Golang has a lot built in, compared to C; for example, it has garbage collection, an interesting new way to do ad-hoc polymorphism, parametrically polymorphic finite maps, a range type, lightweight and relatively safe concurrency constructs, complex numbers, type-safe variadic parameters, run-time type identification, exception handling with FIFO automatic cleanup, a string type with equality and concatenation, and a print statement. However, without importing at least some packages, there’s no way for a Go program to obtain input, and there are a lot of facilities that are easily accessible in the standard library that can save you a lot of time.

I’m just starting to learn Golang, so I’m taking some notes on the standard library from http://localhost:6060/pkg/, which is unfortunately organized alphabetically, which means that really recondite stuff is mixed in with really basic stuff. So this is my attempt to summarize what I think is most important.

The standard Golang library seems to be entirely lacking facilities for interactive terminal I/O and GUIs.

Really basic packages

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-02-08 (20 minutes)

These are all you need for a pretty wide range of stuff: testing, io, fmt, os, strconv, bytes, strings, math, and sort. Without any one of these, you’d be pretty handicapped.


go test runs automated test suites written using functions named TestFoo, that take pointers to testing.T objects, in foo_test.go files. It also has benchmarking and doctest-like functionality. I have to admit I haven’t tried this yet because so far I haven’t written any Golang packages, just standalone programs, and I’m not sure how to use it with those.

The test/quick subpackage does generative property-based testing, like Hypothesis.


fmt does formatted I/O, including Printf. It can use reflection to dump out structs (%v, applicable to any type, or %+v to see field names) and even Golang-syntax representations (%#v). Naturally there’s a fmt.Formatter interface you can implement to override the default formatting.

Because of reflection, fmt.Fscan, fmt.Scan, fmt.Sscan, etc., don’t need a format string at all — you just give them some interface values pointing at where you want to store the results — and the same is true of fmt.Print. Scanning can be overridden with a custom Scan method.

There’s also a print function you can use without importing fmt.


io is where you find the Reader and Writer protocols, among others; fmt.Fprintf takes an io.Writer rather than a file. It also contains things like io.Copy, which normally copies a Reader to a Writer, but when possible uses more efficient methods, which I assume means sendfile(2); plumbing utilities like io.LimitReader, io.LimitWriter, io.Pipe, io.MultiReader (cat), io.MultiWriter (tee), and io.TeeReader (tee); io.ReaderAt, suitable for concurrent random-access record I/O from multiple goroutines; etc.

An interesting difference from Unix (or Python) is that Read() is supposed to return the error io.EOF at EOF rather than just an empty byte count. This has the annoying result that if you import "os" and do file I/O with it, you probably also need to import "io".

The subpackage io/ioutil contains ReadFile, WriteFile, and tempfiles.


os is where you find Args and most of the Unix API, including things like Open(filename), Getpid(), and os.Stdout, which is an unbuffered io.Writer, which you can buffer using bufio. Opening a file for writing requires calling either os.Create or os.OpenFile.

There’s a separate File.WriteString method for when you have a string rather than a []byte to write to a file. This is sort of strange because you can convert from string to []byte with []byte(s), which makes me think this method may be left over from an earlier version of Golang where you couldn’t do that.

The design is a mix of very Unixy and somewhat portable. File permissions are a 32-bit int with no place to put, for example, a separate “delete” permission bit, as on VMS. But the inode returned by os.Stat (FileInfo) isn’t even a concrete type at all, but an interface. (And it includes the file’s basename, but not e.g. ctime, so it’s only sort of an inode.)

The os.Process API is an interesting design, clearly designed with non-Unix systems in mind. (There’s no os.Fork!) It’s somewhat weak; there’s no nonblocking waitpid, for example, and thus no way to get an os.ProcessState for a running process! os.exec has a more convenient interface, but it’s apparently built on os.Process and therefore can’t do anything os.Process can’t.

