General purpose layout syntax

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-11-10 (updated 2019-09-01) (34 minutes)

(Quicklayout concerns the speed of text reflow.)

Graphviz has this really clever way to handle layouts inside nodes of shape “record”. Fields are separated by “|”, and by default are laid out left to right; within “{}” the default layout is transposed, top to bottom instead. So “A|{B|C}|D”, for example, is a three-column layout with two rows, B and C, in the middle column. Hboxes nest inside vboxes; vboxes nest inside hboxes.

There are some other details, and now this is sort of deprecated in favor of a subset of HTML they’re implementing. But I think the “|”-separation layout is brilliant, and can be extended in interesting ways.

First modification: use friendlier characters “[,]'\n”, and vertical by default

Instead of “{|}”, which are optimized for not occurring by accident, and “\” to escape them, let’s use “[,]” for nesting and separators, and “'” for quoting, as in Lisp. So “65,535” is written as “65',535”. All of these characters are easily reachable on a standard QWERTY keyboard without shift or extreme reaches.

Let’s make the top level of nesting be vertical by default, rather than Graphviz’s horizontal.

Also, let’s add newline as a shorthand for “],[“. This allows us to write this table

| a | b | c |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |



rather than “[a,b,c],[1,2,3]”.

XXX maybe this should be reversed in some way? Gotta think about that.

I was thinking that maybe the quote or escape character should be “/” and should follow the character being quoted, but I think that’s probably bad in that it involves arbitrary lookahead to see if a sequence of escape characters is going to be even or odd and thus determine whether it quotes the character before it or not.

Second modification: table layout

Let’s establish the rule that sequences of sibling nested boxes, like the hboxes “a,b,c” and “1,2,3” in the previous example, have aligned fields, so they lay out as a table. If there is an intervening sibling box with no nesting, that terminates the table.

To soften this, let’s add boxes whose content is merely “continuation of box to the left” and “continuation of box above”. For these we can use “>” and “^” respectively rather than “,”, so that this table

procs -----------------------memory---------------------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- --------cpu--------
 r  b         swpd         free         buff        cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs  us  sy  id  wa  st
 1  0            0      1738140       120936      1405284    0    0    22    14   55  961   2   2  97   0   0
 0  0            0      1737876       120936      1405292    0    0     0     0 1117 1180   1   2  97   0   0

can instead be written as follows:


This provides substantial layout power and is actually easier to use than fixed-width ASCII table layout, as far as it goes.

If you actually want hboxes vertically adjacent to one another not to share columns, you can add extra levels of nesting: “[[[a long name,b,c]]],[[[1,2,3 million tons]]]”.

XXX the following part is half-baked.

As a possible modification of this to support outline-type structures, you could maybe allow a nested box with fewer cells to partially terminate a table structure. Take this example:


Here the first line has three cells (the third of which is merged with the second), while the fourth line has five (the first four of which are empty). The next line has only four cells again, so the boundary between the fourth and fifth cell on the previous line is forgotten.

Third modification: hashtags

To identify particular cells or classes of cells, we can insert hashtags into them which are not displayed by default. Perhaps “[a #th,b #th,c #th #ch],[1,2,3]” tags all three of a, b, and c with “th”, but only c is tagged with “ch”, identifying it uniquely. You can put the hashtags anywhere in the cell; at the beginning or the end, separating whitespace will be removed.

There are at least five kinds of things you might want to do with hashtags: style cells, set or append to cell contents, link to cell contents, read cell contents, and listen for user interaction in cells. All of these might query hashtags (or contents!) in the cell itself, in its ancestors, in its siblings, or in other cells aligned with it. In a syntax for these, we need three or five directional indicators, plus some way to indicate whether we mean an immediate neighbor or an eventual one.

