Fast gsave

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-11-27 (5 minutes)

I was reading TeX: The Program, and in §§220 et seq. explaining eqtb and in particular §§268–284, I found the solution to implementing PostScript’s gsave operator efficiently in an interpreter, a solution that’s more efficient than either deep binding or the usual approach to shallow binding.

gsave saves the drawing parameters on a stack of drawing parameters, including not just the current path, but also things like the current clipping path, the current line dashing pattern, the current line join, the current line width, the current color, and so on, which change relatively rarely. Later, they can be restored with grestore. This allows code inside the gsave/grestore pair to change these parameters with impunity.

Now, the standard shallow binding approach to this problem is to allocate a new saved-graphics-context object on the saved-graphics-context stack, copy the entire current-graphics-context to it, and then continue. To restore, you copy the saved-graphics-context on top of the stack over the current-graphics-context. This means that accessing the variables in the current graphics context is fast, because they’re always in the same location in memory in the current-graphics-context. (A slight variation of this accesses those variables directly on the top item on the stack, thus making access to them indexed off the stack pointer, which was slower on old machines but is pretty much just as fast nowadays.) But, with this approach, gsave and grestore are fairly slow.

The deep-binding alternative, as I understand it, is to maintain the graphics context as a stack of setting-value pairs. To access a graphics-context variable, you search down the stack until you find it. This is slow, but gsave and grestore are much faster, since they don’t need to copy anything. But it’s somewhat hairier than deep binding in its original Lisp context, where you’re pushing some new bindings onto the stack, because gsave doesn’t have a list of graphics parameters to override; it just arranges for later graphics parameter changes to be pushed onto the stack.

How can you implement this? Presumably you need to tag each name-value pair on the graphics parameter stack with the gsave level it belongs to. gsave increments the level and saves the stack pointer, and operators like moveto or setlinejoin first search the stack to find an entry, then check to see if its tag matches the current level. If it matches, they can just overwrite the value with the new value; if it doesn’t match, they need to push the new level on the parameter stack. grestore then restores the stack pointer and decrements the level.

So variable access is slow, but gsave and grestore are fast, since they hardly do any work. This is not a good tradeoff because you commonly do several graphics operations per gsave/grestore pair, often very many, and those operations typically access several graphics parameters each.

But wait. What if we don’t have to search the stack to find the current value? This is the TeX approach. The value of, say, glue between paragraphs (par_skip) is stored in eqtb[glue_base+2], which turns out to be eqtb[1+256+256+1+2100+10+257+1+2], which is eqtb[2884], a constant memory address. But the item stored at that address includes not just the value of the glue parameter, but also the save level it came from. You can ignore that when you’re reading it, but when you’re setting it, it tells you whether you need to save the old value on the stack or not. Then grestore (in TeX, “unsave”) iterates over the save-stack items, restoring their old values, until it hits a level boundary.

This means that variable access is pretty fast, gsave is fast, and grestore only does a small amount of work proportional to the number of parameters that must be restored — comparable to the work done in overwriting them in the first place.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to generalize this to a wider class of problems. It’s perfect for dynamically-scoped variables and for propagating a potentially large class of top-down properties down a tree during a tree traversal. It’s useful for graphics contexts, where it offers a much better alternative to copying a whole graphics context because you want to change a few things in it and a noticeably better alternative to changing a few things in it and then changing them back. But it isn’t useful for, for example, Emacs buffer-local variables or efficiently cloning a heap object from a prototype.