There also doesn’t seem to be a way to call select(2), although of course you can spawn off a goroutine or two per fire descriptor.


strconv is where you look for conversion to and from strings, although fmt.Sprintf gives you a more capable way to build strings.


Things you would expect to be utility methods on strings (ToUpper¸ Join, Split, TrimRight, Compare, HasPrefix) are here, as are io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces for in-memory “files”. There’s a corresponding strings module for strings.

There are actually two different io.Reader implementations: the read-write bytes.Buffer and the seekable bytes.Reader. bytes.Buffer, in addition to converting output-generation functions into string-building functions, also allows you to buffer your output in a more controllable way than the bufio module mentioned below — it guarantees to return no errors when you write to it (it will panic instead if it runs out of memory) and allows you to accumulate the bytes written until you're ready to do something more interesting with them, like send them over a socket.


This is almost the same as the bytes package, but for strings, even to the point of including the unnecessary Compare function. Naturally, though, it omits the read-write Buffer interface.


This has the usual set of floating-point functions; you know, Acosh, Cos, Ceil, IsNaN, Max, Bessel functions, Erfc, and so on. Angles are in radians, logarithms are natural where not otherwise specified. There are functions to convert floats to and from raw bits.


sort provides an exchange sort, with stable and unstable variants, and it’s somewhat less comfortable than its Python equivalent not only because you have to import it explicitly, but because it requires that the sequence you’re sorting implement sort.Interface, which is impossible for raw slices. (The sequence implements the interface, not the data items being sorted.)

This module contains heapsort, insertion sort, binary quicksort with some optimized pivot selection, and mergesort; the quicksort fails over to heapsort if it goes badly, an approach sometimes known as “introsort”.

The mergesort is apparently a 21st-century optimization of binary mergesort which uses only logarithmic space rather than the usual linear space, at the cost of some extra swaps.

The package also implements binary search as sort.Search, generalized to the case of a general function over integers 0..n (i.e. not just for searching sorted sequences in memory).

For convenience, there are a number of wrappers for sorting and searching built-in data types.

Somewhat less basic packages

These are very common things but not quite as absolutely basic as the ones listed above. These are flag, log, bufio, math/rand, time, net/http, net/url, net/mail, mime, regexp, encoding/gob, encoding/json, encoding/binary, image, C, and yacc.


This is the standard way to implement command-line parsing. For better or worse, it doesn’t support combinable Unix-style single-letter flags, just long-only options, and it doesn’t support GNU-style options following non-option arguments.


log is the standard way to log errors and other messages. This is how you debug your programs, and log.Fatal or log.Fatalf is how you report fatal errors and exit. There’s no tagging, logging levels, complex object serialization, or filtering, but you can set a prefix and twiddle a couple of formatting flags. You can create different log.Logger objects with log.New, sending information to the same or different files, and pass them around as you like.

I wanted to put this in the “Really basic packages” category, since I import it in every Golang program I write, but the truth is that you can get by without it a lot more easily than you can get by without math, sort, or strconv.


This adds I/O buffering to an io.Writer (for performance) or an io.Reader (so you can put back already-read bytes or runes, for parsing reasons, as fmt.Fscan does). It also contains bufio.Scanner, which parses things like (limited) CSV. (There’s also a CSV parser in encoding/csv.)


This is a random number generator, which includes a shuffler in the form of rand.Perm.


This package mixes together access to the real-time clock (time.Now()), calendrical calculations, formatting, time zones, and scheduling. The time format used internally is nanosecond-precision and has its zero value at the beginning of year 1 CE in UTC.

This package includes a syntax for durations, which are int64 nanosecond counts; the syntax accepts “300μs”. ♥

Because Go has no operator overloading, the Time type has .Add and .Sub methods to interact with Duration.