For example, you might use “>” to indicate an immediately preceding sibling node, “>*” to indicate any sibling node, “/” (or maybe “.”) to indicate an immediate parent node, “/*” to indicate any ancestor node, “^” to indicate a corresponding node in the second dimension of the table (such as a column), and “^*” to indicate a previous node. So perhaps “th” indicates a cell tagged “th”, “ch” indicates the cell tagged ch, “ch^” indicates the cell below the cell tagged ch, “ch^^” indicates the cell two below it, “ch^*” indicates the entire column, and “ch^* sydney>*” indicates any cell in any column containing the “ch” hashtag and any row containing the “sydney” hashtag. (Or vice versa if the table is laid out in columns? Bleh. Also maybe one of these operators should be postfix and you should be able to stick them before or after the hashtag.)

As an alternative to identifying cells with hashtags, you can identify them with search strings with "?string?" or maybe regexps.

Of course there are other kinds of things than hashtags you might want to put into cells and not show up as pure text: sparklines, progress bars, character-level markup, URLs to link to, raster and vector images, and so on.

You could use cursor movement commands as an alternative to hashtags as a way to identify text to modify.

Cheap in-memory representation

It would be nice if we could represent a node unambiguously as a pointer into the string representation (or some string representation), which would require that each tree node has a unique first byte in that string representation. We might have to make some minimal changes. Consider again “[a,b,c;1,2,3]”, which is a vbox containing two hboxes which each contain three leaf cells. If we expand this to have a unique root node and expand out the “;”, it becomes “[[a,b,c],[1,2,3]]”, and now each node indeed has a unique first byte. Also, the commas and “]”s are not the first byte of any node, so expanding out the “;” was unnecessary; “[[a,b,c;1,2,3]]” is adequate. This gives us a 15-byte representation of the whole tree, although proceeding from one sibling node to the next may be somewhat slow. (A cache for large jumps could limit this problem.)

Compare this to a Lisp-style or C-style record-and-pointer representation:

digraph abc123 {
    node [shape=record];
    subgraph rows {node [label="{count|3}|<0>|<1>|<2>"]; row0 row1;}
    root [label="{count|2}|<0>|<1>"];
    root:0 -> row0; root:1 -> row1;
    row0:0 -> a; row0:1 -> b; row0:2 -> c;
    row1:0 -> 1; row1:1 -> 2; row1:2 -> 3;

Just the internal nodes of this tree take up 11 pointers of storage, typically 4 bytes each nowadays, and that’s not even counting the leaf nodes that contain the labels. If you make linked lists of siblings you can ditch the count fields, but then you pay even more in next-sibling pointers:

digraph abc123 {
    node [shape=record];
    subgraph i {node [label="<k>kids|<n>next"]; d e f g h i j k;}
    d:k -> e:k -> a;        e:n -> f:k -> b; f:n -> g:k -> c;
    d:n -> h:k -> i:k -> 1; i:n -> j:k -> 2; j:n -> k:k -> 3;

This has 16 pointers instead of only 11, because it needs 8 next-sibling pointers (two of which are null) instead of 3 count fields.

A friendlier syntax variant with more special cases

Suppose the top-level separator is “\n” and if there’s a “\t” it gets inferred as a second-level separator, and we use “{}” for further nesting. Then we can ingest tab-separated values (with some strange quoting conventions) natively, without losing the power of nesting. The main disadvantage is that it’s much more irregular, and there are lots of cases where a level of nesting can fail to be inferred because there’s only one item.

Some failed ideas

ASCII has separate horizontal and vertical separators: HT and VT (^K). Suppose you adopt the rule that you infer a surrounding hbox when you find an HT, and a surrounding vbox when you find a VT. Then maybe you could infer all your hboxes and vboxes instead of having to mark their beginnings explicitly, and then you would be winning because you would only have to mark the endings, with some third control character, like LF, which would end the current hbox or vbox. For example, given this text:

a   b   c
d   e   f

which is to say, a<HT>b<HT>c<LF>d<HT>e<HT>f<LF>, you would infer an hbox upon finding the HT after “a”, and then pack “a”, “b”, and “c” into it, and then end the inferred hbox upon finding the LF. Then upon finding the HT after “d”, you would infer a new hbox (and perhaps a vbox to contain it and the previous hbox). The idea was that you would never infer an end to any current box; they would all be explicit.

