Text editor design for e-ink displays

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-10-28 (23 minutes)

(Previously published at http://canonical.org/~kragen/eink-design.)

NinjaTrappeur built the Ultimate Writer, a cypress TV typewriter for undistracted writing, and reports that writing in it is tolerable despite the e-ink display’s 3-second update delay, but editing is intolerable.

If you want to design a text editor for low-power e-ink displays, you probably want to minimize the number of pixels you update per character (and especially minimize full-screen refreshes) and also avoid unexpected full-screen refreshes. That’s because full screen updates take longer than partial screen updates and because they use a lot more energy.

This means that running vi or even ed on a standard terminal emulator is not going to work very well. Scrolling the whole screen up every time you want to display a new line at the bottom involves a waste of time and energy.

Variations of scrolling

You can get a substantial improvement over scrolling, without changing the underlying typewriter model of ed/ex, in at least a couple of ways: the ntalk/Tek4014 approach and the Emacs approach.

In ntalk, when your typing reached the bottom of your text window, you would wrap back around to the top, which would erase a couple of lines there. Erasing then proceeded one line at a time, always leaving a blank line below the text you were currently typing and above the oldest surviving text. No text ever moved; it remained until it was erased. This was a good match for the capabilities of “intelligent” terminals like the ADM3A which could put text anywhere on the screen but had no way of moving it once it was there.

The Tektronix 4014 did something similar, except that it had two columns (the screen was wide enough that typical lines of text fit into a single column) and couldn’t do partial display erases — its “direct-view bistable storage tube” could only be erased all at once, although it permitted incremental drawing. So if you wrapped around to the first column again, you usually needed to request a screen erase in order to see more text.

In Emacs, when you reach the bottom of a window and try to go further down, it scrolls — but not by a single line. Instead, it scrolls by a whole half screenful. This is more expensive than the ntalk approach, and it does involve a full screen refresh (slow on either e-ink or the serial lines common when GNU Emacs was being designed), but it’s a reasonable balance of efficiency and hysteresis:

  1. If you’re typing lines one after another in this system, each line gets displayed twice: once when you initially type it, and a second time when it scrolls up by half a screenful. After a second scrolling event, it’s no longer visible. This thus implies a multiplier of 2× over the minimal possible expense of displaying and erasing the line once, as in the ntalk approach. This compares to 30× for the standard line-by-line approach, if the display is 30 lines high.

  2. If you’re moving down, and then you decide to move back up, this does not require scrolling, unless you move up by an entire half-window-height. The maximum possible distance over which you could avoid scrolling would be a whole window height, which is what the usual scrolling algorithm provides.

So, the Emacs approach provides half the hysteresis of the best possible hysteresis, and half the efficiency of the best possible efficiency.

However, the problem with editing doesn’t end with an efficient simulation of a teletype.

Editing and repainting

Screen editors like vim and Emacs display a window onto the document you’re editing on your display and keep it constantly updated; the slogan at the time was “WYSIWYG”, “what you see is what you get”. (Later that slogan was repurposed to distinguish editors that did on-screen justification and multiple fonts, rather than displaying raw markup.) For changes that amount to adding or removing text at the beginning or end of the document, or overwriting text in the middle, the only required repainting of existing text consists of scrolling, which can be minimized as described above. But most changes in screen editors consist of inserting or deleting text in the middle of a document. In the WYSIWYG paradigm, this requires repainting a lot of existing text either after every new line or even after every keystroke, which is a major cost on these displays.

The pre-WYSIWYG editor paradigm was the “line editor” paradigm, exemplified by ed, ex, or EDLIN. Line editors are designed for teletypes: you type lines of commands at them, and they “print” lines of results back at you, always adding lines at the bottom. You could clearly use this approach with one of the “variations of scrolling” mentioned above.

However, it won’t be very efficient, because sooner or later you’ll want to see if you modified the text the way you intended. And the only way the line-editor paradigm has to show it to you is for you to “print out” some lines, including both modified and unmodified text. So you may end up redisplaying the same unmodified text several times within the same screenful of typeout, which is an inefficient use of e-ink, and furthermore of screen real estate, unless the edit history was really what you wanted to focus on, as opposed to the end result.

