How can we usefully cache screen images for incrementalization?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2013-05-17 (18 minutes)


Okay, so, if you write your program purely in terms of pure functions, you can memoize those functions, perhaps applying a global caching policy to their results to optimize throughput or limit expected latency. I've written about this a bit before.

You can do a bit better than pure functions: you can run arbitrary code with read-only access to the entire program state, as long as its access to that state is mediated by a sort of software-transactional-memory layer that records everything it reads. Then you can automatically invalidate the cached result whenever any of the state variables that fed into it are changed or invalidated.

I was thinking about trying to apply this paradigm to a smallish program this weekend, one which redraws the screen frequently. I'd like it to just redraw the relevant part of the screen. At the moment, I'm sending text and escape sequences to a tty, but more or less the same principles apply if you're updating a framebugger.

The program displays a spreadsheet-like table with editable text in the cells. Sometimes it updates the layout.

But most keystroke events result in a single letter being added to the screen, overwriting a blank space, or a single letter being replaced with a blank space; many others result in highlighting one cell of the table and unhighlighting another.

There are perhaps 100 characters per line and perhaps 20 lines on the screen, for about 2000 characters in total. The simplest way to make the program work is to redraw the whole screen after every keystroke, which does run acceptably fast on modern hardware. But this does something like 2000 times as much work as necessary: 22 Moore's Law years, taking us back to about 1980. It would be nice to find an approach to only redraw the changed part of the screen, not even the entire line.

Now, if you're only looking at the bytes coming out of the program, you can achieve this by redrawing an in-memory screen image, comparing it to the previous screen image, encoding the delta in bytes, and sending that to the tty. But that doesn't really touch the orders-of-magnitude issue.

Variable per character

You could have a couple of transactional-memory variables for each character position on the screen, and monitor a function for each of those characters. To update the screen, you'd see which characters had changed, and iterate over them sending them to the screen. This has presumably order-of-magnitude overheads, but it ought to be scalable.

What does the function for a character look like? Something like

char_to_show(x, y) = (highlight if is_current(cell_obj) else normal)(char)
    cell_obj, label_index = table_cell_covering(x, y)
    label = label_of(cell_obj)
    char = label[label_index] if label_index < length(label) else ' '

Each of these functions could reasonably be cached, but table_cell_covering is kind of a bear, because it depends on the current layout, which depends ultimately on the contents of every cell that isn't to the right:

table_cell_covering(x, y) = cells[col][y], dx
    col = find_col(x, 0)
    dx = x - col_start(col)

find_col(x, col) = col if found_col else find_col(x, col+1)
    found_col = (col == n_cols - 1 or col_start(col+1) > x)

col_start(col) = 0 if col == 0 else col_start(col-1) + col_width(col-1)
col_width(col) = col_width(col, n_rows)
col_width(col, row) = 0 if row == 0 else max(col_width(col, row-1), w)
    w = length(label_of(cells[col][row-1]))

Now, col_start can clearly be cached usefully: it has a small number of distinct argument values, and it depends ultimately only on the lengths of the labels of the columns of cells to the left of the requested position. You could alternatively cache col_width.

But that means that if you change the label of, say, the bottom left cell, the col_start values of every cell in the matrix needs to be revalidated --- just in case you changed the width of the first column. Usually you won't have, but if you did, the whole screen might need to be updated. You'd have to redo the col_start computation to see that it hadn't changed, and then, if you'd propagated an "invalidated" notification downstream to the find_col, table_cell_covering, and char_to_show computations, follow it up with a "revalidated" notification.

But that means you're delivering thousands of "revalidated" notifications, which is basically what you were trying to avoid in the first place.

How could you avoid this?

  1. Eagerness: instead of merely invalidating col_width(col, row) when you change cells[col][row-1], necessarily propagating the invalidation to col_width(col), col_start(col+1), and so on, you could simply re-evaluate col_width(col, row) immediately, probably coming up with the same value again and avoiding pushing the change further downstream.

  2. An idea that doesn't work: Deep validation checking: instead of propagating the invalidation flag to thousands of character positions, so that the operation of cache validation for char_to_show(x, y) is O(1), you could make the is-valid check on the character position dig into the dependencies and dependencies of dependencies of the character position, so that whenever you run the is-valid check on any of the changed character positions, it notices whether a relevant cached col_start value has changed. This doesn't work because it presupposes that you're iterating over all the thousands of character positions in order to figure out that you need to update only one character position on the screen, which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place.

