Gradient rendering

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-24 (11 minutes)


Raph wrote:

Another serious potential win in SVG is that you might be able to interleave the area integration with alpha compositing / masking. Could end up pretty darned fast.

I responded:

I was thinking about using your prefix-sum approach for exactly that almost all of last night. I don’t have an attack on the problem that I’m satisfied with yet:

  1. Render each path to a fresh pixel buffer, alpha-compositing it down onto the final canvas. Advantage: straightforward, works for sure. Disadvantage: you need a lot of multiplies per pixel.

  2. Partition paths into “layers” of nonoverlapping paths, render each layer as a unit, and composite each new layer down onto the final canvas. Overlapping opaque paths can be incorporated into the same layer as whatever is below them by cutting an overlap-shaped hole in what’s below before adding in the new path; although that involves some intersection tests to know where to stop, my intuition is that it will be a big win. Advantages: straightforward, probably faster than the previous one. Disadvantages: the partitioning is a potentially costly extra step (one of those things that makes me wonder if it’s NP-complete to do it optimally), and there are still potentially many multiplies per pixel.

  3. Separately accumulate a numerator (total premultiplied color) and denominator (total alpha) for each pixel, then divide in the end. Advantages: You avoid doing lots of work per pixel. Disadvantages: This is a weighted sum, not alpha blending. Alpha blending is a different thing. So the result is wrong. Also, an honest division per pixel is more expensive than quite a number of multiplications, although maybe you could cheat on the final division with a table of approximate multiplicative inverses or something. So this would probably be super slow.

  4. Find a different group other than ℤ/256ℤ in which to do prefix-sum that somehow gives you the right results. Then you can just render all the edges into the same buffer and do a single vectorizable prefix-sum operation over it.

    Advantages: This sounds super fast.

    Disadvantages: It seems clear that this group is going to have to be able to represent the entire Z-ordered stack of colors at every pixel, because if I’m looking at some translucent green on top of translucent red on top of opaque black on top of pale blue, and I reach the right (negative) edge of the opaque black path, somehow I have to have remembered the blue thing underneath in order for it to peek through, which suggests to me that I need an unbounded number of bits per pixel to implement this scheme, which probably is not going to admit an actually fast implementation. In effect it has to reduce to the second approach, except that the software has to deal with the stack of layers once for every pixel. Or is there some magical way around this, at least for a fast-path case?

This part is probably obvious to you, Raph, but you can do SVG linear gradients with two prefix-sum passes instead of one, where the first pass just runs over signed gradient stops and gradient clipping boundaries, and then you draw the signed path boundaries into the buffer before the second prefix-sum pass. (Is that clear? I suspect it may be too abbreviated.)

I suspect that with three prefix-sum passes you could do a decent quadratic-spline† approximation of arbitrary gradients, including the weird skew cone gradients SVG calls “radial gradients”. But I haven’t worked out the details.

I know you don’t have a lot of time to hack on this stuff right now, but would you have time to provide feedback if I were to hack on it a bit? I imagine that I’d run into any number of places where talking to you about it for half an hour could save me days of wasted effort.

† here I’m talking about what Carl de Boor calls “splines”, which I know disagrees with your usage of “splines”. I think you called them “B-splines” in your dissertation.

Then I wrote this:

You might have seen Raph's recent article on font-rs, where he observes that the color of a pixel in an antialiased painted polygon is the prefix sum of the signed edge coverages, and prefix sum is a thing you can do super fast with SSE.

Dan Amelang's work with Gezira and Nile is pretty inspiring to me, and the idea that you could get enough performance out of modern hardware to not have to worry about precaching font glyphs or really anything else is pretty neat. And hey, AAA games rerender each frame more or less from scratch, right? And in 3D at that.

I've had pretty good experiences hacking together stuff in SVG, especially with the little bit of data binding provided by D3 — you end up with a buttload of code, but you have a lot of control over how things look, and you seem to have pretty good composability, even if there's a large constant factor. It's just kind of like writing stuff in assembly, but less error-prone. (So maybe the verbosity problem of D3 is a shallow problem that could be solved with a better surface notation, like BLISS or Thompson's B instead of assembly?)