Here’s a short example ex session, although it’s using the somewhat ersatz implementation of ex included in vim. Note the abundance of redundant text repaints:

$ ex eink-design
"eink-design" [noeol] 108L, 5582C
Entering Ex mode.  Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.
However, the problem with editing doesn’t end with an efficient
E163: There is only one file to edit
However, it won’t be very efficient, because sooner or later you’ll

:/However, it
However, it won’t be very efficient, because sooner or later you’ll
However, it won’t be very efficient, because sooner or later you’ll
want to see if you modified the text the way you intended.  And the
only way the line-editor paradigm has to show it to you is for you to
“print out” some lines, including both modified and unmodified text.
So you may end up redisplaying the same unmodified text several times
within the same screenful of typeout, which is an inefficient use of
e-ink, and furthermore of screen real estate, unless the edit history
was really what you wanted to focus on, as opposed to the end result.

vi, as opposed to vim, was largely written on an ADM-3A, which didn’t
have any capability of moving around text that was already on the
display; the best you could do was to 
E501: At end-of-file
display; the best you could do was to 
:s/$/ redraw it in a new place./
display; the best you could do was to  redraw it in a new place.
:s/  / /
display; the best you could do was to redraw it in a new place.
Perhaps as a result, in vi, when you use the “c” change command,
which deletes a specified span of text and puts you in insert
mode to type new text to replace it with, vi doesn’t delete the
text on the display, shifting the following text to the left.
Instead, it marks the end of the deleted text with a `$`, and
no text moves unless you insert more text than was deleted.
was really what you wanted to focus on, as opposed to the end result.

vi, as opposed to vim, was largely written on an ADM-3A, which didn’t
have any capability of moving around text that was already on the
display; the best you could do was to redraw it in a new place.
Perhaps as a result, in vi, when you use the “c” change command,
which deletes a specified span of text and puts you in insert
mode to type new text to replace it with, vi doesn’t delete the
text on the display, shifting the following text to the left.
Instead, it marks the end of the deleted text with a `$`, and
no text moves unless you insert more text than was deleted.
"eink-design" 114L, 5987C written

Blanks and strikethrough

vi, as opposed to vim, was largely written on an ADM-3A, which didn’t have any capability of moving around text that was already on the display; the best you could do was to redraw it in a new place. Perhaps as a result, in vi, when you use the “c” change command, which deletes a specified span of text and puts you in insert mode to type new text to replace it with, vi doesn’t delete the text on the display, shifting the following text to the left. Instead, it marks the end of the deleted text with a $, and no text moves unless you insert more text than was deleted. It doesn’t even remove the deleted text from the screen until you leave insert mode. This reduces repaint traffic considerably on terminals like the ADM-3A.

On an e-ink display, something like vi’s approach here might be useful, but we could carry it further. For example, if you start inserting into the middle of a line, we could open up a big blank for you to type in, maybe half the length of the line. It might look like this, using | for the cursor (which wouldn’t really take up space) and displaying successive screen states on successive lines:

On an e-ink display, something like| might be
On an e-ink display, something like |_______________________________________ might be
On an e-ink display, something like vi’s ap|________________________________ might be
On an e-ink display, something like vi’s approach h|________________________ might be
On an e-ink display, something like vi’s approach here|_____________________ might be
On an e-ink display, something like vi’s approach here______________________ mi|ght be

This way, there’s a single erase and repaint of “might be” at the beginning of the process, and perhaps another one later if you type enough into the blank, followed by a final one when the system decides you’re done editing there, perhaps because you moved to a different line, or started inserting text somewhere else:

On an e-ink display, something like vi’s approach here might be

For deletion rather than insertion, you could use strikethrough analogously to avoid moving other text around, as Microsoft Word does in Track Changes mode. If the text previously read “something like this might be”, and the user deleted "this", it might display at that point as follows:

On an e-ink display, something like t̶h̶i̶s̶| might be

The horizontal insertion space may not be adequate once text has to move vertically as well as horizontally to accommodate your edit. In that case, you might want to do something analogous vertically: open up half a screenful of blank space in order to insert new text into, expanding it a half-screenful at a time. You’d probably want to mark it somehow to indicate that it “wasn’t real”.

