This time when the machine says ‘**’ you should answer ‘story’, since that is the name of the file where your input resides. \ (The file could also be called by its full name ‘story.tex’, but \TeX\ automatically supplies the suffix ‘.tex’ if no suffix has been specified.)

…(Previous \TeX\ systems required you to start by typing ‘\input story’ instead of ‘story’, and you can still do that; but most \TeX\ users prefer to put all of their commands into a file instead of typing them online, so \TeX\ now spares them the nuisance of starting out with \input each time.)…

You can see that TeX is interacting in the app model. However, it seems that for TeX users, app-mode interaction was often a nuisance that they wanted to minimize. They preferred to spend their time preparing the input file for TeX, then processing it as non-interactively as possible.

This leads us to the “batch-processing” interaction model, which is almost as old as the app model — or perhaps older, if you count running punched paper tape through a Teletype. In batch processing, you start a program, which runs for a while, reading input prepared ahead of time and producing output. Then the program terminates, without having interacted with you at all while it was running. Batch-processing operating systems predate interactive operating systems by a little bit.

Originally, in batch processing, you used a separate, non-computer machine to prepare your input, in the form of a deck of punched cards punched on a keypunch or of a reel of punched paper tape punched on a Teletype. Perhaps this was an incremental process where you gathered punched cards from different places, and even a non-mechanized process where you selected and ordered the punched cards by hand. (The equivalent with paper tape involved, as I understand it, knives and scotch tape.)

Why would you prefer batch processing to interactive processing?

For many years, a primary reason was economic; computers were very expensive compared to employees. A computing job that required one minute of computer time, if done interactively, might require the operator to go through ten minutes of machine setup and five minutes of teardown, during which time the computer spent all its time waiting on the operator, for a total of 16 minutes. If, instead of operating the machine manually, you used an operating system, you could do it in maybe a minute and a half, without requiring any multitasking. This approach was still occasionally used into the 2000s on supercomputers, because even though they run multitasking operating systems, you can sometimes run two jobs faster one after the other than if you divide the machine’s resources between them.

The queue lengths were sometimes long, and programmers tell of needing to wait a day or more for their (printed) job output after submitting their job for processing, back in the 1970s. So if your one-minute job contained five bugs, each of which was hidden by the previous bug, it might take you a week and a half to get it to run in the batch system, while doing it interactively might have taken you 18 minutes. In such cases, the batch system would save computer time — it would consume perhaps 4 minutes in this case rather than 18 — at the expense of human time. So it paid off to be extremely cautious about correctness, and moreover, using a time-shared (“multitasking”) system rather than a batch system could boost your productivity by an order of magnitude or more.

Time-shared operating systems got much the same computational efficiencies as batch operating systems — while you’re sitting at your terminal thinking about what to do next, the computer is running someone else’s job — and much the same human efficiencies as interactive operation without an operating system. But they required a terminal for each concurrent user, and when implemented with a virtual computer per user, they also required much more memory than a batch operating system.

However, even in the time-shared environment that Knuth took for granted in the above quote, batch processing was part of the picture — not just to use less terminals and memory, but also to simplify the programming and make the system easier to use.

The wonderful thing about batch processing — ignored for decades in favor of mere economic considerations — is its reproducibility. A batch program starts up, accesses some input data, produces some output data, and exits. Normally, we have the guarantee that it will produce the same output data if given the same input data (a guarantee Knuth went to extreme lengths to provide in a cross-platform way in TeX, for reasons of preserving access to the scholarly record) and we can modify the input data incrementally to see what changes result.

Reproducibility is extremely valuable for testing and debugging, and it’s also very useful for caching. A significant fraction of programming, perhaps the majority, consists of “optimizing” — not in the mathematical sense of finding the minimum of a function, but in the sense of making programs do the same thing in less time and/or memory. Caching — storing a previously obtained piece of data so that it’s available again when needed — is the most important optimization in the world, and perhaps the majority of optimizing and even software design consists of tweaking what to cache, when, and how.

