Another candidate lightweight frequency tracking algorithm

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-08-18 (4 minutes)

Okay, I can’t find my previous notes on frequency identification, but here’s what I came up with tonight, which I’m pretty sure is good. You get two booleans by comparing the current sample to 0 and to the simple moving average (or maybe double simple moving average) of the last N samples, getting a kind of estimate of its derivative. These two booleans give you a quadrature rotation signal: 00, 01, 11, 10, repeat. The timing of the (corresponding forward) transitions of this signal is ¼ the period of the input signal. You get the transition immediately at the sample, with no codec or processing latency the way an STFT has, and fairly little computation per sample:

// Advance ring buffer sample pointer
xj = &x[j++];
if (j == n) j = 0;
// Update ring buffer x and moving average numerator m
m -= *xj;
*xj = xi;
m += xi;
// Compute new quadrature state.
s = (xi > 0) << 1 | (xi * n > m);
if (s != os) transition(t[os << 2 | s]);
os = s;

So in the usual case, that works out to an increment, an indexed address computation, four comparisons, a memory fetch, a subtraction, a memory store, an addition, a multiplication by constant N, a bit shift, a bitwise or, and a state variable update which could be eliminated by unrolling the loop once: 14 operations per sample, all very simple except possibly the constant multiplication. In the case of a detected transition, you get a bitshift by two, an or, and a table lookup.

All of this is LTI up to the last bit where we take the signs and look stuff up in a transition table.

The FIR frontend is a very chintzy bandpass filter: the (implicit) subtraction from the current sample attenuates low frequencies, while the moving average itself attenuates high frequencies, but can only manage about 3dB of attenuation on the overall transfer function because of the impulse at lag 0. An additional moving-average pass (6 more operations, including the memory references and wrap) cleans up the high-frequency part of the response. We could make it a somewhat better bandpass filter, at the expense of fractional cycles of response latency, by using something else than the current sample: another simple moving average, which of course suggests that maybe we should use two moving averages of the same size, abutting but not overlapping, thus removing the multiplication as well.

Perhaps more interesting, though, is to use several moving-average filters of different sizes, which, if they are single-stage, can use just one single buffer of input data. If their sizes are powers of 2, you can rescale the sums for the subtraction just by a bit shift of 1. In the limit, this takes the same 14 operations per sample per octave, but gets you much better low-pass filtering. Each filter will detect a separate frequency, which may or may not be the dominant frequency in its octave.

You could try to track the phase of the signal more closely than just within 90°, and this may be useful. However, the moving-average filter that provides the "derivative" signal imposes a somewhat arbitrary attenuation, which means that your phase velocity will vary throughout a cycle, perhaps wildly. However, the lag between crossing a given phase angle on successive cycles should be consistent.

Median filtering, PLLs, blah. Everybody uses variants of autocorrelation (ASDF and AMDF).
