Immutability-based filesystems: interfaces, problems, and benefits

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-02-08 (updated 2019-03-19) (23 minutes)

Git provides a sort of immutable Merkle-graph filesystem which saves all previous versions of all files; every version of every file (“blob”) is identified with its SHA-1 hash. It’s hierarchically structured, with a similar property for subdirectories (“trees”): iff two subdirectories, or two versions of the same subdirectory, are recursively identical, their hashes will match. This is true across time and across hosts.

You could imagine a variety of functionality based on a filesystem with such an interface. Git provides some of it: for example, it eagerly eliminates duplicate files, so that storing a hundred identical versions of a subdirectory tree in Git costs no more than storing a single one, and storing a hundred nearly-identical versions costs only slightly more. (Storing a hundred nearly-identical versions of a file is optimized using a different, heuristic, mechanism). It provides rapid access to previous snapshots of the filesystem (though, unfortunately, usually through a stateful interface.) It provides relatively efficient synchronization of Git repositories over the network, using the hashes to identify which data needs to be transferred, and what data the receiver already possesses and can thus use to compress the data being sent.

Possible uses

But in addition to duplicate-elimination, historical snapshot access, and efficient network synchronization, such an interface can be used for a variety of other purposes, including consistent-snapshot backup, software downgrade, lazy file reading, userland hashing, polling for generalized change notification, build systems, and maybe even transactional filesystem updates.

Consistent-snapshot backup

Consider backing up a database server, for example. Database servers are designed so that, if the power fails, after a reboot, they will not have lost any data — under some reasonable assumptions about write ordering which are sometimes violated by actual disks, resulting in permanent data loss. So you would think that backing up the files or raw disk partitions they store their data in (sometimes called “tablespaces”) would enable you to recover to the point in time when the backup was taken.

Unfortunately, backups are not taken at a point in time; it takes a certain amount of time for the backup process to read from one end of the tablespace to the other, during which time the database server may be writing data. So the data at the end of the tablespace will be of a more recent vintage than the data at the beginning, producing inconsistencies. This can result in useless backups, a fact discovered by many novice database administrators, to their dismay, only after a data-loss disaster.

(SQLite and Berkeley DB have instructions in their documentation providing an order in which active database files can be backed up safely, but for many databases no such order exists.)

One of NetApp’s selling points in 1996 — at the point that their entire website still had a bright yellow background — was that you could take backups of databases. You put the tablespaces on one of their fileservers (then marketed as “FAServers”, now “filers”) and, instead of backing up the live database, you make the fileserver take a snapshot and then do the backup from the snapshot, not from the constantly-mutating firesystem.

Such a backup from a consistent snapshot would be a useful application of any snapshot-capable filesystem. If you can take the snapshot of the underlying block device rather than the filesystem, for example using AWS EBS’s snapshot tools, that may work as well, but it’s vulnerable to a certain very common class of filesystem implementation bugs — it’s similar to recovering the filesystem after a system crash, and if the filesystem doesn’t actually provide the sequencing guarantees it claims to provide, the tablespace could be inconsistent anyway. Also, successfully mounting the snapshot of the live filesystem often requires the ability to modify it to correct inconsistencies in the filesystem itself (e.g., replaying filesystem journals) which requires copy-on-write functionality if it is to both be fast and not violate the integrity of the snapshot.

Git doesn’t provide this functionality because it doesn’t offer an API that any database servers use to store their data.

Software downgrade

Upgrading software is a constant necessity, both due to the insane epidemic of software security holes and to provide new functionality users want. But upgrading a system you depend on is always somewhat risky: the upgrade may break it, in subtle or obvious ways. Being able to reset the whole filesystem to a previous snapshot can reduce this risk greatly, as it does on AWS EBS, and I think this functionality can be provided more cheaply at the filesystem level than the block device level.

