Immediate-mode PEG parsers in assembly language

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-12-10 (updated 2019-12-11) (21 minutes)

I think I've reinvented an interesting design for how to do parsing efficiently and straightforwardly in machine code; it seems eminently workable and quite efficient, at least for grammars without an unusual amount of ambiguity, probably achieving parsing speeds of dozens of megabytes per second with easy-to-write assembly code. It's an approach to parsing analogous to the IMGUI approach to building user interfaces --- or, from another point of view, a slight tweak on traditional recursive-descent parsing that adds some expressivity.

I've been working with Meredith Patterson and Andrea Shepard on the Hammer parsing engine. This isn't intended as a proposal for Hammer, but it is certainly inspired by Hammer. Andrea's been working on an LLVM backend for Hammer, and that, along with the difficulties Jeremiah Orians reports in writing interpreters in assembly, has led me to think about these problems.

In Immediate mode productive grammars I wrote about how to use a similar design for bidirectional parsing and deparsing, that is, serialization. Deparsing is not considered in this note. I also considered a vaguely similar idea for compiling a syntax tree into machine code that iterates over it in Optimizing the Visitor pattern on the DOM using Quaject-style dynamic code generation.

The basic correspondence

Consider the design of Hammer. Hammer is a relatively traditional parsing combinator library in C; you call a bunch of Hammer functions to incrementally build up an object graph representing your grammar, in much the same way a user of a traditional widget toolkit calls widget-creation functions to build up an object graph representing their GUI. Is there an alternative that would look more like IMGUI?

The fundamental combining operations of PEGs are greedy choice, concatenation, indirection, and negation. These are pretty close to the usual programming operations of conditionals, sequencing, subroutine call, and iteration; although negation and iteration do not correspond, the others do. It would be nice to directly implement concatenation of languages with sequencing of programs, so that you could compile the tiny language 'h' 'i' into, for example:

    mov $'h, %al
    call letter
    mov $'i, %al
    call letter

That much is fairly easy to do: the letter subroutine checks the next byte of input, explodes if it's not 'h' or 'i', and otherwise advances the input pointer, something like this:

    mov (%esi), %cl
    cmp %al, %cl
    jne explode
    inc %esi

This takes seven instructions per character on the happy path; you probably want a sentinel EOF character which, if you want to recognize it, gets handled specially. (The clc is explained later.)

Choice and backtracking

Backtracking can't be done quite as simply as 'h' 'i' / 'j', because somehow the failure of 'h' needs to know to backtrack to the 'j' instead of somewhere else.

Well, it could be done that simply by no-opping the intermediate operations, just as in IMGUI toolkits you can call a bunch of functions that don't draw anything because they are off the screen or something, or just as you can null out the effect of all future writes to a file descriptor by closing it (they just get back EBADF). All your side effects need to be indirected anyhow in case you have to backtrack (see the section "Data store" below). But I think a more efficient and more comprehensible approach is something more like this, if I can figure out how to make it work:

    jc 1f
    mov $'h, %al
    call letter
    mov $'i, %al
    call letter
1:  call backtrack
    jc 1f
    mov $'j, %al
    call letter
1:  ret

The idea is that, on entry to the parser subroutine, the carry flag is initially cleared; but, if 'h' or 'i' fails, the subroutine is restarted with the carry flag set, which leaps to the call to backtrack. That redoubtable subroutine clears the carry flag, updates the backtracking state, and returns. If instead it is reached with the carry flag clear, because execution fell through all the letter calls successfully, it knows that its immediate caller has succeeded, and so it returns from that caller, never returning to it.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires the parsing subroutine to be called specially, via a magic parsing-subroutine-calling subroutine which saves the initial backtracking state, clears the carry flag, and upon the subroutine returning, discards that backtracking state. (Although this would be needed in any case if you want Packrag memoization.)

A less magical approach would look like this instead:

    call choice
    jc 1f
    mov $'h, %al
    call letter
    mov $'i, %al
    call letter
1:  call nextchoice
    jc 1f
    mov $'j, %al
    call letter
1:  call endchoice

This requires you to bracket your alternatives with choice/endchoice calls, which will return twice if backtracking is needed but are otherwise ordinary. Once one of the choices succeeds, the following nextchoice calls skip over the following bodies (by setting the carry flag, as before) until endchoice is reached.

This approach has the disadvantage that you can forget the endchoice call, particularly if you have multiple return paths, and it requires writing a couple more instructions per choice. It has the advantages that parsing subroutines can call each other directly, you can nest choices, and failure propagation to parents is faster and more straightforward to implement.

This use of the carry flag is the reason that the letter routine given above clears the carry flag; otherwise a carry left over from its cmp instruction might result in spurious reports of parse failures.

(I think this is more or less the aproach of the Warren Abstract Machine used for Prolog, but I don't understand the WAM, so I might be wrong about that. I should probably read about it to see if I'm reinventing it in a way that is known to be broken.)