This doesn’t work for a couple of reasons:

I also thought about using a stack machine model: first you output some boxes separated by separator bytes, and then you combine them by emitting some combining bytes that will join them into hboxes and vboxes. This has most of the same problems and additionally makes text hard to edit.

Some better ideas

It’s probably best to stick to LF as the separator. Then, what do we use for group start and group end codes? Nonprintable characters would be nice. ASCII-1967 has STX and ETX, ^B and ^C, which sound promising, but STX is really EOH (end of header). And ^C has acquired the meanings of killing processes or copying text, either of which would be unfortunate to invoke accidentally. ^R and ^T (DC2 and DC4) would work; they used to turn your paper tape punch on and off. SO and SI (^N and ^O) would also work; on VT100s they select the graphical character set, which is a nicely parallel meaning, although they don’t nest there.

ECMA-48 defines a variety of opening delimiters in whose closing delimiter is ST, String Terminator, 0x9c; specifically APC (application program command, 0x9f), DCS (device control string, 0x90), OSC (operating system command, 0x9d), PM (privacy message, 0x9e), and SOS (start of string, 0x98). Nesting is explicitly forbidden; according to the spec, most of the strings need to be printable ASCII, not even printable ISO-8859-1. There are also PU1 and PU2 codes, 0x91 and 0x92. These are all in the little-used C1 control codes area of ISO-8859-1 (originally ANSI X3.64), which Windows-1252 repurposed for characters that are more commonly used.

So our table might look like <DC2>a<LF>b<LF>c<DC4><DC2>1<LF>2<LF>3<DC4>. This is kind of suboptimal in a number of ways:

A possible further alternative would be to determine box type by its internal delimiters (^I vs. ^J), but still have separate nesting delimiters (^K and ^M, say). Then you could go one step closer to regular terminal ASCII interpretation by inferring (only) hboxes within vboxes when necessary to handle ^I and ^J occurring within the same container. This requires four characters instead of three, but eliminates all the other problems previously mentioned.

You still have the problem of unmatched delimiters swallowing the rest of the document, at least temporarily, when they’re inserted in the middle. There must be some kind of possible solution to that but I don’t know what it is. Maybe eliminating arbitrary nesting entirely and switching to transclusion of named chunks (maybe with Knuth-style 1f, 1b labels) for nesting? Sigh.

Use cases

The most obvious use case is a human being interactively preparing a two-dimensional nested layout of text for another human being to read, and I think this approach (supplemented with a few restructuring commands) is probably superior to anything I’ve seen for that purpose.

The second most obvious case is to produce human-readable output from a computer program. This syntax provides an easy way for program output to be tabular, nested, and semantically tagged for styling.

You might also want to use that semantic tagging for data extraction and to specify additional transformations to make.

The layout algorithm for this format is not quite as simple and fast as the layout algorithm for fixed-width ASCII text, but it’s dramatically simpler and faster than the CSS box model, especially if you don’t do word wrap.

You also might want to use this data model for parsing data from other sources — HTML tables, spreadsheets, discussion threads, XML files, JSON, relational databases, that kind of thing.

Implementing a prototype

What would it take to get a prototype of this thing running so I can see what it feels like to type into it? Probably the easiest substrate available is DHTML, and although part of my motivation is to have something that reliably lays out and redisplays faster than DHTML does, maybe a DHTML prototype would be adequate.

Given that desire, though, it seems like I’ll still have to use JS to do all the computations. In a situation like {{A|B}|{C|D}}|{E|F}, we have to satisfy the following constraints:

So far so good — that’s just a 2×2 table. But there’s more:

Again, that’s okay; it’s just turned our 2×2 table into a 2×3 table. But there are cases where it’s essential to not have certain constraints that would flow from treating the whole thing as just one big table. For example, if you replace A|B with {{A|B}}, the constraint with {C|D} goes away. Maybe you can still use rowspan and colspan with nested tables to get this effect, I’m not sure.