This scheme is fairly close to the buffer-gap scheme Emacs uses internally to represent its text buffers. In order to avoid having to move text around in RAM after every character inserted, it maintains a gap after the last character inserted; whenever a character is inserted somewhere else, it moves the gap by copying text as necessary from one end of it to the other. It normally maintains only a single gap, and it can be arbitrarily large, since it doesn’t need to worry about keeping the two ends of the gap close enough together that you can see them at the same time.

Double-spaced text

A disadvantage of all of the above approaches is that any text insertion in the middle will involve some repainting of text in order to open up a space for it. The traditional typewriter-era approach to this problem was to type the manuscript originally “double-spaced”, with a blank line in between each pair of lines of text, in order to allow sufficient space for markup to include text to be added. With this approach, the above-explained edit would start looking like the following:

text from the screen until you leave insert mode.  This reduces

repaint traffic considerably on terminals like the ADM-3A.

On an e-ink display, something like might be

useful, but we could carry it further.  For example, if you start

And the insertion might leave it looking like the following, with a caret positioned below the insertion point and the inserted text above:

text from the screen until you leave insert mode.  This reduces

repaint traffic considerably on terminals like the ADM-3A.

                                    vi’s approach here   
On an e-ink display, something like might be
useful, but we could carry it further.  For example, if you start

This approach avoids any need to redisplay existing text to accommodate small insertions.

Another approach along the same lines would be to pop up a speech balloon or something over the existing text to contain the edit, although this obscures some of the existing text. For example:

text from the screen until you leave insert mode.  This reduces
repaint traffic considerably on termi̲n̲a̲l̲s̲_l̲i̲k̲e̲_t̲h̲e̲_A̲D̲M̲-̲3̲A̲̲.̲_____
On an e-ink display, something like|/ight be
useful, but we could carry it further.  For example, if you start

For grayscale displays, it might help to make the popup balloon translucent, display the text within in a larger size, and filter the text to soften its edges, all with the intent of leaving the obscured text readable.

Cursor display and movement

A separate problem is that the long display latency makes it hard to tell what your cursor is pointing at when you’re moving it around in text. This is a problem I have a lot of experience with in vi, which I used to use routinely over modem connections with tens of seconds of latency, and I still use routinely over Tor connections with seconds of latency. vi was originally developed under conditions that often included seconds of latency due to not only modem bandwidth but also host machine load, and its command set copes well with this situation.

The basic problem is that, under these conditions, you can’t position the cursor effectively using arrow keys (or vi’s hjkl), and you can’t delete text with the backspace key, especially if you’re using key repeat (“Typematic”, to use IBM’s trademark), because those depend on closed-loop control. The long and unpredictable latency in the feedback control loop between your fingers and your eyes means that you face a painful tradeoff between long settling times and overshoot: if the cursor hasn’t reached the desired point and you press the arrow key one more time, you may have caused it to move past the desired point if you didn’t wait long enough.

The solution is to use movement commands that are convergent and at a sufficiently high level to not depend on tight closed-loop control. “Convergent” means that commands cause similar editor states to converge to a single editor state, so initial divergences between the editor state and the user’s belief about it, due to the latency, will not compound over time. So, for example, the { command moves back by a paragraph. If you believe you’re on the third line of the paragraph, but you’re actually on the line below the paragraph, it will still take you to the same point before the beginning of the paragraph, eliminating your error. The Vim command ci( similarly replaces the entire contents of the () parentheses you are within with whatever you type next; it doesn’t matter if those parentheses contained 20 or 25 characters, or whether you were on the first or tenth character of the parenthesized expression, the same text gets replaced either way. At a more trivial level, the

These commands, unfortunately, impose a substantial cognitive load and a great deal of practice to use effectively. Jef Raskin’s design of “LEAP”, a single quasimodal movement command, enjoys the advantages of being strongly convergent and fairly high level, but with a much lower cognitive load.