  3. Aggregation: Instead of making each of the 2000 or so character positions a tracked variable, divide the screen into about sqrt(2000) regions: say, half a line each, which should give you about 40 variables. Then your initial invalidation notification ends up affecting, say, half the screen, but that's only about 20 invalidation notifications; and then you can iterate over those 20 chunks of visible text and figure out that 19 of them are still up-to-date, and the other one has changed, and redisplay its 50 characters. This means that you're doing about 100 things (including redisplaying 50 characters) instead of 2000, but that's still a long way from 1.

Side-effecting transactions: I don't think they'll work

In transactional memories used for concurrency control, your transaction code can choose any arbitrary variable in the STM to write to. Your writes are buffered, and if your transaction successfully commits, they become visible to later transactions, and if there are currently running concurrent transactions that have read the modified state variables, those other transactions are aborted.

By contrast, I've been proposing a purely-functional computational model here. The problem is that it's fairly absurd to think of going through a computation like this:

char_to_show(x, y) = (highlight if is_current(cell_obj) else normal)(char)
    cell_obj, label_index = table_cell_covering(x, y)
    label = label_of(cell_obj)
    char = label[label_index] if label_index < length(label) else ' '

table_cell_covering(x, y) = cells[col][y], dx
    col = find_col(x, 0)
    dx = x - col_start(col)

find_col(x, col) = col if found_col else find_col(x, col+1)
    found_col = (col == n_cols - 1 or col_start(col+1) > x)

in order to figure out what to draw in a single character position in a terminal, even if is_current, label_of, and col_start are all fully cached. (If you extrapolate this example to pixels, the problem is even worse.)

Consider, by contrast, this imperative push-based code:

show_cell(row, col) =
    cell = cells[col][row]
    label = label_of(cell)
    x = col_start[col]
    width = col_width[col]
    start = row * screen_width + x
    len = length(label)
    memcpy(&screenbuf[start], charptr(label), len)
    memset(&screenbuf[start + len], ' ', width - len)
    color = (highlight if is_current(cell) else normal)
    memset(&attrbuf[start], color, width)

This is doing about the same amount of work as the pull-based code above, but it's displaying the entire cell, not just a single character!

The basic problem here is that each cell of the table only affects a small number of character positions on the display. It's reminiscent of the problem with the functional stream-based "unfaithful Sieve of Eratosthenes" that Melissa O'Neill identified in her paper, The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes; where she says:

In Eratosthenes’s algorithm, we start crossing off multiples of 17
at 289 (i.e., 17× 17) and cross off the multiples 289, 306, 323,
. . . , 510, 527, making fifteen crossings off in total. .  . .

After finding that 17 is prime, the unfaithful sieve will check
all the numbers not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 or 13 for
divisibility by 17. It will perform this test on a total of
ninety-nine numbers (19, 23, 29, 31, . . . , 523, 527).

Analogously, to figure out what to draw at the character position (60, 4), my side-effect-free table-drawing code must ask whether column 60 is in table column 0, then whether it's in table column 1, and so on, until it finds the correct column; and then it must do the same computation again for column 61, and column 62, and so on. By contrast, the imperative algorithm can do the analogous computation with a simple array lookup, and then it can handle the entire string contents of the label with a simple memcpy, which processes several bytes per cycle.

So it would be nice to make this work. But I don't think it will, because of the invalidation problem inherent in imperative overwrites.

STM dependency tracking works because you don't need to know what other variables a transaction could conceivably have read or written, had it found different values in the variables it did read; if need be, you can abort and restart the transaction with the new variable values, and record its new behavior.

In this case, though, we're interested not only in the variables that the transaction did write to, but the variables it could have written to. In this case, for example, we'd like to know what screen positions our cell could have written to if the layout had been different: either the cell itself was wider, overwriting positions to its right, or the cells to its left were narrower, so it overwrote positions to its left.

This is an insoluble problem as long as the code running inside the transaction is written in a Turing-complete language. You could maybe do it if it's expressed in something more restrictive and "declarative", but this is enough to make me give up on this line of inquiry.

Composing the screen image from cacheable pieces

The problem with the above approaches is that you have lots of branching out in the dataflow graph: ultimately, the contents of every cell at least potentially affects the contents of every character position on the screen that isn't to its left.

What if we go the other way instead? Instead of branching out, we branch in: many table cells get turned into cacheable chunks of screen, which are composed into a screen image.

At first glance, this seems to be a non-solution: what do you do with the screen image? It's 2000 characters. Do you want to iterate over all of them?

Consider how you'd implement the label_of() function described above in a language like C, without thinking about caching, in particular for a cell whose label is really an integer, not simply a string; or maybe it's in a format like "t >> 6", where the 6 is an integer that can vary over time. You'd like to be able to cache the results.