The interesting thing here is that each level of nesting has its own parallel cell constraints to deal with. If a table like {a|b|c}|{d|e|f}|{g|h|i} is in a cell that has sibling cells, the table’s own rows (or columns) may be subject to alignment constraints with the contents of those sibling cells — but only to that one level, as the individual cells within those rows or columns will not be.

I still feel that the whole thing can still be pretty much done with two passes: one pass to figure out which heights and widths have to be equal, and a second bottom-up pass to calculate them.

Yes, it’s fairly simple. If we just do nesting, without tables, each minimum width is either a constant, for text boxes; the maximum of some other widths, for a vbox; or a sum of other widths, for an hbox. These minimum widths are strictly arranged in a tree. (A corresponding, parallel, and independent tree is present for heights.) So the minwidth of each hbox is a sum of maxima of minwidths of hboxes (or text boxes). If we switch to strict tables, instead, the minwidth of a column is a maximum of sums of minwidths of vboxes. I think this will be simple but I still don’t have it entirely clear in my mind.

Ragged tables, where different rows or columns have different numbers of items, and so, for example, a column may only affect certain rows of a table, seem like they will be more complexity.

We can compile the layout into a tree of data dependencies: the minwidth of a column is the maximum minwidth of its cells; the minwidth of a table is the sum of the minwidths of its columns; and so on. Ragged tables make the topology more complicated because the minwidth of the table may come from a row which may actually have a contribution from the actual width of one of its cells that is imposed by the minwidth of a cell in a different row, while that row may have fewer cells and thus not actually impose its own row-minwidth on the table as a whole; I don’t know if there’s a way to ensure that the dependencies in that case are noncircular, but I suspect so.

Other approaches to the layout problem include, of course the CSS box model, and TeX’s boxes-and-glue model, in which each character is a box, hboxes line up vboxes or vrules or characters on a baseline, and vboxes string together hboxes; TeX flows the text into a bunch of hboxes of length \hsize. Glue has nine-dimensional flexibility: a default size, a maximum shrink, a maximum stretch, and then three more optional transfinite levels of maximum shrinks and stretches. This allows space between words to be flexible, but not take advantage of that flexibility when you want to, say, center a line with equal infinite stretches on both left and right.

Quasi-unrelated: escape sequence tags

How do you specify things like font size, borders, padding, and the like? The standard ASCII approach is using escape sequences, but those have some big problems; they involve a mode switch, and so as you’re typing them (or receiving them) you can’t see what’s going on. And if there’s an interrupted transmission, they can eat some following text.

The org-mode approach to handling links is kind of nice. If you type [[][foo], it’s just text; but once you add a final ], it just displays as foo with underlines, and it’s a link. Movement commands skip the hidden characters, but if you delete one of them, the pattern breaks and the remainder becomes visible.

WordPerfect’s Alt-F3 “Reveal Codes” screen was one of its most distinctive features. It displayed boldfaced escape sequences like [HRt] for a paragraph break (“hard return”), [UND] and [und] for beginning and ending underlines, [Just:Left] for a beginning of left-justification, and so on. But this didn’t provide any clue as to how you would go about typing them. The current “WordPerfect” product still has such a feature, but now it draws little tags around the “codes”.

HTML tags are nice but require a WordPerfect-like mode switch to make them effective.

So here’s a thought. If we’re going to have inline markup, maybe instead of preceding an escape sequence with an escape character, we should follow it. Maybe you write just:left or border:black or href: or 18pt or sparkline:3,5,1,18,12,19 in your document and then add a ^] (GS, group separator) to interpret the text back to and including the previous whitespace as an “escape sequence”, thus removing it from view. This solves most of the problems of escape sequences and provides a sort of command line; it also allows a sort of immediate feedback as you’re typing the escape sequence or receiving it, and it’s harmless if the escape sequence is truncated. The choice of whitespace as the other delimiter ensures that a corrupted escape sequence can’t eat too much text. If you’re receiving data really slowly then you will have transient mysterious text appearing on the screen but that’s hardly the worst display problem resulting from slow data reception.

