IMGUI programming language

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-01-01 (updated 2019-07-30) (21 minutes)

So I want to write an immediate-mode GUI library (see IMGUI programming compared to Tcl/Tk) for this experimental programming system I’m writing. But I also want to write a programming language for the purpose, because (see Yeso notes) even without the IMGUI library, I’ve written 1500+ lines of C for graphical applications, and I feel like a more reasonable programming language would make those applications both significantly less code and significantly less bug-prone.

Local-variable pointers and var parameters

IMGUI is a lot easier when I can take addresses of local variables to do things like this:

static int item_current_2 = 0;
ImGui::Combo("combo 2 (one-liner)", &item_current_2,

Here, item_current_2 contains the current selection in the combo box. In C, you can also do this with struct fields and whatnot. This is a feature that is missing from Lisp-memory-model programming languages, in general. You typically end up providing “slot” objects with a get method and a set method, which is inconvenient if it involves changing the definition of the thing you’re trying to change, or writing a special-purpose wrapper. (Common Lisp took a different approach.)


But C makes IMGUI harder when you have to do things like this:

    if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Help"))
        ImGui::MenuItem("Metrics", NULL, &show_app_metrics);
        ImGui::MenuItem("Style Editor", NULL, &show_app_style_editor);
        ImGui::MenuItem("About Dear ImGui", NULL, &show_app_about);

In a language like Smalltalk or Ruby with a block facility, you could write this as follows, avoiding the EndMenu and EndMenuBar calls and the potential bug of forgetting them:

    ImGui::BeginMenu("Help") {
        ImGui::MenuItem("Metrics", NULL, &show_app_metrics);
        ImGui::MenuItem("Style Editor", NULL, &show_app_style_editor);
        ImGui::MenuItem("About Fear ImGui", NULL, &show_app_about);

Possibly MenuItem would also take a block to specify the action to take:

    ImGui::BeginMenu("Help") {
        ImGui::MenuItem("Metrics", NULL) { show_app_metrics(); }
        ImGui::MenuItem("Style Editor", NULL) { show_app_style_editor(); }
        ImGui::MenuItem("About Mere ImGui", NULL) { show_app_about(); }

Block arguments can also give you resource managers (with-open-file, save-excursion) and iteration, all without the garbage-collection difficulties and compiler complexities of full-fledged closures. I feel like iterators implemented with block arguments are somewhat inferior to first-class sequence objects as in Python and D, but they’re relatively passable.

Closures versus var parameters

In conventional GUI toolkits, a strong argument for first-class garbage-collected closures is that it allows you to write event-handling code like the above. In IMGUI, downward-funarg blocks are adequate!

Perhaps address arguments (the &item_current_2 in the above example) could be subject to a discipline like Pascal’s downward-funarg discipline: you can pass an address as an argument or store it in a local variable, but you can’t store it in a global variable, a variable in an outer scope, a record field, or an array item, and you can’t return it. (Alternatively, storing it into a record or array would cause the record or array to inherit the downwardness; in this direction eventually lies Rust.) This would make it statically safe to pass addresses of local variables without requiring garbage collection. (It’s very roughly equivalent to Algol call-by-name, or to passing a getter function and a setter function.)

In fact, I had forgotten this, but it turns out that Pascal has precisely this feature: its “var parameters” are precisely the downward-only-passable address arguments being described here, except that you can’t store them in a local variable or reseat them, and (more disconcertingly to my eye) they look just like input parameters at the callsite. Oberon follows Pascal in this, despite having garbage collection and thus no need for the downward-only discipline.

Fuck C, though, seriously

I really hate C’s single program-wide namespace (give me method namespaces and a module system, please), verbose type syntax, lack of multiple return values, lack of list comprehensions, lack of any kind of real error handling, clumsiness with ad-hoc polymorphism, inflexible argument passing, bug-prone coercions, bug-prone error reporting, and lack of memory-safety. (The NULLs in the above code example are perhaps avoidable in C++, but in C they’d be a consequence of the inflexible argument passing.) I like the fact that in C you can copy records by value and avoid aliasing them, just as I like the fact that you can alias fields with pointers when you want.

Types and arguments

You probably want optional named arguments for IMGUI; record literals are probably fine for that if you can invoke operations on them, and of course Tk does it by parsing command lines. Without those, you’re stuck with something like a PostScript graphics context to change things like font sizes and colors.

For pixel slinging, you probably want numeric vector types, at least fixed-size ones.

