Editor buffers

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-07-15 (updated 2015-09-03) (16 minutes)

A text editor buffer is a potentially very large mutable string which you may want to make persistent, in the sense of storing to disk. One engineering problem, a less serious one than it once was, is how to implement this data structure efficiently, given that it needs to efficiently support arbitrary insertion and deletion, string search near the cursor, reading the region near the cursor, and moving the cursor to previous (or arbitrary) positions.

Text editor buffers also often contain associated metadata, including “markers” that you can efficiently jump the cursor to, which stay with the text they are attached to even when there are insertions and deletions elsewhere in the buffer. This means it is not sufficient to merely store an integer offset into the buffer as a marker; you must, at least, update that offset when there are insertions or deletions before it. There may be a pretty large number of markers, like, one per 16 bytes or so. You probably also need to be able to find the markers in a region of the buffer, like, for the purpose of storing line numbers. (Emacs markers only offer a subset of this functionality, because other primitives offer the other parts of it.)

This is also a reasonable description of the functionality a filesystem must provide, except that filesystems often do not support insertion and deletion in the middle of files efficiently. Nearly all, however, support appending to the end of files.

You could imagine a software system that elided these distinctions to some degree — where all your data was, conceptually, in a single sequence, into which you could insert data at any location, and which you could search through with impunity. Maybe you could even make it more efficient than current systems.

A byte array

The simplest data structure here is simply a contiguous byte array, reallocated when growing is needed. This used to be unusably slow, but now CPUs can memmove() 5 gigabytes per second, so now you’re doing OK up to about 100 megabytes without doing anything special — you can memmove() 100 megabytes after every keystroke with barely detectable latency.

Gap buffers

A refinement of the raw byte array approach is the “gap buffer” approach, used by Emacs, where you leave a gap in the middle of the array where the cursor is. Moving the cursor (or, rather, inserting or deleting text in a new location) involves moving the gap, or rather moving text from one side of the gap to the other, but inserting or deleting text at the gap generally just involves adjusting the gap size. This means you only have to memmove() the 100 megabytes after every thousandth keystroke or whatever. (At the moment, my Emacs buffer gap is 1737 bytes.) This is quite fast, and it’s from the at least 1970s (and may date back to Expensive Typewriter), although in the 197s0 it was 80 kilobytes instead of 100 megabytes that you could move without the user getting annoyed.

As usual with things that are amortized cheap but occasionally expensive, you can make gap movement incremental at the cost of more memory usage and complexity. You need to keep track of a set of edits pending integration into the buffer (because the gap hasn’t reached them yet), move the gap incrementally towards those edits (during idle time and during each keystroke), and include special cases in anything that reads the buffer to check the edits-pending-integration. Nobody does this, because instead they break things up into smaller pieces:

A single level of indirection

Supposing that your 100 megabytes or whatever are not enough (I have 16 gigabytes of RAM on my laptop, and plenty of files bigger than that). The next thing to try is to divide the buffer into a linear sequence of pieces, managed with, say, an array of pointers, or an array of structs. (For example, each piece’s struct might contain a start pointer, a gap start offset, a gap end offset, and a total length. On a 64-bit machine, it would be reasonable for the first to be 8 bytes and the others to be 4 bytes, for a total of 24 bytes with padding.)

This is basically what the STL deque class does. It’s also the approach taken by Finseth’s editor Mince.

How many pieces to use? The general rule for this kind of thing is that you can reduce things that take O(N) work to O(√N) by dividing them into O(√N) pieces, so that the indirection table is about the same size as the pieces. In this case, if you have, say, a 128-gibibyte buffer, you could divide it into 2-mebibyte pieces, and there will be 65536 of them, and so your array of piece descriptors will take up about 1.5 mebibytes. This means that moving the buffer gap in any one of the pieces will take at most (2 mebibytes / 5 gigabytes per second) ≈ 0.4ms; moving a piece will take the same; and splitting a piece additionally involves inserting into the middle of that 65536-item array, which could take up to another 0.3ms or so. So the worst case is 0.7ms, and the average case (assuming the gap moves randomly) is half of that.

This is more or less the optimum piece size for this size of buffer. If you use smaller pieces, like 1 mebibyte, then moving the gap in a piece or splitting a piece will take less time, but updating the indirection array will take more time — a total of 0.8ms worst-case in that case. If you use larger pieces, like 4 mebibytes, updating the indirection array will take less time, but splitting the piece or moving it will take more time — a total of about 1ms worst-case in this case. Both of these numbers are worse than 0.7ms, but the threshold where this starts to matter to interactive response is where it becomes a significant fraction of a 17ms screen refresh.

Probably splitting pieces is much less common than moving the buffer gap a long way, so you might want to use somewhat smaller pieces in the interest of improving average-case response at the expense of worst-case response.

You can, of course, divide smaller buffers into smaller pieces.

If you’re dealing with on-disk data instead of in-RAM data, you have to deal with both lower data rates and high latency. Reading or writing 2 mebibytes of data on spinning rust takes about 35ms, and seeking to it takes another 8ms or so, so the piece-splitting operation mentioned above that takes 0.7ms in RAM might take 90ms on spinning rust. Worse, some disks are bigger than 128 gibibytes.

To deal with that kind of horror without nosing up into human-detectable operation times, we need to do better than O(√N). We need O(log N), and for that we need multiple levels of indirection:

B-trees, or multiple levels of indirection

B-trees are usually explained as an N-ary version of balanced binary search trees, a kind of ordered dictionary that’s more amenable to sequential access than red-black trees and whatnot. But you can also use them for things that are just plain sequences. Each child pointer carries with it the total length of the sequence below it, so that you can index through the child pointers of a node until you find the pointer that contains the position you’re interested in.