This includes a fairly easy HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 client and server with TLS support. An HTTP server fits in a Tweet:

package main

import . "net/http"

func main() {
        HandleFunc("/", func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) { w.Write([]byte("hello")) })
        ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

This also provides a convenient interface to the query-string parsing in net/url; the http.Request object above has a FormValue method.


net/url does URL parsing, construction, escaping, unescaping, relative URL resolution, and query-string encoding and decoding.

u, err := url.Parse("http://bing.com/search?q=dotnet")


net/mail parses RFC-822 (well, RFC-5322) mail messages and addresses, but not MIME, and it doesn’t format mail messages, just parses them.


mime implements “parts of the MIME spec”, including reading /etc/mime.types and the b-encoding and q-encoding used in mail headers. Subpackages implement quoted-printable and multipart encoding, but I don’t think there’s anything here that will give you a decoded email message body directly; this package is more aimed at handling mail headers and HTTP messages.


This implements a fairly Perl-compatible regexp engine, including non-greediness and the Python extension of named (?P<foo>bar) capture groups, but with no backreferences. Given the history of Russ Cox and Ken Thompson in writing high-performance regular expression libraries, using DFAs that can’t handle backreferences, you would think that this library would be super fast, but usually it seems to be noticeably slower than Python’s and Perl’s. It does, however, avoid the exponential behavior characteristic of NFA engines in cases like this:

// Pathological regexp.
// The Python equivalent takes exponentially long:
// __import__('re').compile('(x|xx)*y').match('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
package main

import "regexp"

func main() {


This is a generic serialization/deserialization system, using a Go-specific serialization, and it seems to be the closest equivalent to Python’s pickle, though it doesn’t support circular references. It supports maps, structs, arrays, slices, bools, signed and unsigned integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, and strings; structs include only exported fields, and functions and channels are omitted. Interface types are supported with a little more hassle.

It is not necessary to register user-defined types before sending them or for them to implement any particular interface, although there is an interface that they can define to override the default marshaling. There is some limited support for schema evolution even in the default marshaling.


json.Marshal converts a Golang value into JSON; it supports bool, numbers, strings, arrays, slices, maps from string, and structs (except for unexported fields or fields tagged with “-”.) This is actually the only use I’ve seen so far of struct field tags.

Naturally, of course you can override the JSON serialization by implementing an interface.

json.Unmarshal takes an optionally-nil destination argument, which I suppose allows it to determine what types to deserialize things as.

This module does support reading a sequence of JSON values from the same input stream; perhaps more interestingly, it has some minimal support for sequentially reading JSON items inside an outer JSON wrapper.


encoding/binary contains functions Read and Write which can be used to parse and generate binary data in an externally-imposed format. They’re slow because they use reflection (“Python-class slow,” as Tommi Virtanen explained to me). This provides an easy way to do what the Perl pack and unpack functions do, or struct.pack and struct.unpack from Python.


This module and its submodules provide support for encoding and decoding PNG, GIF (including animation), and JPEG files. You generally will load the images by calling image.Decode without explicitly mentioning the specific image format module, except to import it, but to save e.g. a PNG you need to call png.Encode.

The image.Image interface looks impossibly inefficient, requiring an indirect function call and some coordinate arithmetic for every pixel.

It looks like the PNG loading is eager and ahead-of-time, storing the image in RAM, although image.Image doesn’t strictly require that.

The image module also contains some basic 2-D graphics stuff, like image.Rectangle (bounding boxes) and image.Point.


cgo isn’t actually a Golang package; it’s a way to invoke statically-linked C libraries. But you import it as a package named "C", and you add some special comments before that import in order to link in the stuff you want.

...and then the Go compiler searches your directory for files named *.c, *.s, *.S, *.cc, *.cpp, or *.cxx (but not *.C) to compile with the C, C++, or assembly compiler. Except that I’m not clear which compiler it uses for this: GCC or the Plan9 C compiler?

Presumably if you want to load and invoke shared libraries written in C, this is the way to do it.