I’ve been wondering if you could do most of Hindley-Milner type inference, including sum types, without any parametric polymorphism, though perhaps supporting ad-hoc polymorphism. (I want sum types primarily to avoid null pointers and secondarily because of the usefulness of pattern-matching in compiler-like work.) That is, every variable and every function would have a fully concrete type, but it would be inferred from context as much as possible.

I really like the Golang interface construct. It conflicts to a minimal extent with the desire for type inference, because if method calls on concrete types and method calls indirected through interfaces are written with the same syntax, the most you could ever infer about a value from the method calls is a lower bound on its interface.

You ought to be able to infer the structure of a sum type from any wildcardless pattern match that matches on an object of that type.

I don’t have a completely clear idea of how the kind of value references I’d like to be able to pass to things like ImGui::Combo above should interact with interfaces and heap pointers.

Some C code examples and their Platonic essences


Here is some existing code written with Yeso:

#include "yeso.h"

int main()
  ywin w = yw_open("munching squares", 1024, 1024, "");

  for (int t = 0;; t++) {
    ypic fb = yw_frame(w);
    for (int y = 0; y < fb.h; y++) {
      ypix *p = yp_pix(fb, 0, y);
      for (int x = 0; x < fb.w; x++) p[x] = (t & 1023) - ((x ^ y) & 1023);


Here is what I would like it to look like:

#include "yeso.h"

int main()
  yw_open("munching squares", 1024, 1024, "") for (ywin w) {
    for (int t = 0;; t++) {
      yw_frame(w) for (ypic fb) {
        yp_scanlines(fb) for (int y, ypix *p) {
          for (int x = 0; x < fb.w; x++) p[x] = (t & 1023) - ((x ^ y) & 1023);

or, with lifetimes or scopes extending from each declaration to an implicit end at the enclosing }, as in C++, but also including loops, something like Notes on Raph Levien's "Io" Programming Language:

use yeso

  yw_open("munching squares", 1024, 1024, "") -> ywin w;
  for (int t = 0;; t++);
  yw_frame(w) -> ypic fb;
  yp_scanlines(fb) -> int y, ypix *p;
  for (int x = 0; x < fb.w; x++);
  p[x] = (t & 1023) - ((x ^ y) & 1023);


use yeso

yeso.window("munching squares", 1024, 1024) w:
    (0..) t:
            be it Die: return 0
            be _: None
            it.each_line y, p:
                    p[it] <- bitand(t, 1023) - bitand(xor(it, y), 1023)

This looks very much like Ruby, actually, though with Lobster syntax. Some improvements over the C version:

  1. It’s less than half as much code.
  2. Opening and closing the window is taken care of by the function, which passes the window object to the argument block, and implicitly closes the window upon exit from that block. If you call it without a block, it returns the window object, and you have to close it explicitly. Similarly, w.frame flushes the framebuffer to the display when the block exits. This is much less bug-prone than the C version.
  3. The options argument in the C version is optional and omitted.
  4. No types are mentioned except Die.
  5. The event dispatch is done with pattern-matching instead of a bunch of functions.
  6. Numeric ranges are first-class callable objects; invoked with blocks, they iterate.
  7. Parentheses are not needed for function calls without non-block arguments; you use some other syntax to get a reference to a method when that is necessary.
  8. Bitwise operations are written with function-call syntax rather than infix operators.
  9. Mutation <- is distinct from declaration and initialization =.
  10. The length of a slice is extracted with #.

Block syntax is arg1, arg2, arg3: INDENT body OUTDENT, where the argument list may be empty. The special identifier it, if mentioned in the body, is added as an argument to the argument list.

Tetris piece rotation

Here’s a function from my Tetris implementation:

void rotate_piece(char *piece, char piece_rotated[][4], int piece_r)
  int origin, xs, ys;
  switch (piece_r) {
  case 0:
    origin = 0;
    xs = 1;
    ys = 4;
  case 1:
    origin = 3;
    xs = 4;
    ys = -1;
  case 2:
    origin = 15;
    xs = -1;
    ys = -4;
  case 3:
    origin = 12;
    xs = -4;
    ys = 1;

  for (int y = 0; y != 4; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x != 4; x++) {
      piece_rotated[x][y] = (' ' != piece[origin + x*xs + y*ys]);

This converts a 16-byte piece into a 4×4 array of booleans with a particular rotation in a pretty crappy way. Instead:

to rotate_piece(piece, piece_rotated, piece_r):
    (origin, xs, ys) = ((0, 1, 4) if piece_r == 0 else
                        (3, 4, -1) if piece_r == 1 else
                        (15, -1, -4) if piece_r == 2 else
                        (12, -4, 1))
    (..4) y:
        (..4): piece_rotated[it][y] = (' ' != piece[origin + it*xs + y*ys])

The compiler can here infer that origin, xs, ys, y, it, and piece_r are ints, that piece_rotated is an array of arrays of bools, and that piece is an array of chars. There’s also a tuple of three ints here.