Reproducible computations can be cached. Irreproducible computations can’t. By casting a computation into the batch-processing model, we make it reproducible and therefore cacheable. (Umut Acar’s revolutionary “self-adjusting computation” work, as I understand it, is a matter of carrying this principle down to a microscopic level.)

The biggest change in mainstream programming practices over the last 20 years is the near-universal adoption of automated testing, which amounts to testing your software in batch mode, so that the test results are reproducible, rather than interactively.

Batch processing doesn’t need “undo”, because it just produces output data from input data. If you change the input data, you get new output data, but the old output data doesn’t disappear. By incrementally changing input data, we can achieve a sort of “undo and redo” without burdening our program code with extra complexity — make a change to a part of the input that the program accesses early, and it’s like undoing everything the program did after that, making the change, and then redoing all the other things in the new context. It’s wonderful.

TeX users prefer to keep their interaction with TeX batch-mode because it becomes reproducible and thus gains these flexibilities. And TeX, despite unusually extensive interaction facilities for a compiler, depends on the batch-processing model — it cannot back up to a previous page and change it, for example, or save an editable form of a document so you can edit it again later, both of which would be core functionality for an app-model word-processing system. You can write a document entirely interactively in TeX — that was the Experiment~1 omitted from my TeXbook quote above — but it’s impractical.

The Unix shell, and software tools

Shortly after the above quote from the TeXbook, there’s a note about command lines:

\danger Incidentally, many systems allow you to invoke \TeX\ by typing a one-liner like ‘tex story’ instead of waiting for the ‘**’; similarly, ‘tex \relax’ works for Experiment~1, and ‘tex &plain story’ loads the plain format before inputting the story file. You might want to try this, to see if it works on your computer, or you might ask somebody if there’s a similar shortcut.

This implies that, on some computers where people ran TeX, the only way to specify input files was through the app-model interaction described earlier, which meant that reproducing a TeX run required a human interaction.

This was an affliction suffered not just by TeX but by many systems of that time period, and indeed by many app-model programs nowadays. (For predatory companies such as Facebook, the owner of Instagram, this is an advantage, not a drawback, although internally they have systems for driving the Instagram app in batch mode for testing.)

Unix was a new operating system designed in the 1970s and late 1960s, using teletypes, based on a non-app, indeed anti-app, design — though Unix itself was unredeemably interactive, most of its programs were almost entirely batch-mode. A Unix user in the 1970s might use dozens of programs at different times during a session, but only interact with three of them — login, the “shell” (an interpreter for an ad-hoc programming language optimized for launching other programs) and ed, the editor.

In essence, the Unix shell user interface is a REPL for launching batch jobs, and the programs are designed to be composable in useful ways. Unix facilitates this by allowing programs to treat other programs’ unfinished outputs as input files, as long as they only access them sequentially from beginning to end, a facility known as “pipes” — the reader process falls asleep until the writer process produces some data, just as with a disk or magnetic tape. The stream of input from the terminal can also be treated as an input file, and normally is, providing a certain degree of interactivity to normally-batch-mode programs and a certain degree of automatability to normally-interactive programs.

The power of the Unix “REPL” must be put in context in its place in the 1970s: it ran on a PDP-11, which might typically have a quarter-megabyte of RAM, of which each process could access no more than 64 KiB at a time. Nevertheless, in a few seconds, you could assemble a command line that strung together four or five processes to use the whole quarter-megabyte of RAM to process a file of a megabyte or more, fairly efficiently.

Some of the designers of Unix used the metaphor of “software tools” to explain the difference between Unix programs and traditional app-model programs: rather than climbing into a bulldozer to interact with it exclusively for a while, you could pick up a shovel in one hand while wrenches and hammers hung from your belt. The software-tools approach became popular with programmers on non-Unix systems as well, but without the Unix shell and pipes, it was much clumsier. Too, the heavy costs of launching new programs on non-Unix systems made the software-tools approach much less efficient than on Unix.