Lazy file reading

When I open a large file in Emacs, it copies the entire thing into virtual memory — it doesn’t necessarily have to fit into RAM, but at least into swap by way of RAM. This is necessary because, while I’m editing the file, something else may be modifying the file while Emacs has it open, and in such a case, Emacs wants to be able to detect the conflict and offer options for resolving it. If it only read the file into memory lazily, as parts of it were requested, it could not do this. Even if I’m just scrolling through the file, you could imagine a modification in the middle of the file that results in “torn reads” — where one data block is from before the modification, while the following data block is from after it, and their juxtaposition results in inconsistent results.

It is for this same reason that incorrectly upgrading active shared libraries — which are memory-mapped by — can result in core dumps.

If Emacs could, instead, open a current snapshot of the file, trusting the filesystem to not permit modification of any of the data in the snapshot instead of eagerly making a copy of the whole thing, it could open files of any size instantaneously.

As described in “Proposal for the Implementation by Xanadu Operating Company of a Full-scale Semi-distributed Multi-user Hypertext System”, 1984-04-25:

Separate processes which request the retrieval of the same orgl at the same time are each given different berts which reter to the orgl. Associated with each orgl is a count of the number of berts which currently refer to it. If one of these processes then makes an edit change to the orgl, a new orgl will be created. The process’s bert will be made to refer to the new orgl and the old orgl’s reference count will be decremented. By this means, the other processes will not “see” the change, and their berts will still refer to the same V to I mapping as previously. Any information about the orgl’s state which the other processes might have been keeping externally will not be invalidated by the one process’s edit operation.

Also, Emacs depends on filesystem metadata modification to know if modifications have happened since it read the file; this is not entirely reliable, particularly on filesystems whose modification time granularity is 1000 or 2000 milliseconds. Checking a filesystem-maintained hash of the file would be considerably safer.

Userland hashing

If you want to know if any of the files installed by any of your Debian packages have changed, you can run the debsums command to compute secure hashes of them, comparing them against the hashes in the original packages. Unfortunately, this is slow, because it has to read all the file data. If the filesystem provided a trustworthy hash — in 2019, maybe we’d choose SHA-256 rather than SHA-1, among other things to preserve a 2¹²⁸ security factor even in a postquantum future — this would be instantaneous, as long as the filesystem’s hashes themselves were not out of date.

Additionally, though, if you wanted to maintain a list of the hashes of some files using some other algorithm (for example, BLAKE2B), you could associate them with the filesystem’s file hashes rather than merely with filenames. When a file's filesystem hash changed, you would know that you needed to recompute its BLAKE2B hash. This is in a sense a special case of the “build systems” item below.

Alternatively, the filesystem itself could maintain potentially more than one hash for each file.

Polling for generalized change notification, like inotify

The inotify API in Linux allows a running process to be woken up asynchronously when a file is changed or when any file in a directory is modified; for example, tail -f uses this to display new lines appended to a logfile immediately, rather than polling once per second, and GUI file managers use inotify to keep their windows up-to-date with the filesystem — so that newly created files are displayed, files whose contents have changed get updated, and deleted files disappear. The only way to do this with the standard Unix API is to poll periodically, wasting energy in the case where nothing has changed, and still delaying change propagation by up to the polling period.

However, inotify is still somewhat limited. It only applies at a per-directory level, so starting to watch for changes throughout an entire subtree of the filesystem requires a recursive traversal of the subtree with a couple of system calls per directory. And it has no way to determine whether changes happened when the process wasn’t running — the GUI file manager has no way to cache its display in case it’s restarted without a directory having been changed, but must laboriously re-examine the same data it examined on the previous execution.

By contrast, if there were a hash for the directory subtree and for each file within it, the file manager could validate its cached display against these hashes when it’s restarted. And a filesystem watcher doesn’t need to recurse through the entire tree to set up notifications — although it may need to recurse to track down the source of a notification.

Build systems

The make system does several things, but one big one is caching of previously-executed computations. Supposing that your compiler is deterministic (a difficult problem in modern systems, though one being tackled by Debian’s Reproducible Builds project and by Nix and Guix), it will always produce the same output files given the same input files and options. make relies on filesystem timestamps for this, but a more reliable approach would use secure hashes of the file inputs instead, or other handles to immutable versions of the files. (And a filesystem that records the files accessed by a build step, by interposing a check on open() and similar system calls, can provide a more reliable dependency set, not depending on compilers and Makefile authors to specify the dependency set.)