Amelang's Gezira, as I understand it, uses a single graphical primitive: a path made of quadratic Bézier curves, filled with a single solid alpha-blended color. SVG primitively supports filling with multi-stop linear RGBA gradients as well as solid RGBA colors, and if you were going to pick a single kind of fill, gradients include solid colors as a special case. And linear gradients are powerful enough that you can Gouraud-shade projected triangles with them, although I never took advantage of that when I did that long-ago 3-D torus.

It may have occurred to you by now that linear gradients can also be rendered by the prefix-sum method; it just requires two passes instead of one. First you fill the polygon with the ∂color/∂x of the fill (which is constant for a linear gradient, regardless of its orientation, until you hit a stop) using a first pass of the prefix sum; then, to that, you add the signed edge coverages at the borders of the polygon before doing a second pass of prefix sum.

I haven't yet figured out how to do overlapping alpha-blended filled paths with this method. Nonoverlapping paths can be done simply by rendering all their signed edges into a single buffer before the prefix-sum step or steps, and overlapping opaque paths can be done by cutting holes in the paths on the bottom, removing the hidden parts of their original edges (which nearly requires the property Levien calls extensionality in his dissertation) and adding extra edges to route them around the intruding space. But overlapping alpha-blended paths seem like they could be arbitrarily expensive.

So, I was thinking that it might be reasonable to make a UI out of nothing but a collection of closed Bézier polylines filled with linear RGBA gradients. Maybe? Texture maps would be hard to fit into that model, and textures are pretty important, I don't know.

Dave Long pointed out that two overlapped alpha-blended linear gradient regions still add up to a linear gradient:

Is that really true? After reading, I'd guess you'd calculate stops
at every path vertex and path intersection[0]. At each stop, the
color layers are known and because gradients are linear, the
combination of gradients from all layers ought to also be linear.

[0] these could be expensive, up to n**2

More recently, it occurs to me that there is a potential problem with precision here, but it can be overcome. If we want to be able to make a linear gradient from any given 24-bit color to any other given 24-bit color across some horizontal distance, then we need to support a change of a single count across that distance. If our intermediate results are only 48 bits (16 bits per color plane), then the furthest we can reach without missing is 256 pixels horizontally. (In a sense, the other 8 bits per pixel hold a fractional color or error accumulator.)

This suggests that the optimal way to do this thing is to render things in 256×1 chunks, with the buffer occupying 1536 bytes. Alternatively, you could do it a scan line at a time with 32-bit ints, which would work properly as long as the scan lines were shorter than 2²⁴ pixels, but this requires more buffer space and also runs half as fast with optimal SIMD instructions. For example, a 2048-pixel scan line would require 12288 bytes of buffer space, big enough to put serious pressure on the L1D cache. (I’m writing this on an Atom with a 24 KB 6-way set associative write-back L1D cache, for example.)

It might turn out to be work more effectively with current SIMD instruction sets to render a band of several scan lines at a time, because the vertical SIMD instructions have better coverage of the available space. For example, using AVX-512 instructions, you could maybe handle 32 scan lines in each instruction, or maybe one color plane for each of 10 scan lines, thus rendering a 256×10 or 256×32 band. I think that with AVX-512 and four-way loop unrolling, the inner loop of the critical prefix sum there will take probably 320 cycles; if it’s 256×10, that would be 8 pixels per cycle, or 4 pixels per cycle if you do it twice. Repainting a 2048×1536 screen that way will take about 786432 cycles, plus whatever overhead is needed to set up the gradient stops and copy the finished pixels into the framebuffer and whatnot.

(AVX2 and AVX-512 support gather load with the VGATHERDPS, VGATHERDPD, etc., instructions, as well as permuting stuff within a register with VPERMPS, VPERMD, PSHUFB, etc., so copying the finished pixels into the framebuffer might not be the horrible performance nightmare you might expect. AVX-512F also has scatter store.)
