Is there an incremental union find algorithm?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-10-01 (8 minutes)

The union-find data structure, sometimes called a disjoint-set forest, is a well-known data structure that pops up in, for example, constructing minimum spanning trees; it efficiently supports the operations component(n) and connect(n₁, n₂). You are guaranteed that component(n) == component(m) if and only if there is a (possibly empty) set of past connect calls that create a path between n and m — if the connect calls create arcs in a graph, they are in the same component. Moreover, you can intersperse component and connect calls freely without losing efficiency, and the structure uses only O(N) space, where N is the number of nodes, not even the number of arcs.

However, the standard structure does not support edge deletion, only edge creation. It seems probably impossible for a structure with the same space performance to support such an operation, since its size must remain unchanged as O(N) despite the creation of O(N²) edges, any of which can later be deleted. But is there a way to support edge deletion with “reasonable” performance?

The standard union-find data structure

Here’s an implementation of the standard union-find algorithm I wrote last year as part of a maze generation program in Golang:

// Data structure for rapidly determining whether two maze cells are
// already connected.
type Unionfind map[Cell]Cell

func (u Unionfind) root(c Cell) (root Cell) {
        parent, ok := u[c]
        if !ok {
                return c
        root = u.root(parent)
        u[c] = root

func (u Unionfind) Connect(start, end Cell) {
        u[u.root(start)] = u.root(end)

func (u Unionfind) Connected(a, b Cell) bool {
        return u.root(a) == u.root(b)

For convenience, this implementation uses a Golang map to store the parent pointers; you can use a plain array of integers if you identify your nodes with integers, size the array to be big enough, reserve a distinguished integer to mean “nil”, no parent, and initialize by filling the array with “nil”. (Alternatively, instead of setting root nodes’ parents to a nil value, you can make them their own parents.)

Analyzing the performance of this algorithm is difficult enough that I am not going to try (though there is an extensive literature on the subject), but you can see that root() is O(1) whenever it is called a second time on the same node without an intervening Connect() call that would change its return value, because it recurses at most once. In such a case it does two u[c] lookups in the map, the second of which fails, and one (redundant) u[c] update.

For this algorithm variant (“path compression without union by rank”), CLRS gives a worst-case running time of Θ(n + f (1 + log2 + f/n n)) for n - 1 Connect calls and ½f Connected calls (p. 571). When fn this function is very nearly n + f; when fn it is n + f lg n; and when fn it is about n + f ln n. The “path compression with union by rank” variant is asymptotically faster, but it requires a great deal of extra bookkeeping information and has a larger constant factor; it uses twice as much space and, until n is fairly large, it’s also slower. If f is much larger than n, it’s slower even then.

A logarithmic-time union-find with edge deletion (or maybe not)

Suppose that, instead of parent pointers, we maintain, for each node, a linked list of edges, each indicating a lower-numbered node that it is directly linked to. Now Connect() merely has to determine which node has the higher number and add the edge to that node’s edge list, but root() becomes infeasible except by groveling over the entire set of nodes repeatedly. To avoid this, we add the parent pointers back in, but in the form of an additional linked list of edges on each node — but these edges are edges between components, not just between nodes. These are established using essentially the same rule as before, with the additional proviso that they must point from a higher to a lower node, like the edges between nodes. So now Connect() must create both a between-nodes edge and a between-components edge, and unlike before, it does not delete a between-components edge.

Every edge (in the between-nodes list or the between-components list) has a list of dependent between-components edges attached to it. If that edge is removed, its dependents are also removed; and since those dependents may have further dependents, those further dependents are also removed. When a between-components edge is created, it becomes a dependent of the between-nodes edge that was created at the same time (if any), as well as all of the between-components edges that were followed for its creation. The logic of root() now must handle the situation of multiple “parent pointers” (that is, between-components edges); it always follows the pointer that points to the lowest-numbered node, since this (XXX I think) is guaranteed to be the most-recently-created surviving parent pointer.

XXX If a between-components edge is deleted because it depended on another between-components edge that has been deleted, but it was added together with a between-nodes edge, should it be recreated from its original between-nodes edge?

Hmm, I was thinking that I could replace the single-hop parent pointers with a logarithmic number of parent pointers, each traveling up the parent chain by a power of 2, or roughly so, sort of like a skip list, in order to keep the space and time overhead both bounded at logarithmic. But I’m not sure any variant of this approach will work at all.

Merging union-find structures?

Suppose you have built two union-find structures on the same set of nodes by applying two some potentially large sets of connect operations. How can you compute the union-find structure that would have been computed from the union of those two sets of edges?

One way to do it is to determine whether the second set contains any edges that bridge components that are separate in the first set — which is to say, whether there are any pairs of nodes that are connected in the second set but not the first. If so, you can apply additional connect operations to the first set to unify them.

To connect, in the first structure, all the pairs of nodes that are connected in the second set, it is adequate to connect each node to either its root or its parent (in both cases, in the second union-find structure). That is, the parent pointers provide adequate information for this task; they are a compressed summary of the original second set of edges.

This merge operation suggests that we could build a binary tree of union-find structures in which, at the leaves, we have individual edges (that is, union-find structures containing only a single edge). Then, to remove an edge, we null out its leaf and propagate the merge operations back up to the root.

Unfortunately, although we need only walk through O(lg E) nodes, we are doing O(N) work at each node. It would be faster to just recompute the union-find from scratch, unless there are many more edges than nodes.