We can do better, though, if we can return the array of arrays, and our loop is actually a list comprehension producing that array:

to rotate_piece(piece, piece_r):
    (origin, xs, ys) = ((0, 1, 4) if piece_r == 0 else
                        (3, 4, -1) if piece_r == 1 else
                        (15, -1, -4) if piece_r == 2 else
                        (12, -4, 1))

    (..4) x: (..4) y: ' ' != piece[origin + x*xs + y*ys]

Can the compiler infer that this returns specifically a 4×4 array rather than just an array of arrays (of bools)? If it could infer that, then the caller could allocate space for the return value on the stack. An alternative that doesn’t involve dynamic allocation for such sequences is to return a generator object, which the caller can then unpack as they see fit, but that isn’t a good default semantics for a for loop.

Or we could take a block argument to store the result:

to rotate_piece(piece, piece_r):
    (origin, xs, ys) = ((0, 1, 4) if piece_r == 0 else
                        (3, 4, -1) if piece_r == 1 else
                        (15, -1, -4) if piece_r == 2 else
                        (12, -4, 1))

    (..4) x: (..4) y: yield x, y, ' ' != piece[origin + x*xs + y*ys]

(Arguably the procedure header should have some indication that it expects a block.) Then you could invoke it like this:

rotate_piece(pieces[piece], piece_r) x, y:
    piece_rotated[x][y] = it

I really miss list comprehensions a lot in C and Golang.

Makefont event dispatch

Here’s some annoying code from another yeso program, makefont.c:

for (yw_event *ev; (ev = yw_get_event(w));) {
  if (yw_as_die_event(ev)) {
    img.p = 0;
    return 0;

  yw_key_event *kev = yw_as_key_event(ev);
  if (kev && kev->down) {
    if (kev->keysym <= '~') {
      current_char = kev->keysym;
      yp_p2 newsize = font.g[current_char].size;
      if (newsize.x || newsize.y) defsize = newsize;
    } else switch(kev->keysym) {
        #define IF break; case
        IF yk_shift_l: display_text = 0;
        IF yk_left: if (off.x) off.x -= 128;
        IF yk_right: off.x += 128;
        IF yk_up: if (off.y) off.y -= 128;
        IF yk_down: off.y += 128;
        IF yk_pgdn: write_out_the_font(&font, argv[1]);

  if (kev && !kev->down && kev->keysym == yk_shift_l) display_text = 1;

  yw_mouse_event *mev = yw_as_mouse_event(ev);
  if (mev) {
    yp_p2 xy = yp_p_add(mev->p, off);
    if ((mev->buttons & 1) && !(buttons & 1)) {
      font.g[current_char].start = xy;
      font.g[current_char].size.x = defsize.x;
      update_height(&font, current_char, defsize.y);


This becomes something like: ev:
    be ev Die ->
        return 0
    be Key(_, keysym, Down) -> (
        be keysym Ascii(ch) -> current_char <- ch
        be Shift_L -> display_text <- False
        be Left -> if (xoff): xoff -= 128
        be Right -> xoff += 128
        be Up -> if (yoff): yoff -= 128
        be Down -> yoff += 128
        be _ -> None
    be Key(_, Shift_l, Up) -> display_text <- True
    be Mouse((x, y), new_buttons) ->
        x += xoff
        y += yoff
        if bit(new_buttons, 1) && !bit(old_buttons, 1):
            update_height(&font, current_char, 0)
            font.g[current_char] = ((x, y), (0, 0))

The cleanup code is taken care of elsewhere by wrappers and deferred cleanup functions. I’m not sure how the keysym names and other constructor names are in scope so we don’t have to say yeso.Up or indeed yeso.Key; maybe a declaration like use yeso.keys as yk would allow us to use yk.Up and be adequate. The name collision between Down for a keydown event and Down for the down-arrow key is unfortunate.

Some amount of type declaration might simplify that — if we know that keysym is a keysym, we could bring the keysym constructors into scope for the pattern-matches.