If you want to parse something more than regular languages, go tool yacc is probably the thing to use. It’s mostly undocumented, but it’s similar enough to Bison, ocamlyacc, etc., that it should be reasonably attainable.

Somewhat more recondite packages

I’ve also taken some notes on some other packages that seem less central to me.


html/template gives you convenient XSS-safe HTML templating. Its capabilities are fairly elaborate, and there's also a text/template package for doing the same kind of thing without the HTML escaping.


This deprecated package provides access to basically the entire Linux (or other) native system call interface, including weird things like epoll(7), ETH_P_IRDA, inotify(7), SCM_RIGHTS, and openat(2). The unsafe package has some details on directly invoking Linux system calls.

This is also the package where you get errno values, if you want to test those against the Err attribute of e.g. an os.PathError.


encoding/xml contains an XML parser and emitter, some HTML parsing, and something that looks suspiciously like another generic serialization system like Gob and the one in encoding/json, but really isn’t.

The serialization system handles arrays, slices, structs, and interfaces, but not maps, and like the JSON serializer, it optionally uses struct field tags. It seems to be designed to allow you to produce arbitrary XML by marshalling structs, and parse almost arbitrary XML by unmarshalling.

This module doesn’t provide DOM or SAX interfaces, but it has interfaces that are sort of similar.


This library provides sockets, basically, but with a somewhat nicer interface. Like, actually a dramatically nicer interface. TCP sockets have SetNoDelay and SetLinger methods, for example, and you can invoke net.Dial("tcp", "google.com:http") to open a connection.


suffixarray provides an in-RAM search index that supports regular expression searches, though using a log-linear-time construction algorithm rather than a linear-time one. On my laptop, it takes about 1.8 seconds to index a megabyte, about 26 seconds to index 10 megabytes, and 540 seconds to index 100 megabytes; then, each match for a simple regexp in the 10MB index takes 1.3 ms, and each match in the 100MB index takes 2.5 ms. It uses 1.6 GB of RAM to index 100 megabytes, which is maybe a bit excessive.

You can write the index to a file, which is about 4.8 bytes for each byte that you originally indexed. My laptop can then read the index in at about 100 megabytes a second, which is a necessary prerequisite to doing searches with it.

As a point of comparison, I tried index/suffixarray, the raw regexp engine, and the Python regexp engine to find the '^From ' lines delimiting messages in a 100MB mbox. The indexed search found the 3593 From_ lines in 17.5 seconds. Just reading the file in and running the regexp engine over it found them in 12.6 seconds. The Python version took 2.0 seconds.

This seemed like unreasonably poor performance, so I tried searching for a spammer’s email address. The Python version found the three matches in 430 ms; the Golang brute-force version found them in 210 ms; and the indexed version found them in 4.3 seconds, of which 4.0 seconds were spent reading the index.

Just for kicks, I tried a Perl version. It produced the 3593 From_ lines in 220 ms and the three hits for the spammer’s address in 195 ms, but upon trying to find all the lines containing the address (regexp ^.*VanceE.McCray.*), I killed it after 21 minutes. Python managed to finish that job in 2.7 seconds, the Golang brute force version in 36 seconds, and the Golang indexed version in 45 seconds.

So I haven’t been able to find any cases where index/suffixarray is faster than doing a brute-force regexp search on the file data in RAM, even though it uses several times as much RAM.


runtime provides control over the garbage collector (including setting finalizers), a Caller function to walk the stack, and a bunch of profiling stuff I don’t know how to use yet. (I guess I could call the runtime.debug.PrintStack function periodically and save the results, and that would be a crude profiler.)


net/rpc is an RPC system using the encoding/gob serialization; a JSON-serialized variant is in net/rpc/jsonrpc. It doesn’t enjoy a lot of syntactic sugar.


zip lets you read and write zipfiles, but only items compressed with the “store” and “deflate” methods. It uses the same io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces everything else does (or rather io.ReadCloser and io.Writer.)
