Incremental recomputation

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-04-27 (12 minutes)

Let’s solve cache invalidation, legendarily one of the two hardest problems in computer science.

Why is it hard? We can construct a hard example in three lines of code.

Suppose we construct a unidirectional data flow graph as follows:

x, y, z = Input(value=3), Input(value=4), Input(value=2)
p = Max(x, y)
for i in range(10000): p = Max(p, Subtract(p, z))

This constructs a directed acyclic graph of dataflow with 20004 nodes: three Input nodes, 10001 Max nodes, and 10000 Subtract nodes. If we increase y’s value to 5, this changes the value of all of the Max nodes to 5 and all of the Subtract nodes to 3. By contrast, if we increase or decrease the value of x by 1, no other nodes have new values. How can we implement this efficiently?

There are a variety of different strategies you can use to evaluate such a dataflow graph, but most of them have serious pitfalls which can be demonstrated on the above graph.

To keep the scope of this note manageable, I’m only writing about algorithms for static dataflow graphs here, where the topology of the computation is independent of the data that flows through it, like an electronic circuit. To some extent, you can force conditionals into a static dataflow framework as conditional or multiplexing nodes, and iteration as array-valued values (as in TensorFlow), so this is somewhat less restrictive than it sounds.

Pure immediate mode

The simplest strategy is to calculate values on demand. To be concrete, you might have an eval method of no arguments which invokes the eval methods of the node’s inputs:

def eval(self):  # for Max nodes
    return max(self.input1.eval(), self.input2.eval())

This is pretty much the approach I use in Pytebeat, for example, with values being arrays of 1024 numbers. On some dataflow graphs, this works fine, but on this one, it requires 4 + 2¹⁰⁰⁰¹ calls to eval, which on my laptop would take about 10²⁹⁹⁵ years, at which point all the stars will have gone out and essentially all matter will be either iron or leptons, depending on whether protons are stable; this is not a practical way to evaluate this dataflow graph. The issue is that nodes whose output is used more than once will be evaluated more than once, which is exponential-time in such pathological cases.

(In Python it actually fails sooner than that by default because the default stack limit is not high enough.)

Topologically-sorted immediate mode

You can calculate values on demand in guaranteed linear time, though. You begin by doing a topological sort of the nodes to construct a sequence such that each node comes before the nodes that use its value; then you can simply iterate over the sequence, storing the output of each node in an array or something.

This allows you to do the calculation several times for different input values without repeating the topological sort. In effect, you have compiled the dataflow graph into a branchless virtual machine program with a certain flavor of common subexpression elimination.

But, if you think about the standard topological sort algorithm, you will see that you could also do the equivalent of interpretation — you can evaluate the value for each node as you generate the topologically-sorted sequence.

(As it happens, in the example code, the nodes are necessarily created in a topologically-sorted sequence, because each node is constructed with its inputs as parameters. So in this case you can simply define Max, Subtract, Input = max, operator.sub, lambda value: value and never construct the graph in memory at all.)

Either way, this approach only touches each node once; on this graph it takes perhaps 100000 function calls, or about a millisecond for this graph, if you do it in Python with an existing in-memory graph.

This doesn’t sound so bad, and in the case where you are evaluating some dataflow graph on all new inputs you've never seen before it's absolutely optimal and everything else we'll discuss in this note is slower, but in the case where you just changed x by 1, it takes 100000 function calls to tell you that nothing else has changed as a result. That’s about three to five orders of magnitude slower than would seem reasonable. So let’s look at incremental approaches to dataflow evaluation.

Invalidation propagation

I wrote about how you could treat the topologically-sorted sequence of operations as a sort of program. But this suggests that you could backtrack in it: if you have 50 operations, and input A isn’t used before the 25th operation, the first 25 are guaranteed not to change their value just because input A changed. So you could just start the execution from operation 25, using the previously calculated values for operations 0–24, and then you don’t have to do a bunch of redundant recalculation of values that are guaranteed not to have changed.

But this actually works a lot better with the “intepretive” topological sort, because it doesn’t have to arbitrarily pick an ordering among nodes that have no actual data dependencies, so it can evaluate only nodes that changed data feeds into.

