Generic programming with proofs, specification, refinement, and specialization

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-05-10 (6 minutes)

Here’s a specification for sorting:

A. sorted(x) is some permutation p of x such that ∀i∈[0, #p-1): ¬ pᵢ > pᵢ₊₁.

Given a way of enumerating the permutations of a finite sequence and some relation >, this specification A is executable: you can enumerate all the permutations of x, and if you find one that satisfies ∀i∈[0, #p-1): ¬ pᵢ > pᵢ₊₁, you return it.

You can consider this algorithm, or an implementation of it for a given machine, a refinement of specification A, specialized for a given permutation-enumeration algorithm, data type, and ordering relation. You can write a proof that this plan correctly implements specification A, which is to say, it’s a refinement of it. It isn’t a very efficient plan, since it takes superexponential time in the worst case; you can also write a proof of that.

There isn’t a clean separation between programs, algorithms, plans, and specifications; you can continue refining and specializing that specification toward something executable on a particular machine. Let’s call the brute-force sorting algorithm that you would thus derive specification B.

(Some specifications may be uncomputable; for example, if you specify that a program should be fun to use, or compute Chaitin’s number omega for a flavor of Turing machine, you will not be able to execute those specifications, even inefficiently. Even if the specification says to find a real number for which some potentially computable property holds, that may be uncomputable if the number itself is uncomputable. But if the specification says to find a computable real number for which the property holds, if one exists, then you can satisfy that specification by enumerating all possible programs. Henceforth I will disregard such uncomputable specifications in this essay.)

Given the premise that your relation > (or rather its negation ) is at least a weak partial order, you can write a proof that such a sorted permutation exists. Also, you can write a proof that the original specification implies that ¬∃i: p₀ > pᵢ, and that all the subsequences of p are sorted versions of themselves, including in particular p[1:], if it exists.

Given these (plus a couple more things), you can also write a proof that the following specification is equivalent to, and thus a refinement of, specification A:

C. sorted(x) is some permutation p of x such that ¬∃i: p₀ > pᵢ
   and, if x is nonempty, p[1:] = sorted(p[1:]).

With a naïve backtracking search, this leads fairly quickly to selection sort, given a proof of the usual linear-time minimum-finding algorithm; this is already a much more efficient sort. And you can write a proof of that. Let’s call this algorithm specification D.

(I’ve been writing sorted(x) as if it were a function, but of course it is a relation; it is a bit of an abuse of notation to say that p[1:] = sorted(p[1:]).)

There are several characteristics of what we are doing here:

  1. Specifications are written in a form that is entirely independent of the other relations and data they are defined in terms of. Specification A does not say that > is a weak partial order, or that x is a finite sequence, or what algorithm to use to enumerate permutations. Instead, somewhere else, we write a proof that, IF > is a weak partial order, THEN specification A describes a nonempty set of permutations, and also specification B is equivalent to specification A.

  2. Some specifications are refinements of others, in the sense that they logically imply the specifications they are refinements of. Some of these refinement relations are only valid given certain premises, which amount to specializations of a specification. Some of these refinements are derived automatically; others are written by hand and then proved to be refinements.

  3. Some specifications are sufficiently specific that we can prove efficiency properties about them, such as specifications B and D; others are not, such as specifications A and C.

We can take as an analogy the process a SQL database uses to evaluate queries. First we write a specification in SQL of the query we want to run; then the database derives a plan that it proves is a refinement of our query — in this case, the plan will produce a specific sequence of tuples that is one of the sequences of tuples that would be a correct response to our query. We can understand much of compilation in this fashion, as well.

Moreover, we can do generic programming in this way.

What I’m describing here is very different from the usual programming process. Normally, we write a given subroutine only once, and we mix premises about what kind of data it’s operating on and which other operations it’s invoking in with the code. The compiler might derive a refinement of it for a given machine, but we don’t derive them ourselves, and the compiler doesn’t provide us with a proof that the machine code is a sound refinement of our source code, nor does it prove efficiency properties of the machine code.
