Incremental persistent binary array sets

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-04-10 (4 minutes)

Nayuki wrote a very clear description of a data structure she calls a binary array set, or BAS. It’s a linked list of sorted arrays in power-of-2 increasing sizes, merged upon overflow; insertion is θ(1) amortized (Θ(N) worst case), and membership testing is average-case and worst-case Θ((log N)²).

I asserted to a friend of mine that incrementalizing it to get Θ(1) worst-case insertion time was straightforward. The transformation also gives you an FP-persistent† version of the BAS data structure. Here I sketch the details.

Merging strategies

With power-of-2 array sizes, if you happen to be at a state with 1024 items, the immediately previous state will have had array sizes of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512. The item in the array of size 1 will have been merged zero times, the two items in the array of size 2 will have been merged one time, the size-4 array will have been merged from two size-2 arrays and thus each item in it has been merged twice, and so on; the 512-item array contains items that have all been merged 9 times. That is, the items in an array of size 2ⁿ have been merged n times. So, in fact, under this merging policy, amortized insertion time per item is not constant; it is Θ(log N).

I thought we could do better using a multi-way merge. All the items in the 1024-item array have been through the same number of merges (10) because the behavior upon inserting the 1024th item is to merge it to produce an array of 2 items, which then must be merged and discarded to produce an array of 4 items, etc, doing a total of 10 · 1 + 9 · 2 + 8 · 4 + ... 2 · 256 + 1 · 512 = 2036 work, where each unit is a comparison and a couple of pointer copies. If we instead did a single 9-way merge using a 9-item binary heap, the average work per item is about 3.17, so we end up doing about 3200+1024 work instead. Memory locality is surely better; not counting the accesses to the tiny heap, we only have to do 1024 work this way.

This is not obviously better, and although I haven’t done the analysis for real, I don’t see a strong reason to expect it to get better asymptotically. So it’s probably best just to use the simple strategy.


The basic idea is that every time you perform an insertion, you also do enough merge work to ensure that the merging stays ahead of insertion. This is somewhat tricky, in that we can’t simply stop merging newly inserted data until the completion of a large merge further down the chain; that would kill our search-time guarantee. So at times a large merge must be paused while a small merge is performed.

As noted above, the

An incremental BAS state is either a merged BAS (one with no

† “Persistent” unfortunately has two conflicting meanings when it comes to data structures; functional programmers use it to mean that modifying the data structure does not make its previous states inaccessible. By “FP-persistent” I mean this meaning, not the more common meaning of “retrievable after rebooting your computer”.