Cursor positioning escape sequences

The best way for software to position the cursor in such a terminal, aside from cursor forward and back, is probably with escape sequences to push, pop, search, and move-to-end. Then you can insert text by sending it, or delete text with the DEL character, say.

Simplifying by dropping row/column transposition

All of the above ideas are complicated by the conflicting desires to support HT as an unambiguously horizontal separator and LF as an unambiguously vertical separator, on one hand, and on the other to conceptually have only three kinds of delimiter {|}; and also to simply be made of nested hboxes and boxes, on one hand, and on the other to support tabular layout.

Suppose that we resign ourselves to having four kinds of delimiter instead of three, and to making things out of nested tables instead of nested boxes. Let’s say our tables do use HT and LF as horizontal and vertical separators, respectively, and we use two other characters for table nesting; let’s say DC2 and DC4, ^R and ^T. The requested height of a table is the sum of the requested heights of its rows, and the requested height of a row is the maximum of the requested heights of its cells, and mutatis mutandis for width and columns. In a very simple model where cells can only contain either a table or a string, the width and height of the cell is just the width and height of the table or of the string; if a cell can contain a sequence of characters and tables in some way, then we need some kind of layout rule; several adequate possibilities occur to me.

(VT, ^K, and FF, ^L, are obvious choices for table separators but not so obvious for table beginner-and-enders — should they begin nested tables, terminate them, or begin one and start a sibling? Perhaps better to use characters without so much baggage.)

This seems like it will be simpler to implement and to use, at least until we add rowspan and colspan and partial termination back in.

With these rules, there is the possibility that table cells receive a size that is different from what they requested, at least by being larger in either or both dimensions, and there are a variety of options as to how to handle that: left/top alignment, right/bottom alignment, centering, and stretching. You could extend this principle to the top-level document as well, enabling it to fill a larger window than it has explicitly requested.

A trickier question is how to handle canvases that are smaller than requested, for example to fit the entire canvas on the screen or to fit a column or row of the table into that entire canvas. The CSS2 overflow options here are visible (like TEX with overfull hboxes), hidden (discard, mostly like a terminal with line-wrap turned off), scroll (display scrollbars), and auto (which is scroll but hides the scrollbars when unnecessary); to this CSS3 (I think) adds unset. But this omits the choice of whether and how to do line-wrapping, which in CSS is socked away in the white-space and hyphens properties, and doesn’t offer the traditional terminal option of wrapping per character rather than per word. An additional option used in, for example, Android’s keyboard autocomplete suggestions, is to squish or stretch the contents on the relevant axis, to fill the box (such approaches to filling lines, impossible in the hot-lead era, are sometimes called “microtypography”), and the obvious other alternative is to repeat it, as in dot leaders for tables of contents.

(HTML layout doesn’t normally deal with a vertical box becoming full, but this is a thing we might want in order to take advantage of modern big displays with multicolumn layouts, and it’s necessary for rendering to paper.)

The usual way to handle overflow in ASCII terminal applications is to rely on applications that painted the screen to insert hard line breaks and extra spaces to wrap and justify paragraphs as desired, which clearly has drawbacks when you’re using ASCII as a document format rather than an interactive screen-painting protocol, and accounts for the near-unreadability of most ASCII text documents on modern hand computers. So, having overflow-handling options would be pretty useful.

In particular, being able to flow table rows from the bottom of one page onto the top of another is pretty important.

TEX glue has a three-level stretchiness hierarchy — any amount of elasticity at a higher level of the hierarchy is infinite as seen from any lower level — and also separate stretchiness and shrinkiness quantities at each of these levels. Despite this level of complexity (I hesitate to say “expressiveness”) the layout engine, except for paragraph filling, is a simple solver of a system of linear equations. (Not to undersell that — closed-form linear solvers use things like QR factorization which take O(N³) time, while iterative linear-solver algorithms like successive over-relaxation, though only O(N²), have complicated convergence characteristics.)