Compilation steps can also potentially depend on the contents of directories, and this introduces a potential problem. For example, I just ran a compilation command with GCC which did, among other things, the following sequence of system calls, with others interspersed:

[pid 25870] open("../yeso/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 25870] open("/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 25870] open("/usr/local/include/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 25870] open("/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 25870] open("/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 25870] open("/usr/include/time.h", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY) = 4
[pid 25870] fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=13543, ...}) = 0
[pid 25870] read(4, "/* Copyright (C) 1991-2016 Free "..., 13543) = 13543

An interposition-based system that concluded that this compilation step depended on the contents and filesystem metadata of /usr/include/time.h would be correct, but it also depends on the nonexistence of /usr/local/include/time.h, among other things. If GCC had found /usr/local/include/time.h, it wouldn’t have continued on to read /usr/include/time.h.

But it would be very unfortunate for the build step to be re-executed because the contents of /usr/local/include had changed, or worse, because /usr/local, /usr, or / had a change somewhere beneath them.

Fortunately, GCC didn’t call getdents() (at least in this case), so we can automatically define the dependency more narrowly to just the files it specifically probed for — the rest of the directory’s contents were not relevant.

Other systems whose results we might want to cache, such as the updatedb part of locate, might indeed walk an entire filesystem tree using getdents(). Such systems would need a bit more surgery to make their results usefully cacheable — they would need to somehow split it into separable transactions per subdirectory tree.

Transactional filesystem updates

ACID transactions are contagious; like other acids, they tend to splash on unexpected things and produce unexpected results on them. If your filesystem can provide ACID transaction updates, then you can expand the scope of whatever transactions you’re doing in your program to include the filesystem. Some form of this is necessary if you want your transactions to be actually durable, rather than just “ACI”, longing after the D. Providing processes in other transactions with a view of all the files as they were before your transaction began to modify them is very similar to simply providing them with snapshots from before the transaction, but it requires at least some kind of atomic validate-and-commit operation. If you’re going to participate in two-phase commit at that level, it further requires the ability to lock the validation in place while you’re waiting for other participants in the transaction, which means potentially denying other writers to the filesystem.

Accessing the same mutable data within transactions and also outside of transactions has some pitfalls! Beware!

Implementation issues

Given the above list of benefits, what problems do we need to solve to implement the system? We need to decide on the granularity of hashing, deal with the possibility of hash inconsistency, and figure out what to do about hashes being broken, foreign filesystems, and space exhaustion.

Granularity and splitting

As explained in more detail below, on Flash, unchanged data is necessarily copied from one place to another periodically, offering the opportunity to hash it, but maybe not an entire file at a time. Also, processes like database servers expect to be able to efficiently write individual sectors, or at least tracks (≈100 KiB), of a potentially much larger file; such an operation shouldn’t have to reread the entire file to compute the new hash. So probably you want to hash data in chunks close to the size of a disk block, in the range of 512–262144 bytes, and build some kind of Merkle tree from that for larger files. BitTorrent does this, for example, hashing each “piece” of a torrent separately; the btih: schema in Magnet links then uses the hash of the torrent file as a whole.

For text files and other files in which blocks of data might move around, it’s desirable to be able to draw the boundaries of the Merkle tree nodes in a way that can recognize a mostly-unchanged file, even if something has been inserted or deleted. Silentbicycle’s “jumprope” data structure used in his “Tangram” filesystem and the splitting system used by Avery Pennarun’s “bupsplit” system are two variants on this theme.

How can the filesystem's internal hashes get out of date?

The filesystem’s hashes can get out of date via bit-flip errors on the disk, via modifications of the disk’s data that don’t go through the filesystem (for example, if you edit the disk with a hex editor), or via bugs in the filesystem, so they need to be checked, as git fsck does.