The make program added to Unix in the late 1970s provides an automatic caching system for such reproducible batch computations, the paradigmatic example being recompiling a file of source code and relinking an executable when that file has changed. With make, the invocations of the compiler are usually automatic. You can also use it to cache a wide variety of staged data processing.

The architecture of the Unix C compiler itself also took advantage of the pipe facility to separate a macro preprocessor, the compiler as such, and the assembler into separate concurrent processes, making C considerably more expressive than other minicomputer programming languages of the 1970s.

After a few years, the “C shell” from Berkeley added filename completion and command-line editing to the Unix “REPL”, enabling incremental cut-and-try construction of command lines. As an example, in my shell history on this laptop, I have the following sequence as I incrementally excluded more types of files from my command-line listing:

ls | grep -v 'mkv$|vtt$'
ls | egrep -v 'mkv$|vtt$'
ls | egrep -v 'mkv$|vtt$|webm$'
ls | egrep -v 'mkv$|vtt$|webm$|mp4$'

The ls and egrep programs need not be interactive to support this kind of incremental experimentation; they need only take their input from the Unix shell command line rather than interactively.

The C shell also added “job control”, which allows a user using a teletype-emulating terminal to switch back and forth between one or more interactive apps and the shell, just as a GUI windowing system does.

The Unix shell, however, suffers some serious weaknesses. It’s almost useless for anything involving graphics, although you can do things like this:

$ gnuplot -e 'set term dumb size 60,15; plot x**2'

  100 **+----------+-----------+------------+---------+**   
   90 +**          +           +            +         **+   
   80 +-**                                 x**2 *******-+   
   70 +-+ **                                       ** +-+   
   60 +-+  **                                     **  +-+   
   50 +-+    **                                 **    +-+   
   40 +-+      **                             **      +-+   
   30 +-+        **                         **        +-+   
   20 +-+          ***                   ***          +-+   
   10 +-+          +  ****     +     ****   +         +-+   
    0 +-+----------+------***********-------+---------+-+   
     -10          -5           0            5           10

Instead of drawing blocky ASCII art, gnuplot can write your plot to a file or open it in a window, but in neither case do you get the alternating list of queries and answers you normally get in a REPL typescript.

The shell is also useless for anything that requires feedback with latency under a second, like adjusting spline control points of a vector graphic.

Finally, the shell typescript session inevitably contains errors and false starts mixed in indiscriminately with the actual useful results, limiting the usefulness of the typescript without further editing. On a teletype this was inevitable, but not on a computer screen.


Like most fashionable programmers, I do a lot of my work nowadays in IPython notebooks (more recently renamed Jupyter notebooks). These are Python REPL transcripts enhanced with a few major features:

  1. As in the Unix shell or the Python REPL, you can edit previous command lines. Unlike those systems, by default, the edited version replaces the original, and its output also replaces the original output. If you want both versions in your notebook, you can copy and paste into a new “cell”.
  2. The output from the command lines is not restricted to being text. It can include graphics, TeX markup for equations, and data tables, and often does. In fact, it can even support further graphical interaction through callbacks.
  3. Because the input and the output are distinguished — although they alternate, as in traditional REPL transcripts — it’s possible to re-execute some or all of the cells with new input data, or to attempt to reproduce the results after an incremental change. You can think of the contents of each cell as the input to a batch job. Reproducibility is fairly limited, though, for a variety of reasons. First, the IPython session state is an additional, invisible, constantly-changing input to the “batch job”. Second, the installed software and filesystem state are also potentially inputs, and they are also invisible and potentially changing.

You can also invoke other programming languages (including the Unix shell), include comments in Markdown with LaTeX equations, and a few other things, but those are not the most important advantages over the bare Unix shell in a terminal.

That is, the notebook is an alternative model for interacting with and integrating programs, different from apps, REST, batch processing, and teletype REPLs including the Unix shell.

