Enumerating binary trees and their elements

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (4 minutes)

Raphael Finkel's book says, "Enumerating binary trees (see Chapter 2) is quite difficult in most languages, but quite easy in CLU." Of course I am not enthusiastic about the idea that CLU has any merits not shared by my own favorite languages, and so I am curious how hard it would be in, say, Python or Scheme.

So, I thought, enumerating the binary trees of a particular size should be fairly straightforward in Python:

# With a generator.
def enum_bin_tree(n):
    if n == 0:
        yield None
    for leftsize in range(n):
        for left_tree in enum_bin_tree(leftsize):
            for right_tree in enum_bin_tree(n - leftsize - 1):
                yield left_tree, right_tree

# With a multi-for list comprehension.
def enum_bin_tree_eager(n):
    if n == 0: return [None]
    return [(left_tree, right_tree)
            for leftsize in range(n)
            for left_tree in enum_bin_tree_eager(leftsize)
            for right_tree in enum_bin_tree_eager(n - leftsize - 1)]

# With a simple nested loop.

def enum_bin_tree_simple(n):
    if n == 0: return [None]
    rv = []
    for leftsize in range(n):
        for left_tree in enum_bin_tree_simple(leftsize):
            for right_tree in enum_bin_tree_simple(n - leftsize - 1):
                rv.append((left_tree, right_tree))
    return rv

Or in Scheme:

(define (enum-bin-tree n)
  (if (= n 0) '(())
      (mapappend (lambda (left-size)
                   (mapappend (lambda (left-tree)
                                (map (lambda (right-tree)
                                       (list left-tree right-tree))
                                     (enum-bin-tree (- (- n left-size) 1))))
                              (enum-bin-tree left-size)))
                 (iota n))))
(define (iota n) (iotaplus (- n 1) '()))
(define (iotaplus n rest) 
  (if (< n 0) rest (iotaplus (- n 1) (cons n rest))))
(define (mapappend fn lst)
  (if (null? lst) '()
      (append (fn (car lst)) (mapappend fn (cdr lst)))))

Then I looked at Finkel's pseudo-CLU version; it is 24 lines, compared to 14 for the Scheme version and 6-8 for the Python versions. However, it happens to be very similar to the first (7-line) Python version above; the only differences in the algorithm are the position of the -1 and its use of side effects in place of constructing new tree nodes.

A variant of the approach above can be used to enumerate the sentences of a given length in at least some context-free languages; the tricky part is making sure that the recursion terminates. I think it will work for grammars with no epsilon-productions and no cycles in which a nonterminal can expand to itself A -> A. I'm not quite sure if it can be expanded to include those languages; I'm pretty sure allowing the cycles don't add any power (you can rewrite the grammar to an equivalent grammar without them) but I'm not sure about the epsilon-productions.

Enumerating binary search tree keys

Another example Finkel's book gives, which is perhaps more to the point, is comparing two binary trees to see if their nodes have the same value in inorder traversal. This is very similar to the samefringe problem, in that the recursive formulation of inorder traversal is very straightforward:

def inorder_traverse(fn, bintree):
    if type(bintree) is type(()):
        left, middle, right = bintree
        inorder_traverse(fn, left)
        inorder_traverse(fn, right)

A nonrecursive procedural formulation, on the other hand, is considerably more opaque.

def inorder_traverse_nr(fn, bintree):
    stack = [("node", bintree)]
    while stack:
        action, arg = stack.pop()
        if action == "node":
            if type(arg) is type(()):
                left, middle, right = arg
                stack.push(("node", right))
                stack.push(("visit", middle))
                stack.push(("node", left))
        else:                           # action == "visit"

And if you want to be able to get those items on demand, for example so that you can compare them with the items being produced from another such traversal, you end up structuring it into some objects:

class Inorder_Iterator:
    def __init__(self, bintree): self.stack = [Node(bintree)]
    def next(self):
        if self.stack: return self.stack.pop().next(self)
        raise StopIteration
    def push(self, other): self.stack.push(other)
    def __iter__(self): return self
class Node:
    def __init__(self, bintree): self.node = bintree
    def next(self, stack):
        if type(self.node) is type(()):
            left, middle, right = self.node
        return stack.next()
class Visit:
    def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
    def next(self, stack): return self.val

By contrast, Python generators let you write this:

def inorder_traverse(bintree):
    if type(bintree) is type(()):
        left, middle, right = bintree
        for item in inorder_traverse(left): yield item
        yield middle
        for item in inorder_traverse(right): yield item

That's 6 lines of code instead of the 19 of the explicit object version. Both are noticeably shorter, however, than the 25-line pseudo-Simula version with coroutines that Finkel presents (in chapter 2, subsection 2, p.33, figure 2.8).