If the filesystem is running on raw Flash that suffers from read disturb, all data needs to be copied to new Flash blocks periodically; this affords an opportunity to check its hashes in the process. For this to work, the data probably needs to be hashed at a finer granularity than an arbitrarily-large file. Similarly, on Flash, live blocks periodically need to be copied from mostly-empty pages into new pages so that the old pages can be erased, affording a similar opportunity.

Cryptographic agility

In retrospect, it looks like baking SHA-1 into every persistent structure in the Git universe may have been a bad idea — SHA-1 is too short to resist well-resourced attacks with Grover’s algorithm, if that becomes feasible, and it has shown some worrisome signs of weakness in the last couple of decades, with some theoretical collision attacks published.

For most of the applications cited above, user processes don’t need to access the actual hash values used to index the on-disk data; they can manipulate them through opaque handles like file descriptors, referring either to specific versions of files or to the time-dependent value of “the current state of such-and-such a filesystem entity” (from which the current version can be obtained) — although equality comparison must also be provided. Duplicate-data elimination, previous-snapshot access, consistent-snapshot backup, lazy file reading, and run-time polling for change notification could work with such opaque identifiers. However, you need some kind of stable serialization of these snapshot identifiers for software downgrade, change notification across process restarts, and build systems (across process restarts); for efficient network synchronization and userland hash verification, you additionally need to be able to get the results of a specific hash algorithm, because if your filesystem is giving you SHA-1 hashes and the server has upgraded to BLAKE2B, or your filesystem has upgraded to SHA-256 hashes but your package manager only uses SHA-1, you’re in trouble.

There are a couple of ways to handle this. You could have the filesystem internally compute a non-constant set of hashes — perhaps the old version of a file has a SHA-1 Merkle tree hash with a blocksize of 8192, while the new version uses a blocksize of 131072, so that if you want to compare them you need to ask the filesystem to compute the other hash for one of the two, which it will store thereafter.

Alternatively, you could fix the algorithm for a given filesystem, and allow userland processes to use the usual caching approaches to compute hashes using their favored algorithms when they need them, indexing them to individual snapshots if desired.

Compatibility with foreign on-disk filesystems

Suppose your operating system provides such an interface as its native filesystem interface. What happens when you plug in your USB pendrive with a VFAT firesystem on it? VFAT doesn’t give you an efficient way to get the hash of a single file, much less an entire subdirectory tree.

I think the key is to use the previously described opaque-version-identifier interface as long as possible; as long as no userland process requests a serialized hash for a filesystem node, you can postpone hashing the file. You can still provide access to snapshots of old versions of the filesystem by buffering the old versions of modified filesystem pages in RAM, as long as some snapshot refers to them. And, once a hash is requested, the OS can retain the hash in RAM as long as the firesystem is mounted.

There may be some filesystems — btrfs, perhaps, or ZFS — which provide a reliable way to determine whether a file has been modified since the last time the filesystem was mounted. They might have some kind of generation count or journal timestamp when the file was last modified. On such foreign systems, you could either use journal-timestamp/inode pairs (or whatever version identifier you end up using) in place of hashes, or you could store a lazily-populated mapping from foreign version identifiers to secure hashes.

Space exhaustion

A serious problem with any kind of lazy copy-on-write system — whether Linux’s memory-page allocation, NetApp’s WAFL block allocation, Flash FTLs, or a log-structured filesystem — is that space usage is somewhat unpredictable and difficult to attribute to a single cause. Consequently, it becomes exhausted unpredictably, and then it isn’t entirely clear how to respond. With the foreign-filesystem interface described in the previous section, the problem is potentially exacerbated by having to buffer old versions of filesystem data in RAM, and RAM may be much smaller than the filesystem.

This is particularly a problem when it comes to database transaction durability. A database executing a two-phase commit must check for all possible errors, especially including errors of disk-space exhaustion, during the PREPARE phase; once the transaction enters the COMMIT phase, it is too late to rollback the transaction because of being out of space. For this particular case, we can use a call to preallocate some space that we may want to write to later on, producing a conservative (pessimistic) failure indication if there may not be space available. If the filesystem can then optimize the actual data by, for example, noting that the disk block written is the same as some other disk block, so much the better — such a situation could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, but never defeat from the jaws of victory.