The open operating system model

Before proceeding to talk about the new interaction model I’m exploring, I want to point out a few significant systems that don’t fit into the above interaction models: Smalltalk, Emacs, Cedar, and Oberon. In these systems, many separately developed “programs” are loaded into the same memory space and can interact with one another using function calls, and the user can interact with them by invoking functions from any of them at any time, and can also load more programs.

In Smalltalk, the system developed at Xerox PARC in the 1970s in which object-orientation was invented, not only each window on the screen but each letter is an object, which is to say, a tiny virtual computer with its own code and state, and each window’s code decides how to display it and how to react to events such as clicks. The difference from the apps model is that there’s no separation between the windows — it’s trivial to embed one “program” in another, call functions of one “program” from another, pass complex data objects from one “program” to another, and so on — like Windows OLE, but simple.

Cedar is a system developed at Xerox PARC in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a sort of improved alternative to Smalltalk and Interlisp, but with strong static typing and separate compilation. Cedar is not as well known as Smalltalk, in part because the software was never published, but its successor language Oak is unfortunately extremely popular.

After spending a couple of sabbatical years at Xerox PARC working on Cedar and its predecessor Mesa, Wirth went back to Switzerland and, with Gutknecht and others, wrote his own version of it from scratch, starting in 1988, based on his language Modula-3; this system is called Oberon, and it is free software.

XXX Inferno?

Emacs also uses this interaction model. Emacs Lisp is not object-oriented, but it has the notions of “major modes”, “minor modes”, “keymaps”, and “buffer-local variables”, which permit different windows to respond differently to interaction; and there are a number of popular programs written in Emacs Lisp, including Org-mode, Gnus, Magit, Eshell, Ediff, and Hyperbole, in addition to the basic IDE functionality Emacs was written for. Although Emacs has been suffering substantially in popularity in recent years, some of these programs are, or once were, best-in-class applications.

Lampson and Sproull published a 1979 paper in which they called a version of this system architecture an “open operating system” or “open system”, a term which has been reused for other purposes; they emphasized other aspects.

Mummified embedded apps

With that background out of the way, I’ve been hacking on Yeso, a simple framebuffer graphics input-output library, with the purpose of making it easy and direct to write graphical programs in any language that run pixel-identically on a variety of platforms. So far I only have X11 and Linux framebuffer console backends, but one of the next things I want to write for it is Wercam, a display server that uses Yeso itself, rather like Xnest, 8½, or Rio — it will allow Yeso apps to connect to it using a simple protocol and draw windows on its screen, and route events to them as appropriate.

This led me to ask: what kind of window management should it use? Should it use overlapping windows, like X, or alternate between giving different apps full control of the screen, like Android and IOS normally do?

And, of course, I’d been using notebooks for years, and Perry Lorier told me about a notebook-style shell he’s writing using curses. Unlike Jupyter/IPython, in which only one cell can be evaluating at a time (except that they can respond to callbacks), in his notebook-shell, each process gets its own pseudo-terminal, and it can continue running freely while you’re interacting with other processes.

So it occurred to me that maybe the window manager should be such a notebook-shell. If you start a program and it merely produces textual output and takes textual input, that would appear underneath your command, as per normal; but if a program opens a Yeso window, the window would be embedded in the notebook there, by default. Perry’s notebook-shell takes a program full-screen when it issues a clear-screen escape sequence; perhaps some similar action would be useful.

The Yeso calling interface is in rapid flux, changing about once a day for the last three weeks, but putting a colored rectangle on the screen can be done in C something like this:

#include <yeso.h>

int main()
  yeso w = yb_open("hola, mundo!", 64, 64, "");
  yi_fill(yb_framebuffer(w), 0xcc99cc);
  for (;;) yb_wait(w, 0);

On the Linux framebuffer console backend, that last line is somewhat unnecessary; it just makes the program hang until you kill it. On the X11 backend, it’s kind of mandatory, because otherwise the window closes immediately as the program exits; it probably won’t even be on the screen long enough for a screen refresh.