How many levels do you need? For spinning-rust usage, you probably want your B-tree nodes to be around half a mebibyte (so that you don’t waste most of your time waiting for the head to seek to them); if your pointers and sizes are 40 bits, then a node holds about 48000 pointers, for about 23.4 gibibytes of child nodes, or 1.17 tebibytes of grandchild nodes. So basically with two levels of indirection you can get anything in two seeks and insert anywhere in three seeks and a mebibyte and a half.

For in-RAM usage, like for a traditional editor buffer, you probably want a lower branching factor and correspondingly deeper tree. For example, if we take our node size to be nominally 512 bytes and pointers to be 8 bytes, then our nodes have 64-way branching, or 32-way if they include the child weights. 128 gibibytes of buffer is 256 mebi-leafnodes, so you have up to five levels of branching, and about 1/31 of your RAM is taken up by internal nodes.

The leafnodes could still, if you wish, use buffer gaps. But it’s no longer essential. Copying up to 512 bytes after every keystroke (and updating up to six ancestor weights) is not very expensive.

For more usual buffer sizes, you need less levels of indirection. 8 megabytes is only 16 kibi-leafnodes, so 528 internal nodes in a three-level tree suffices.

Compressed RAM

With the increasing gap between RAM speed and CPU speed, and the advent of new very-high-speed compression algorithms like LZ4, it’s becoming reasonable to compress in-RAM data that isn’t immediately being used; it’s often faster to spend the CPU to decompress it than it is to take the locality hit of copying it from main memory.


You’ll note in the discussion about on-disk data structures that there was little discussion of locality of reference for writing, no discussion of fragmentation, and no discussion of crash recovery. We blithely assumed that updating in place presented no problems. Similarly, in the discussion of updating ancestor weights in RAM, there was no discussion of concurrency. And undo, of course, was taken for granted.

In practice, of course, these problems are ubiquitous. One way to solve them (at the cost of unpredictable memory usage) is to never modify data in place: instead, always write new copies of the data, and eventually garbage-collect the old data once it’s no longer used. This makes your data structures “persistent” in the functional-programming sense — you can reference their old state simply by keeping a reference to it, which makes undo quite simple — and allows you to choose where to write the updates to, which helps with fragmentation and write bandwidth. This is the approach behind the NetApp WAFL, behind Ousterhout’s Berkeley LFS, and also behind the “rope” data structure from Xerox PARC’s Cedar, which made its way into the SGI STL in a reference-counted form.

If you strictly follow these rules for B-trees, every byte you insert or delete involves creating a whole new set of treenodes up to the root. In our 128-gibibyte-buffer-with-six-levels-of-treenodes case, this is 3 kibibytes of data — plenty fast enough for keystroke response, but 3072 times bigger than the keystroke being written. It’s going to give your garbage collector a headache, even though it won’t trip any write barriers. There are a variety of different ways of solving this, including zippers.

The standard rope approach to this is to use unbalanced binary trees rather than B-trees, so that you only need a couple of small treenodes gluing together the parts of your buffer you aren’t editing with the new string you’re inserting. This way you need, say, 40 bytes of freshly allocated data to record each new keystroke, instead of 3072.

One of the simplest approaches, though, is to batch up a pending update until it’s big enough to be worth it.

Update logs

In transaction processing, this is sometimes called a “side file”: you log the inserts, updates, and deletes in a small file “to the side of” your main database. Any query must take care to ensure that its results take the changes in the side file into account, which typically involves traversing the side file sequentially; or you can maintain an updated version of the relevant part of the database in non-immutable memory.

This is more or less the approach that WAFL originally took to keep its disk write bandwidth manageable: it would buffer changes (in battery-backed RAM) until the once-per-second timer fired and it wrote a snapshot to disk.

In the case of a text editor, it would seem that a gap-buffer representation for the particular part of the buffer you’re currently modifying should enable modification to proceed with very high efficiency; once the modifications are complete and you move elsewhere, they could be recorded in new B-tree nodes.


All of the above, however, disregards the problem of markers. If you have 128 gibibytes of text in your editor buffer, you might have 8 gibi-markers. It’s no good if adding a character to your 512-byte leafnode is efficient if that requires you to increment 4 billion markers!

It’s not obvious how to solve this problem scalably. But there is a way.

If you take the Mince approach, an array of separate 2-mebibyte gap-buffer pieces, maybe you could associate a separate marker table with each piece, containing the marker’s physical position in that piece. This requires up to 65536 lookups to find a marker, and updating up to 131072 marks when the gap moves. (You’d probably want to doubly-index the marker table so that you can usually update fewer.) These sound like ridiculous numbers, but they’re probably in the same ballpark as the cost of moving the gap normally.

In a mutable B-tree, though, there’s a much more interesting possibility. Suppose a mark stores the addresses of all six of the nodes on its path down from the root, plus the byte offset into the leaf node. A mutation to nodes on that path might alter the offset within the node at which the pointer to the child is found, but it won’t alter the value of that child pointer, so the mark remains valid. Only if the leaf node is mutated, or if a node it traverses is split so that the child is no longer present, will the mark need updating. And we could index the marks by these addresses so that we can find the marks that need updating when we’re splitting a node.

We could go further, though. Suppose every node has a parent pointer. Now, the mark can simply consist of a pointer to the leaf node that it points into and an offset into that leaf node, and that leaf node can have a list of marks associated with it. No mutations higher in the tree will require updating the mark; updating the leaf node may require updating the mark, but finding it is easy.

This is THE SOLUTION to the scalable editor buffer problem.