An interesting possibility for dynamic allocation is to use explicit region-based allocation, in which each function has the possibility of constructing an arena that is freed when it returns, and can pass that region to other functions so that they can dynamically allocate things in it that will survive their return.


I feel like the above is a very ambitious language design for someone who’s only done much simpler languages before, and perhaps it isn’t ideally suited for a language that will need to have two implementations kept in sync for bootstrapping purposes.

As a first step, I think I should implement a reverse-polish-notation portable assembler, “uncorp”, which supports most of the semantics of my desired language but without types or syntax. You’d have the usual unsigned integer ALU operations (+ - * / & | ~ ^ << >> < and maybe sex8 sex16 sex32), the usual memory-access operations (! @ C! C@), a stack operation or two (DROP, say), and some basic control structures — at least IF-ELSE-THEN and LOOP-WHILE-REPEAT. For function call, yield, and return, I propose:

This is not quite powerful enough for cooperative threading or exception handling, for both of which yield would also need to set the stack pointer, but it’s adequate for the downward-funargs case, whether you’re passing the frame pointer implicitly (as for the single-level downward-funargs cases I contemplated above) or explicitly. Given that, it’s probably better to have separate operations for setting the stack pointer, if desired.

This version of Uncorp has some desirable properties. A completely naïve compiler should be very easy to write and usably efficient, if several times slower than decent code. A slightly less naïve compiler that just does register allocation for the operand stack should come within a factor of two or so of optimized C for a reasonably wide range of code. It can be extended with vector operations easily. And it can support the features I was describing above.

One tricky bit is how big the frame pointer is supposed to be. Remember this is supposed to be a portable assembler, targeting at least AVR, armel, armeb, aarch64, i386, and amd64, and I’d like it to also be deterministic. I think this design is too untyped to be efficiently deterministic for several reasons:

For now I’m going to not worry about that, but it’s a thing to keep in mind as a reason to replace Uncorp. A little bit of compile-time computation, like [ 24 ptrsize + ] enter, might be enough to take care of this.

So the bootstrapping plan is to write an Uncorp interpreter in something easy and widespread, like JS or Python, and then an Uncorp compiler for amd64-ELF in Uncorp. Then I can write a compiler for the more usable imperative language above in Uncorp, and then compilers and interpreters for higher-level languages in that language.

StoneKnifeForth is 204 lines of code or 132 lines without comments, and compiles a language with 20 primitives. The 32 or so primitives of Uncorp should therefore require something like 300 lines of code, per platform. This is a lot worse than the 104 lines of my implementation of Chifir but barely more than my implementation of Tetris.

But wait! Uncorp also needs to be able to initialize variables by putting labeled binary numbers into the executable. It probably doesn’t need explicit .data and .text directives (unless we want to support .bss or generate machine code from binary numbers) but it does need d8, d16, d32, and d64 compile-time operations. And, as mentioned above, it needs support for compile-time computation — maybe not defining functions at compile-time, but at least things like [ 23 ptrsize * 11 + ], and probably alignment too, which means you need access to the current compilation address in both .data and .text. So maybe it will be twice that, like 600 lines, though maybe more of that can be shared between platforms.

I don’t think it should be the job of the source program to generate ELF headers or symbol tables, because the objective of Uncorp is to be a portable assembly: it should at least be possible and ideally very easy to write reasonably efficient Uncorp programs that can run without change on several different platforms.

What would list comprehensions look like in a C-level language? We don’t want to saddle the containing function with handling failures, so we would like to avoid heap allocation. Stack allocation can, of course, fail, but perhaps this is less of a problem; it has no fragmentation to deal with, so proving that it won't fail seems more tractable — although it does require bounding the list length.

Allocation doesn't entirely go away as a concern, though. For things like any(), all(), sum(), min(), or max(), or foreach, there is no real allocation problem, because we can probably evaluate the sequence lazily. But what if we really do want to store the results in an indexable or reiterable sequence? We need an array.

The stack-allocation discipline means that a callee’s arrays will not be available to the caller, but block arguments can come to the rescue here — the callee can yield control to the caller’s block with the freshly-allocated array.

Conventional downward-growing stacks and addition-indexed arrays are not a very good match here. Either you must implicitly reverse the array generated from the comprehension at the end, you must grow it upwards, you must periodically relocate it during the comprehension to a larger buffer size, or you must index it by subtraction. Of these options I think the implicit reversal is the best.