But preserving output from programs that are no longer running is sort of the sine qua non of REPLs and notebook interfaces. Maybe if Wercam uses a notebook interface for its window management, it should preserve the graphical output of the program, just as IPython preserves the graphical output of matplotlib plot commands that have plotted data. (Unless the user deletes them.) Wercam could actually do better than just save the last frame of output — because Yeso sends a sequence of full frames to the display, Wercam could record all the frames (up to some limit, by default) and allow you to fast-forward and rewind through the impromptu screencast.

Horcruxes or continuations

Having graphical output there in the notebook without a running process behind every scatterplot seems useful. But what if you want to zoom in on one of those plots later? How can you supply event-handling callbacks without a running IPython kernel or other process sitting there waiting to answer them?

Well, in the early days of the Web, clicking a link might launch a CGI program to generate the response document. Wercam could do something similar. What if the program left behind at its exit not only an image but also a sort of last will and testament, or perhaps a horcrux, giving a command to run to handle any new events, and perhaps a set of event types to ignore, such as mouse movements?

(Of course, for security reasons, that command should run only with the authority of the original program.)

At one point it would have been absurd to spawn a new Unix process for each mouse movement — it just took far too long. But my forkovh test on my laptop takes about 130 μs to fork a child process, written in C, which immediately dies, and then reap it. And httpdito takes about 30–50 μs to accept a connection, fork a child process, and then reap it. (The children handle HTTP requests, but that mostly happens on other cores.) Httpdito is faster probably because it’s not linked with the C library, so its memory map is much smaller. Linking forkovh with glibc boosts its latency to 670 μs.

Exec is significantly more expensive, although possibly a better operating system would help. Forking, executing, and waiting for a hello-world C program takes about 3 ms with glibc on my laptop (whether statically or dynamically linked), or 2 ms with dietlibc. On the Linux framebuffer, the Yeso PNG viewer takes 4 ms on small images. (Pentium N3700 1.6GHz at probably 500 MHz, Linux debian 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu.)

These latency numbers are not insignificant, but on a 60fps display like the one on my laptop, 2 milliseconds out of a 16.7 ms frame is not immediately fatal. I mean, USB mice are normally polled every 10 milliseconds, and 1 millisecond is the shortest polling interval USB supports.

But suppose respawning the program when there’s an input event, or maybe even after a specified timeout, is fast enough at the kernel level. Now the program needs to know the “session state” — if it’s redrawing a scatterplot in response to a zoom, for example, it needs to know the data points and plot colors. If it’s an interpreter, it needs the parsed program. If it’s a PDF viewer that renders nearby pages in the background to avoid delays, it needs access to the prerendered cache. And it needs all of this without having to redo precious milliseconds of deserialization every time.

It turns out that arrays of binary integers or floating-point numbers, written to files in native byte order, and memory-mapped, works really well for this kind of thing. On my laptop, mmap() on an already-open file takes about 4–6 μs. For more elaborately structured data, something like FlatBuffers, CapnProto, or SBE enables you to get similarly zippy speeds without having to pay a startup deserialization tax.

So perhaps the “session state” or “horcrux” in the notebook cell should be a filesystem directory with the crucial state saved in files that the program knows to open and map into its memory when restarted; essentially they are a mummified version of the live program’s non-ephemeral memory state, ready for instant rehydration and return to life. This is pretty similar to how Android saves the state of an Activity (an app, in Androidese) in a “bundle” in onSaveInstanceState and then passes that bundle to onCreate when it restarts the Activity; but Android “flattens” whatever you put into the bundle into a “parcel”, which is extra overhead that should probably be avoided in this context.

links to programs rehydrating with new versions of code declaring which UI events to handle delegating to other programs file managers publishing outputs in formats usable by other programs Launching transactions that may fail editing text files reducers, replay, and distribution