The way this looks is that changing an input works in two steps: first, you “retract” the current value, causing all the nodes that depend on it to also retract their current values; then, you assert a new value, causing all the nodes that depend on it to be recomputed. If a node gets an input asserted while some other input whose value it needs is still retracted, its output remains retracted. Only once all the required inputs are asserted can it assert a value.

In many cases, you can improve performance by retracting several things at once and then asserting their new values, instead of changing their values one at a time.

This approach is pretty broadly applicable, but it doesn’t help for our example graph; when we retract x=3, the invalidation propagates through 20002 nodes, and then when we assert x=2, the same value propagates through those same nodes again. It takes about twice as long as just calculating all the values from scratch without trying to be incremental.

Pull-based invalidation, or laziness

As I’ve described it above, invalidation propagation is eager — when you initially assert values for x and y, that pushes the Max node to compute their max, which then pushes the first Subtract node to compute a zero, which then pushes another Max node to compute a value, and so on. Computation is initiated by inputs and results in outputs.

It may happen that the end result of all this computation is, for example, to display a number on the screen, which can only happen at most about 60 times a second, depending on your hardware. But suppose you are changing x or y much more often than this — most of the values computed will never be used.

Now, if the value computed has to be available on a tight deadline, you need some kind of eager computation to store it ahead of time instead of computing it on demand. But what if it’s okay to compute it on demand?

In that case, you can have nodes assert their outputs only upon request. In the case of our example graph, first you construct the graph, but don’t calculate values for any of the nodes except x and y. Then, you request the output from the final p node. Since its inputs are retracted, it requests them to compute; whichever input tries to compute first finds that its inputs are also retracted, so it asks one of them to compute; and so on, until we are requesting the output of Max(x, y). Its inputs are asserted, so it computes its result (4) and asserts it; this allows a Subtract node to compute its result (2) and assert it; and so on.

This is roughly two thirds as efficient as the push-based approach in this case, and when we retract x later, it does the same invalidation propagation. The difference is that, when we assert x again, no further computation happens — nothing is currently requesting x’s value. We can change x or y many times in between screen frames, cheaply.

However, it still has to recompute all 20002 computational nodes in order to discover that changing x doesn't change the final output value.

Change propagation

What if we don’t have a separate retraction step, but just assert the new value of x? This helps a lot in this case — the Max node that depends on x can detect that its output values remains 4, so it doesn’t need to propagate any change.

But what happens when we change y? If we change y to 8, the Max node updates to 8. This value needs to be sent to the next Max node and the Subtract node. Suppose we pick the Subtract node. Now its value (y-z) is 6, so it updates its value to 6. This gets pushed to the next Max node, which is now comparing 6 to 5, and so it asserts 6 on its output, pushing to two nodes. Later on, when the new value from the previous Max node reaches it, it must recompute a second time. This kind of thing can result in an exponential number of recomputations, just as with pure immediate mode.

XXX hmm, maybe I need a better example to show the potential exponential behavior, because it peters out here

XXX does breadth-first propagation solve the exponential-time problem?

There’s another problem, though, besides efficiency: “glitches” or “timing hazards”. That second Max node’s output was 4 at the beginning and 8 at the end. But for a moment in the middle, after its first recomputation but before its second one, its output was 6. 6 was never a correct value for max(max(x, y), max(x, y) - z)! If that value change results in your software system taking some action, you could be in trouble.

This happens at a very concrete level in digital logic circuits, in which "glitch" is a technical term for this kind of transient wrong answer. There, the standard solution is a clock whose edges trigger flip-flops.


As an alternative to storing the current value of each node, we could instead store some set of previously computed values, according to the inputs that affect them. In the most direct form, of course, applied to a single node, this doesn't help much — computing the max of 3 and 4 is faster than looking up (3, 4) in a cache to return 4. But we could imagine, for example, memoizing a larger chunk of the graph.

The potential benefit of memoization, as opposed to the strategies described above, is that if part of the graph returns to a previous state, the result of that previous state can be retrieved from the cache — it isn't just a matter of "state unchanged" or "state changed".


In fact, chunking the graph into smaller subgraphs — giant nodes that perhaps produce multiple values — is an approach that can be applied to all of the previous

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