Digital noise generators

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-10-28 (2 minutes)

The traditional approach to generating noise with a digital circuit is to use a maximal-length LFSR, which has the great advantage of using only a single bit operation per generated bit, although XOR is perhaps a somewhat more complicated bit operation than NAND or abjunction.

A crucial feature of the LFSR is that its state transitions are reversible; they do not lose information. Consequently its cycles form a partition of the state space; every state is the successor of some state, by a counting argument. In maximal-length LFSRs, there are two cycles: one of period 1, containing just the zero state, and one containing all the other states.

When thinking about generating digital noise on CPUs, it is interesting to think about other available reversible operations. For example:

These are, as it turns out, the usual building blocks of symmetric cryptosystems and hash functions.

What if we investigate the periods and spectra of the functions comprised of different sequences of these operations? Perhaps we could find something that was fast to execute on a CPU, but also provided long-period white noise.

Such techniques are also useful for hashing to, for example, generate Perlin noise.
