Similarities between Golang and Rust

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-01-11 (updated 2017-01-17) (7 minutes)

Golang and Rust have a lot of similarities, some stemming from their birth around the same time in groups of programmers with similar backgrounds and overlapping goals, and others due to direct borrowing.

Both use the C memory model of nested records and arrays with pointers, but add automatic memory management — a garbage collector in Golang’s case, an innovative affine typing system in Rust’s case (although Rust was born with a GC, it became garbage along the way and has been collected). This is a huge and underappreciated difference from mainstream garbage-collected languages like JS, Java, and Python, in which memory is just an object graph.

Both have interface inheritance but not implementation inheritance (and both use the keyword struct where C++ would use class). In both, an existing type can be retroactively caused to implement a newly invented interface (called a “trait” in Rust), but only in Rust does this permit you to add new methods to an existing type.

Both languages have untyped constants, where a number like 0 or 3.14 in the source code doesn’t have a fully determined type — the precision of its type is determined by its context of use.

Both languages have limited type inference, eliminating nearly all type declarations for local variables but requiring nearly full type declarations for top-level module items. In both cases, the designers made the misguided choice to cede the = operator to mutation, while using a somewhat more verbose locution for the more common operation of declaring and initializing a variable. Rust’s type system supports full parametric polymorphism, while Golang’s type system, like C’s, has some parametrically polymorphic types, but no mechanism to define new ones.

Both languages have very limited use of exceptions in the sense of nonlocal transfers of control (which both call “panics”), instead handling normal errors using return values somewhat richer than are practical in C and similar languages. In both languages, unused-value messages from the compiler prevent you from accidentally suppressing an error signaled by this mechanism. In both languages, the mechanism to explicitly ignore such an error is to assign it to a pseudovariable called _, a language feature I think both copied from ML.

In both languages, there is a dichotomy between “arrays” and “slices”, which last are pointer-plus-length references to part of an array, while array sizes are statically known. Array indexing is checked at runtime in both languages.

Strings in both languages are sequences of implicitly UTF-8 bytes, rather than sequences of UTF-16 encoding units (as in Java and JS), of UCS-4 codepoints (as in Python), or bytes that each implicitly encode a character (as in C).

Both languages propose nonmainstream concurrency mechanisms in order to escape the disadvantages of pure event-loop languages like ordinary JS and implicit-shared-everything languages like Java (and C or C++ with pthreads or Win32). Rust’s novel type system statically prevents data races between threads; Golang has lightweight threads (“goroutines”) and supports shared mutable state with the same concurrent-access bugs that Java does (and, at least originally, didn’t even try to prevent segfaults from concurrent access to the same map), but provides special syntax for interthread communication over type-safe channels to minimize the use of shared mutable state.

Both languages add a simpler syntax for iterating over a range. In both languages, the range representation is half-open, including its left bound and excluding its right bound. Both of these are so universal nowadays that they hardly seem worth mentioning, but e.g. C, Java, and JS lack range syntax, and R, Matlab, and Fortran fail to use the half-open representation.

Both languages have acclaimed library package management systems (Cargo and go get) with integrated network access. Rust leans more heavily on its package manager in the sense that its standard library includes almost nothing — its std::net module, for example, implements no protocols higher-level than TCP, and it apparently offers no way to format a timestamp, parse a CSV file, or encrypt a string, although it does have things like binary heaps, hash tables, pathname handling, and some limited Unicode encoding. By contrast, Golang’s standard library includes AES, ELF, DER, CRC, JPEG, suffix arrays, RFC-2822, SMTP, URLs, and JSON-RPC. In Rust these are available as external crates, except apparently there’s no SMTP server; lists 7542 crates.

Both languages have syntactic support for user-defined external iterators, which sounds like a minor detail but turned out to be absolutely transformative to Python when Ka-Ping Yee introduced it.

The biggest difference seems to me that Rust focuses on static safety, even at the cost of programmer convenience, in a way that Golang does not. So, while in Golang it’s common to define functions or data structures that pass around interface{} references — which can be converted to interfaces of the proper type with a run-time-checked type conversion — in Rust such practices are virtually nonexistent, instead using its parametric polymorphism facilities. In Golang all references are implicitly initialized to nil (as in Java, but much less problematically due to the difference in memory models), while in Rust null references are statically impossible, being supplanted by the Option type and pattern matching, which doesn’t exist in Golang.

I’m tempted to make the analogy to the Pascal/C dichotomy of the 1970s: Rust, like Pascal, prioritizes static correctness and mathematical purity, while Golang, like C, prioritizes programmer convenience, practicality, and compatibility from one month to the next.

I think things might turn out differently this time around, though. First, probably no programming language will ever again be as dominant as C was during the 1980s; neither Rust nor Golang is likely to die within the next century. Second, static verification has become dramatically more effective over the last 40 years, which means that you can get a lot more safety with a lot less hassle. Third, we can afford a lot more CPU cycles and RAM for running compilers nowadays, even if running the C++ preprocessor over hundreds of gigabytes of repetitively #included header files is not a particularly productive use of those CPU cycles. Fourth, cooperation with many other programmers is more important now than in the 1970s, and static safety helps a lot with that.
