Notations for defining dynamical systems

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-10-03 (updated 2016-10-06) (6 minutes)

Playing with this scientific calculator and thinking about the Mill CPU and write-once memory (such as, roughly, NOR flash), and then spending some quality time with Gnumeric and watching Joel Spolsky and Martin Shkreli coax magic from Microsoft Excel, it occurred to me that there was maybe an interesting and expressive programming model that captures pointwise calculations on vectors as well as generalized prefix sums over them.

The programming model is as follows. You specify a sequence of updates to apparently scalar variables, such as

x := y + 1
z := z + x

These updates are run, in sequence, repeatedly.

As syntactic sugar, we use → for assignment, put the variable on the right side, make the assignment an expression and return its value from the assignment expression (as in Lisp or C), and support augmented assignment operators as in C, but spelled +→, -→, ·→, and so on. This allows us to abbreviate the above example as follows:

y + 1 → x +→ z

By itself, this is just a formalism for deterministic dynamical system evolution rules. But you might want to visualize a trajectory or the trajectories of a dynamical system, such as the famous Minsky circle:

x · k +→ y · k -→ x

This allows us to consider the dynamical system as a function from initial values to trajectories, which we could conceptualize as vectors of successive values taken by the different variables. From that point of view, we are no longer overwriting the previous value; we are merely appending to a vector of values.

Note that in particular this expression has a somewhat APLish meaning in this interpretation:

x + y → z

If x and y are vectors that something else is building at the same time, corresponding items in them will be added and the sums appended to z; if one of them is a scalar (i.e. a value that doesn’t change during the loop), then it will be added to each value of the other and the sums appended to z; if they are both scalars, then some undetermined number of copies of the sum will be appended to z.

From this point of view, it is natural to add an operator to look back in history, like Git’s ~ operator; HEAD is the current value of HEAD, while HEAD~1 is its previous value, and HEAD~2 is the value before that (equivalent to HEAD~1~1). For example, if we initially have two values in x, we could write linear extrapolation to the next value as follows:

2 · x - x~1 → x

As a more complex example, we can write the Goertzel algorithm as

x + b · s - s~1 → s - c · s~1 → y

where b is 2 cos ω₀ and c is exp(-i ω₀). Note that this is potentially confusing in that the expressions s and s~1 occur twice in the same formula with different meanings. It might be less confusing to write this as follows:

x + b · s - s~1 → s
s - c · s~1 → y

Now, in this form, this is sort of incomplete; if x decays to the latest value added to x, it only implements the Goertzel algorithm if stuff is getting added to x while the above code is running.

There are a couple of different ways we could handle that. One is that we could package the above code into a function, and define a function composition operation that implicitly gloms together the various state transition functions into a single evolution rule. A more conventional alternative would be to provide a while or foreach construct. In this case, due to the one-dimensionality of the temporal constructs described thus far, a foreach construct could pun the sequence with its iterator. If we use @, we get:

x @ x + b · s - s~1 → s - c · s~1 → y

This in some sense creates a new local variable x inside the scope of the loop (the right side of the operator) that is an alias for the nonempty prefixes of the original x on sequential iterations of the loop.

Augmenting this with a : sequence-construction operator like Octave’s (but zero-based), we now have a way to control the number of iterations of something like Minsky’s circle algorithm; we can write, for example:


However, I think it’s useful to consider evolution rules like x·k+→y·k-→x as entities in themselves rather than incomplete code snippets. It may be useful to compose them, perhaps with β-reduction and α-renaming, as part of a larger evolution rule involving more variables, or to attempt to differentiate them with respect to their inputs, or to attempt to find inverses for them, in general or from a particular point.

You could iterate over multiple sequences in parallel; vector dot product can be expressed as follows:

0 → t
u, v @ u · v +→ t

Nested loops make sense in only a few circumstances without adding a way to store arrays with more dimensions, but for example, here’s a time-domain FIR filter convolving x with kernel k, storing intermediate sums in a variable t:

:#k → n
x[#k:] @ 0 → t
         k, n @ x~n · k +→ t
         t → y

In an environment with very limited screen space, such as a scientific calculator or an Excel formula, you could write that without indentation, whitespace, or newlines:


That’s 36 characters, which should fit on the screen even on a fairly low-end scientific calculator.

This data model is more convenient in many cases than Excel’s, but somewhat less powerful, because it doesn’t natively support two-dimensional arrays. But maybe the right thing is actually to have this kind of merged native support for one-dimensional arrays and scalars, but require some kind of extra operation for two-dimensional arrays, the way C and Perl5 require an extra operation to dereference pointers.