A remaining lacuna is how to handle ragged tables; above I suggested that each column should end when it reaches a row that doesn’t contain a cell for it, but perhaps there should be a special case that ends all the columns when there’s a blank line (without even a space). Without such a special case, there’s no way to end the first column other than ending the entire table with, perhaps, an additional ^T. The result would be that single-column lines of text would either tend to be outrageously squished by other columns, or would push those other columns over outrageously, even if they occurred far earlier in the text.

Layout properties

TEX has a zillion layout properties it stores in “registers”, which are automatically restored to their previous value on the exit from the nesting level where they were defined. CSS does something similar: most properties are inherited from the parent node if they are not locally overridden, but properties set in a child node never bubble up to a parent node, much less just the part of the parent node following the child node. This is considerably saner than the approach that results implicitly from the state-machine model described by ANSI escape sequences and their more diverse predecessors.

Traditional terminals quantize layout and colors to character-cell boundaries, as well as abjuring texture and quantizing colors to a small number of primary or near-primary colors, with aesthetically unpleasant results. (You could argue that traditional terminals are black-and-white, or print on paper, but those aren’t the ones we emulate nowadays.) On a bitmapped screen, just as on a phototypesetter, there’s no need to quantize in this way, and on modern computers, even quantizing coordinates to pixels is no longer a problem. (Many computers nowadays have screens near 300 dpi, or 900 dpi horizontally with subpixel rendering, and antialiasing subpixel-positioned text is no longer the performance nightmare it once was.)

From HTML we know that a little bit of extra space around text before running into a color change can make an enormous difference to readability and aesthetics. Compare this, with no padding, to this, with 0.2em padding. (As of this writing, the ET Book font I’m using has substantial extra leading (vertical blank space) built into it, which shows up as built-in “padding” above and below, and building extra leading and letter spacing into your font in this way may be a reasonable hack to improve appearance in these situations.) Similarly, when text is highlighted in pastel colors, it’s more readable and less visually noisy than when it’s highlighted in primary colors. And a pastel background box is much more clearly visible with a thin border of the same color, but slightly darker.

In less Tufte-approved and more brochure-like directions, text drop shadows and background gradients are also often nice-looking effects, especially when used as accents rather than for running text, or on top of a visually noisy or poorly contrasting background that could interfere with text readability. Consider the difficulty of reading this problematic background and the same problematic background but with text-shadow, and then consider that problematic backgrounds can come from data plots, 3-D renderings, or photographs as well as poorly chosen static gradients.

Supporting all of these in a general-purpose layout syntax would be entirely reasonable, even without the complexities of the HTML box model. You could quite reasonably have escape sequences that set such properties for the current table or (for character-level markup) for the span of text following the escape sequence, without importing all the complexities of the CSS box model and text-flow algorithms.

Page/column breaks and tables

On 2019-09-01, dpk commented on #swhack about the limitations of LaTeX tables; reformatted from IRC style, she said:

This combination of things in LaTeX is annoyingly apparently impossible: multiple-column mode; tables spanning multiple pages/columns; groups of rows within said table which should not be broken apart --- oh, and header rows on the said table which repeat after every column/page break.

tabular (built-in) can’t break across multiple pages or columns at all, so you try the longtable package. First thing longtable does is complain that it doesn’t work in multi-column mode, whether from the multicol package or with the built-in \twocolumn.

Some page recommends supertabular, which is apparently the predecessor to longtable but does work in multi-column mode, because why not remove features from things! supertabular seems to work, but then you notice you have groups of rows in the table (pairs, in my case) that really need to be on the same page/in the same column as one another, no matter what. supertabular doesn’t appear to support this.

But, oh look, there’s this package that lets you use the \\* command instead of \\ to insert a row break that isn’t allowed to cross a page or column break. the package is ... longtable. Which you can’t use.

Then you discover there’s a hack to make longtable work in multi-column mode, ... but it doesn’t support printing the headers of the table anew at the top of each new column.

So, TL;DR, I am very annoyed.

This combination of requirements is probably a good one to keep in mind for designing table-layout systems, since evidently it’s a combination of features that is difficult to provide if you didn’t plan for it from the beginning.