Negation requires the same kind of backtracking transaction to be set up that choices do; the difference is that negation always aborts the transaction, but it fails if any of the choices succeeded. I think we can make this work with a negatechoice subroutine; for example, to parse !keyword identifier:

    call choice
    jc 1f
    call parse_keyword
1:  call negatechoice
    jc 1f
    call parse_identifier
1:  ret


I'm not absolutely sure of this, but it's a belief I have about PEGs. Because repetition and alternation prune alternatives in the same way, strictly speaking, if you have recursion, repetition is unnecessary; these two grammars parse the same language:

aab <- 'a'* 'b'.
aab <- 'a' aab / 'b'.

But the first one only saves a single backtracking state, which gets repeatedly updated, while the second one saves an arbitrarily large stack of useless backtracking states. I'm not sure it's possible to implement that behavior in terms of the choice/nextchoice/endchoice/negatechoice primitives described earlier, so there might need to be a repetition subroutine to in effect commit the in-progress transaction so far and start a new one:

    call choice
    jc 1f
2:  mov $'a, %al
    call letter
    call repetition
    jc 1f
    jmp 2b
1:  call endchoice
    mov $'b, %al
    call letter

I'm not sure if you can just use an endchoice/choice pair instead; I think it will do the wrong thing by propagating the failure of the last greedy advance. There might be a tweak that makes it work.

More terminals

Of course in practice you will want things like Hammer's h_literal which matches a literal string and h_ch_range which matches any byte within a byte range. There are lots of ways these could be handled; for example:

    mov $('a | 'z << 8), %ax
    call range

t:  .ascii "const"
    mov $t, %eax
    mov $(t_end - t), %ecx
    call literal

Byte classes, like regexp character classes, are also likely useful; these would have a string either in memory or in a register of the bytes they could accept.

Hammer supports parsing by bitfield rather than by byte, but I think a significant number of things don't require that.

Data store

Generally you want to build up some kind of AST or something as you parse; the failure of a "transaction" ought to efficiently backtrack whatever you did when you were building that AST. One reasonable way to handle this is to build up the AST in a pointer-bumping allocation arena (like Hammer's arena allocators, GCC's obarrays, or the Java GC's nursery) and bump the pointer back when a transaction fails. This is only safe if all the pointers into the backtracked part of the arena also become inaccessible, so it's also necessary to supply some kind of variable-bindings construct that gets backtracked too.

Maybe the following API would work well for within-transaction code:

You can have a relatively small number of distinct opaque values ("variable" "names"), for which you can use function pointers or something else guaranteed to be unique; this is pretty similar to thread-local storage. They can be stored in an alist in arena nodes. If you have five of them, for example, each associated with a five-word node, you have 25 state variables for your parse. (Maybe you'd want to bloat the alist a bit to bound the depth to which you'd have to search it to the number of variables, or twice the number of variables, or something.)

This approach permits the backtracking of the arena state by resetting two pointers, the head of the alist and the allocation pointer.

With such an implementation, you can also easily supply an additional backtrackable operation that is probably frequently useful in parsers:

To some extent you might be able to entirely avoid using the variable store, since you can return pointers to arena nodes in registers.

In addition to the calls above for code within transactions, you need the usual begin/abort/commit calls for transaction management.

This allocation approach is, however, entirely incompatible with Packrat memoization. The transactional variable-store thing could maybe survive, but the deallocation thing can't, because the memoized return values of nonterminals invoked from within a transaction that later failed would need to survive. Memoizing a nonterminal that might depend on the state of the variable store would be sort of dubious, too, though.

Overall parsing context

I think we can do most of this entirely in registers, which should speed it up considerably. You need:

That's six or seven registers, only three or four of which are general-purpose, plus the skip flag. This should fit even the impoverished i386 register set.

Of these, all but the skip flag would be saved and restored for backtracking. This suggests that the context-save code, part of choice and nextchoice, might look something like this on i386:

    pop %eax               # pc
    push %ebp              # backtracking stack pointer
    push %esi              # input pointer
    push %edi              # allocation arena pointer
    push %ebx              # variable bindings pointer
    push %eax              # pc
    mov %esp, %ebp         # point backtrack stack to newly allocated state
    push %eax

A similar sequence of about ten or so instructions would be needed to backtrack. This suggests possible parsing performance in the neighborhood of 20 clocks per byte on modern CPUs, which could conceivably reach speeds of hundreds of megabytes per second, but probably won't.

(I think there might need to be a bit in that backtracking state record where we can note that it corresponds to a choice that has succeeded and we are just skipping over the remaining branches. Also, there isn't enough information there to tell when our arena is full; presumably arena allocations need a check for that unless it's okay for them to just crash or overwrite other data when it gets full, which is how execution stacks are often handled, I guess. So we might need an additional register for that.)

Arbitrary computation

Although we have to be careful not to have any effects we might wish we hadn't had if we backtrack, we can freely intersperse pure computation with the parsing, and even use it to decide whether or not to continue with a parse or fail. This computation can freely read and write the transactional data store described earlier, which might include information like type information for identifiers or indentation levels.

