Gradient pixels

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-08-16 (updated 2018-10-28) (9 minutes)

Color computer displays in the 1980s and 1990s used a “palette” of colors to save memory, so that they could use only a single byte per pixel instead of the 2–4 bytes needed by the “TrueColor” displays we use nowadays, which did exist at the time but were specialty high-end hardware, used only for things like making movies. The “palette” was a finite array of colors that the pixels in the framebuffer indexed into.

But what if we’d used a different approach, one more driven by the capacities of the human visual system and of electronics? I think we could have done about an order of magnitude better for photos and video.

Before palettes

Prior to paletted framebuffers, computer displays commonly used character generators. A color 80×25 terminal with 8×16 characters has 256 000 pixels, but might have only 4000 bytes of RAM (one byte of character data and one byte of colors for each of the 2000 screen cells), and video cards for personal computers followed a similar approach. As the electron beam scanned across the screen, the hardware would read out the appropriate line of pixels from the appropriate glyph in the font — at first in ROM, later RAM, allowing runtime-changeable fonts, at the cost of another 4096 bytes of RAM. Systems like the Nintendo used a similar tile system, adding features for “sprite” overlays, which many home computers also had.

Typically, this approach required fixed-width fonts, although that wasn’t really a necessary restriction. Later character-generator- driven systems like the DEC VT220 (and maybe the VT100?) often supported double-width and double-height characters, providing a little bit of typographical variety.

Game computers of the time had different specialized hardware with sprites and some compositing built in; talks a bit about how the Atari 2600 in 1977 managed to do NTSC-resolution video games with 128 bytes of RAM, and talks about the slightly later Atari 800.

By contrast, the original Macintosh shipped with 128 kibibytes of RAM (because 512 kibibytes was thought to be too expensive) and had a 512×342 one-bit framebuffer, which requires 22 kilobytes of RAM, five times as much as the fixed-font character generator and three times as much as the variable-font character generator, and it couldn’t fit as much readable text on the screen and couldn’t do color.

The advent of the palette

The IBM EGA (in 1984), the Apple IIGS VGC (in 1986), the IBM VGA (in 1987), and a large variety of other systems in the late 1980s and early 1990s instead adopted a “paletted” approach, in which a small number of bits per pixel in the framebuffer indexed into a palette. The EGA had 4 bits per pixel and 6 bits per palette entry, the VGC had 4 bits per pixel and 12 bits per palette entry, and the VGA had 8 bits per pixel and 18 bits per palette entry.

Let’s consider a 1024×768 Super VGA, common around 1990, with its traditional 256-color palette (with 6 bits per color channel). At the standard 72 dpi, that’s 361×271 mm, a “17.8 inch” monitor, while on a more affordable 12.8-inch monitor it would hit 100 dpi. And it could display pretty decent photos, although a lot of software fuckery went into palette handling and dithering, especially once you got into windowed displays and animation; the grainy look of GIF video nowadays comes from the 256-color-palette limitation that it inherited from the video hardware of that period.

These displays could also do pretty decent text: in a readable but jaggy 5×8 font, you would get 96 lines of 204 columns on the screen, but a more easily readable 8×12 pixel font would give you 64 lines of 128 columns. That’s a bit more than a printed A4-size page of text.

Antialiased text rendering was not common because doing it on a paletted display would use up a lot of colors in the palette and essentially rule out using varying background colors, although varying background colors itself was unusual. Subpixel antialiasing was not possible because the different colors of a pixel were fuzzy blobs in the same place on the screen, not separately addressable spatially distinct pieces, even though the differently-colored phosphors on the monitor were in fact in different places.

The palette meant that such SVGA cards could ship with only 768 kilobytes of DRAM. DRAM cost US$40 per megabyte from about 1992 to about 1996, due to a price-fixing cartel which eventually collapsed, and so this was US$30 worth of RAM — even more in 1990 or 1988. A 16-bit TrueColor display in the now-popular 5-6-5 RGB format would have cost US$30 more to make and had one bit less color precision in red and blue; a display at this resolution like the Targa, with the 24-bit TrueColor that is now universal except on low-end cellphones, would cost US$60 more to make.

Alternate history: gradient tiles or gradient pixels

But let’s consider different tradeoffs you could have made. Suppose that, instead of 1024×768 pixels, the screen were divided into 192×144 tiles, each 1.88 mm square on a 17.8" monitor, and each tile could display two arbitrary linear gradients, separated by a diagonal line at an arbitrary angle and position. Suppose the start color and ∇ (dr/dx, dr/dy, dg/dx, dg/dy, db/dx, db/dy) for each gradient are specified to 8 bits per channel, and 4 bits each specify the angle and the position of the dividing line, so the angle is specified with a resolution of 11°15', and the position is specified with a precision of, say, 118 μm if the line is vertical or 166 μm if the line is diagonal.

This gives us about 3× the linear spatial resolution of the 1024×768 display and 4× its color resolution on each channel (assuming the analog parts of the system are adequate), but subject to some significant lossy compression. In particular, text is going to have to be pretty large.

Let’s add up the memory per tile here:

|                        | bytes/tile |
| gradient 1 start color |          3 |
| gradient 1 ∇           |          6 |
| gradient 2 start color |          3 |
| gradient 2 ∇           |          6 |
| dividing line          |          1 |
| total                  |         19 |

So that gives us 525 kilobytes or 513 kibibytes of VRAM, instead of the 768 KiB of VRAM we need for the SVGA.

You could do the whole decoding process from the gradient tiles to voltages entirely digitally, feeding digital counts to a DAC according to a dot clock, just like a normal video card. But you could actually get smoother gradients with much slower hardware if you generate the gradients with analog circuitry, consisting of a capacitor C1 connected through a buffer to each output channel, connected to a transmission gate and a voltage-controlled current source controlled by another capacitor C2, which is itself connected to another transmission gate. Each time you cross a tile boundary or a diagonal line, you short both C1 and C2 to voltages at the outputs of a couple of buffers driven by capacitors C3 and C4, which are sampling-and-holding outputs from a previous conversion result from a DAC. The diagonal-line trigger is driven from a timer which is also set by a DAC at tile-boundary-crossing time.

Supposing we have 768 visible scan lines and thus about 850 total scan lines in an 85-Hz frame, our horizontal scan frequency is about 72 kHz; if we have 210 “gradient tile times” per scan line (including 10% HBI) then our “gradient tile clock” is only 15.2 MHz. Under the same assumptions, the 1024×768 traditional display needs an 82 MHz dot clock. However, the jitter constraint on the gradient tile display is actually substantially tighter if we are to achieve the promised 3× spatial resolution improvement, and of course each color channel needs four DAC conversions per tile clock (initial value, initial partial derivative in X, and both of these after crossing the edge), so the DAC actually must run at almost the same speed.

This isn’t quite as terrible as it might seem for text if the gradient saturates when it reaches a max or min value, as it would in the suggested analog embodiment; with a background that’s either black or white, that allows us to get a vertical line at the left edge of each tile and a diagonal line at the edge, simply by setting the gradient value large enough to rapidly saturate to the background color after the crossing. I estimate that you could get readable (fixed-width) text with 2×2 gradient tiles per character cell, which would give us 72 lines of 96 columns, in the same ballpark as the SVGA card.
