Low-cost green thread locks

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-06 (2 minutes)

(This idea is probably bad because we can’t eliminate the cost of lock acquisition completely; we still need to conditionally block if the lock is acquired.)

Zero-overhead exception handling uses a map of executable code regions to analyze the stack trace at the time an exception is thrown to discover where to invoke the exception handler. This way, a try { } statement, or in C++ the code to destruct a stack object during exception unwinding, has zero run-time overhead in the normal case; it just makes the executable a little bigger. Throwin an exception is slower than using a setjmp()/longjmp() style of exception handling, but this is still a net win, because exceptions are very rare compared to entering and leaving contexts that add tasks to carry out during stack unwinding.

Analogously, acquiring a lock is a very common operation in threads-and-locks programming, and typically a very expensive one. But we only care what locks you hold when another thread might contend them. In a “green thread” or “fiber” environment, only one thread is actually running at a time, and context switches between threads are relatively uncommon.

In a language like Java, locks are normally managed by entering and leaving synchronized statements and methods. These can be discovered by walking the stack in the same way that exception handlers can.

This suggests the following implementation technique for locks in a green-threads environment: don’t maintain the runtime state of which locks are held by the current thread at all, although of course you still need to test to see if a lock is held when entering a context that requires it. Instead, when the thread yields to the scheduler, the scheduler walks its stack to reconstruct the set of locks it holds. Then it marks those locks as “held” before choosing which next thread to run.

This slows down context switching, but speeds up lock acquisition, making it affordable to acquire more locks.