You could dynamically allocate a string buffer, serialize the number into it (expanding it if necessary), and return the new string, attempting to communicate to the caller that they were responsible for deallocating it when they were done with it. (Maybe if your program was too efficient, you'd use reference counting.) But that's sort of wasteful; in the end, the string contents are going to get copied into some kind of screen image or something.

A disadvantage of the above method is that the cell can produce an arbitrarily long label, which means you need dynamic allocation, at least in principle. This is sort of silly if you're generating a label to fill a fixed-size space on the screen. You could use the interface provided by the read system call: when you call read, beyond telling it which file you want to read, you pass it a buffer pointer and a maximum length, and it writes your result into that buffer. Then you could pass the render-cell functions pointers to the relevant parts of your screen buffer.

For more flexibility, you could provide an "output" callback, which can be called, maybe more than once, to add characters to the label. This approach subsumes the previous two, since your output callback could simply add to a string buffer, but it could instead update a screen image. For caching purposes, we can consider the image produced by calls to the output callback to be the "return value" of your cell rendering function.

So suppose this is the interface we use for the things that generate parts of the screen contents: we pass in a "window" object to draw into, and we consider its dimensions part of the arguments for the sake of caching; it has a "subwindow" method that can be used to generate a smaller window to pass to subfunctions. Then we can do things this way:

image_of_table(win) = image_of_columns(win, n_cols)
image_of_columns(win, col) =
    if col > 0:
        start = col_start(col)
        image_of_columns(win.subwindow(width=start, col-1), col-1)
        image_of_column(win.subwindow(left=start, width=col_width(col)), col-1)
image_of_column(win, col) =
    if win.height > 0:
        image_of_column(win.subwindow(height=win.height-1), col)
        image_of_cell(win.subwindow(top=win.height-1), col, win.height-1)
image_of_cell(win, col, row) =
    color = highlight if is_current(cell) else normal[col][row]), color)
col_start(col) = 0 if col == 0 else col_start(col-1) + col_width(col-1)
col_width(col) = col_width(col, n_rows)
col_width(col, row) = 0 if row == 0 else max(col_width(col, row-1), w)
    w = length(label_of(cells[col][row-1]))

(The imperative syntax here is fairly grating. It would probably be clearer to write these as expressions of some kind.)

Here, if you update the label of the upper-left-hand cell, it will initially invalidate col_width of the first column, the image of that cell, the image of its column, and the images of every set of columns; but it will not immediately invalidate the images of each other column, nor the other cells in the same column. If the newly-recomputed col_width is the same, the images of the other cells in the column will also not need to be recomputed; and so the only call to will be for that single cell. The other cells and columns will be composited into the screen image in the same place they were before, which amounts to no change.

If you update a cell further down and to the right, the block of columns to its left remains cacheable, as do the block of cells above it — again, assuming they aren't invalidated by a changed col_width. In cases like this, you can reduce the number of invalidations by dividing screen regions up in a binary fashion rather than linearly:

image_of_column(win, first_row, col) =
    if win.height > 1:
        mid = win.height div 2
        image_of_column(win.subwindow(height=mid), first_row, col)
        image_of_column(win.subwindow(top=mid), first_row + mid, col)
    elif win.height == 1:
        image_of_cell(win, col, first_row)

(This strategy should be abstractable into higher-order functions for vertical and horizontal stacks.)

If the implementation of show actually stores its arguments into such a screen image, the updates to the screen image can be done without any heap allocation. However, if you're running a unified caching layer, you need to maintain the metadata that says which screen regions were produced by calling which functions with which arguments; in this case, there are about two or three such cache metadata nodes per cell that was displayed. I estimate that each such node is around 12 words, 48 bytes on a 32-bit machine, and the number of cells involved might be 100 — so 4800 bytes, less than three times the size of the screen in question. (And that's if you don't discard any of the nodes.) I'm not sure if there's a reasonable way to manage that metadata without dynamic allocation.

Now, suppose that our screen image isn't just a flat array of bytes (or two of them), but instead, a replicated object that produces a data stream of the updates made to it to an interested observer. When a call to is made, or if the cache copies data from one place in the screen image to another, the observer is informed.

Such an observer is just what you need to produce a stream of updates to send to a terminal emulator.

Generalizing and simplifying the screen-image example

So what do we have here? We seem to have constructed a sort of special-purpose cache manager for a certain kind of object, rectangular regions of a terminal screen. Was this necessary? How big is the benefit? And how many special-purpose cache managers will we want to make over time?