In particular, we can consult some other data structure to decide what to try to parse; for example, an in-memory grammar. We can even translate the choice backtracking to traversals of that in-memory grammar, as long as we keep track of our traversal state in something that backtracking restores correctly, such as the data store. If the backtracking stack is stored on the execution stack, as in the example code above, then your traversal will need to recurse in order to backtrack properly.

Another less pure thing we can freely do is to skip the read pointer to arbitrary places in the input text; the read pointer will be restored automatically if we backtrack, just as it would for normal sequential reading. This is interesting for things like parsing PDF files, which store byte offsets in their structure for random access to the object tree. (This is, of course, inspired by some work with Hammer to parse PDF files.)

Suspend and resume

If we want to suspend parsing to do something else for a while --- for example, read more input from somewhere else, or parse something else for a while --- nearly all the state we need is either in the context data structure saved for backtracking, in the arena, or on the stack. Doing some other thing that can be done by calling a subroutine that doesn't interact with the arena or unwind the stack is perfectly safe --- that's pretty much just an instance of "arbitrary computation" in the previous section --- but if you need to switch to a different arena or stack, all you need to resume the parse (restoring the stack) is the pointer to the backtracking context. And maybe the arena pointer, if that's not saved in the context.

Immediate-mode PEG parsing in other programming languages

As described above, this sounds like an approach that's pretty strongly tied to assembly language (although not any particular assembly language) because it relies on being able to manipulate stacks and control flow in a counterintuitive way. But it turns out to map in a reasonable way onto some other programming languages.

Doing it in C

You can do most of these things in C; choice/nextchoice require using setjmp/longjmp, and you'd probably want to use an integer return value from them rather than the carry flag. And of course you can't do alloca()-like things or keep your allocation pointer in a register, and C function calls are usually a lot more expensive, though, e.g., things like __attribute__((fastcall)), __attribute__((regparm(3))), and the amd64 ABI can help. The rest is pretty much the same:

if (choice()) letter('h'), letter('i');
if (nextchoice()) letter('j');

void *rv = 0;
if (choice()) parse_keyword();
if (negatechoice()) return parse_identifier();

In C++ or Rust or D, you might be able to use RAII to automatically do the endchoice() calls for you (though I'm not sure Rust or D have the requisite longjmp equivalent, although presumably you can invoke setjmp and longjmp; and using them in C++ is pretty risky because of the profusion of invisible destructors you might be jumping over); in C the only way to do that is to abuse the preprocessor. Which brings us to macro assembly.

Or macro assembly

A macro assembler with enough of a context-stack facility to implement if-then-else and do-while should enable you to write a PEG grammar in a fairly literal fashion, maybe something like this:

expr: either(go(term); either(eat('+'); or eat('-')); go(expr)
             or go(term)); ret
term: either(go(atom); either(eat('*'); or eat('/')); go(term)
             or go(atom)); ret
atom: either(number; or eat('('); go(expr); eat(')')); ret
number: some(range('0', '9')); ret

This would keep you from accidentally failing to balance your choice/endchoice pairs, leaving out a jc, or jumping to the wrong label.

Doing it in Scheme

Earlier I said that longjmp was in short supply in modern languages; but Scheme of course has call-with-current-continuation, which is a generalization of setjmp that could easily be used to implement the above. Scheme also has a solid macro system. So Scheme is in some sense the best-suited language to this, except that all Scheme implementations are slow.

Or Ruby

Yeah, Ruby also has call/cc, and it's designed for embedded DSLs like this, although it uses reflection and a lightweight closure syntax rather than a macro system.

Or Forth

Brad Rodriguez published an article in 1990 about "BNF parsing" in Forth in something like this way, in three or four screens of code, including language concatenation by execution sequencing, and I read it sometime in the 1990s but didn't understand it. However, a lot of the details are different. (He uses the "no-opping the intermediate operations" approach I rejected above, as well as the "accept an alternative by returning from the caller's caller" technique.) I think the implementation technique described here might work better (more efficiently, more flexibly) in Forth than Rodriguez's method does. Like C, Forth implementations typically have the equivalent of setjmp and longjmp, and I suspect they're less dangerous due to the rarity of stack-allocated variables in Forth; and, of course, Forth is ideally suited to embedded DSLs.

How about Python, JS, or Lua?

Python of course doesn't have call/cc, setjmp, macros, or a reasonable lambda syntax. What it does have is generators, which have been adopted by JS now as well, and which are pretty straightforward to use to lazily generate candidate parses of strings, handling backtracking by resuming a generator rather than trashing it. This is a pretty different paradigm and I'm not sure how to map the immediate-mode stuff above onto it; it almost seems easier to do general context-free parsing by backtracking that way, although by default that will take exponential time.

Lua has "coroutines" which are really full-fledged cooperative threads, which provide similar functionality to Python generators but with per-thread stacks, but it doesn't have call/cc or anything similar.