Briefly, LEAP is similar to the incremental-search found in Emacs and Vim; Raskin’s Canon Cat keyboard has two LEAP keys to be pressed with the thumbs, one on the left for searching backwards and one on the right for searching forwards, which initiate the search when the user begins pressing them and terminate it when the user releases them. In either case, the user is left at the beginning of the matched text, rather than the end, so there is no penalty for typing more characters than needed, and no special provision is needed for special characters such as newlines.

Raskin claimed that in user tests LEAP was substantially faster than using a mouse to navigate text. I haven’t done the rigorous tests he claims to, but from my experience, this claim seems plausible to me.

The Cat had no ↑↓ keys, just ←→ “creep” keys and the LEAP keys, the idea being that if the user was moving far enough to need ↑↓, they’d be faster if they didn’t have the cognitive load of making a decision between arrow keys and LEAP.

E-ink latency is long, but it’s shorter than the kinds of latency vi can cope with. I think LEAP might be a good way to position a cursor quickly on an e-ink display without needing to see the cursor in order to know precisely where it was.

Deletion is more problematic, since LEAPing from one end to the other of the text to delete is usually going to be far too much overhead.

I routinely use ^W in terminals and vim, and Alt-⇐ or Ctrl-⇐ in Emacs, to delete the entire previous word; this is generally much more efficient than deleting just the incorrect letters and retyping them, and often more efficient than going back a word or two to insert a corrected word. It’s often easier just to retype the last few words.

Explicit screen refreshes

When I first used AutoCAD (2.14K+ADE), it was on an IBM PC-XT. The XT was capable of executing about 250,000 16-bit instructions per second, with a 320×200 CGA graphics display and an 80×25 MDA text display side by side. Redrawing the entire contents of the CGA monitor from the in-memory CAD drawing typically required a second or two. Therefore, it was undesirable to perform a redraw after every mouse movement, or even after every new line or arc added to or removed from the drawing. Consequently, AutoCAD on this platform would update the display with an approximation of the change; rubberband lines and arcs for the mouse were drawn with XOR so they could be quickly erased, newly drawn lines would overwrite whatever other lines were on the display (even if they were in a layer below them), and deletion of lines and arcs was reflected by drawing them in the background color, leaving visible holes at any intersection. These operations could be done many times per second, permitting a real-time interactive feel.

(A more difficult problem was choosing points on the screen with the mouse, since the display resolution was insufficient to make anything other than very crude drawings by eye. Typically I would specify INT or TAN or whatever on the keyboard, and then point with the mouse to indicate the intersection of which things, or tangent to which arc; or I would directly enter relative coordinates in polar or rectangular form.)

When the damage to the drawing on the screen made it sufficiently difficult to see what was going on, you would issue the REDRAW command from the keyboard, which has the merit of being possible to type without removing your right hand from the mouse. There were other operations that also required a redraw, notably zooming and panning the drawing.

(This kind of pragmatic and very clever compromise was what made it possible for Autodesk to sell a usable CAD system in the early 1980s on hardware costing a tenth of what existing CAD systems cost.)

Since a screen refresh on the Ultimate Writer takes some 3000 milliseconds, it’s in the same ballpark as this PC-XT with AutoCAD, so it might be worth using a similar approach to screen updating: do a full-screen refresh only when the user requests it explicitly, or when you’re displaying most of a screenful of new information.

Several of the choices suggested above include a non-WYSIWYG display of edits: line-mode editing, strikethrough, speech balloons, double-spaced interlineal markup, large insertion blanks, and so on. The idea is that these reduce the visual feedback latency from the 3000 milliseconds NinjaTrappeur is suffering now to a mere 600 or so, so that you can reasonably do edits. But it should be easy for the user to request a WYSIWYG redisplay whenever they want to see the final result of the edit and are willing to wait the requisite seconds.
