Affine arithmetic has quadratic convergence when interval arithmetic has linear convergence

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-08-24 (updated 2017-01-18) (10 minutes)

The standard interval-arithmetic approximation is wonderful for ensuring correctness, but it doesn’t work very well in regions where the derivative is high. Functions can be perfectly regular in the analytic sense and still have an arbitrarily large derivative. As a result, if you are computing a function over an interval and you chop the interval in half repeatedly, you may end up merely chopping the function’s result in half repeatedly. (Or not even that, if it has a singularity.)

Can we do better?

As an alternative, you might think we could conservatively approximate the function’s value over that interval x ∈ [a, b) with a triple (m, d, e) such that x ∈ [a, b) ⇒ f(x) ∈ [mx + d, mx + e). Just as with simple intervals, there are many possible such triples that could be used; it may not be immediately clear which is the best choice, but I think it’s the one with the smallest e - d value. (For a function given as an enumeration of points, there is a usually efficient algorithm beginning with its convex hull.)

The identity function on any interval is represented by (1, 0, 0); the constant k, similarly, is (0, k, k).

Addition and subtraction of such values is fairly easy and reminiscent of that with intervals. Multiplication may or may not have a local maximum which must be taken into account; division, as with interval arithmetic, may or may not have a singularity, as well as perhaps local maxima.

For a regular function, intuitively I expect that, when I divide a small enough interval in half, its derivative should vary by half as much over the interval, because on a small enough interval, its third and higher derivatives create too little change to matter, so it looks like a parabola.

I intuitively guess that the best approximation of a parabolic segment (in the e - d sense) is tangent to the parabola at the midpoint of the interval. Adding a linear function doesn’t affect the e - d error, so for analysis we can add a linear function that brings both endpoints of the interval to the X-axis, with the midpoint horizontal. Now if we divide this into two sub-parabolas and do the same with them, their second derivative is the same as the original, but with only half as far to affect the parabola from the horizontal midpoint to the endpoint, it can reach only a fourth as high.

Therefore, I intuitively expect this approach to quadruple its accuracy when you chop an interval in half, so it will need half as many evaluations to reach the same accuracy of some arbitrary regular function as the simple interval-arithmetic method. As a bonus, it provides an approximation of the first derivative over that same interval, but it is not a conservative approximation.

I intuitively expect this accuracy improvement to be crucially important for a composition of functions, since it means that the output of your approximation is in some sense more precise than its input — so you might not suffer progressive degradation as you get further from the input.

If you extended this approach to use a higher-order approximation than linear, you could perhaps tighten the bounds further; but this isn’t necessary in order to get the precision-improvement property mentioned above.

When extended to multiple independent variables, this linear approximation approach requires linear extra work per independent variable; instead of a single variable m, you have a vector of coefficients [m₀, m₁, ...mₙ], and the dot product of this vector with the vector of independent variables [x₀, x₁, ...xₙ] gives you the approximation correction. Higher-order approximations would necessarily involve sets of coefficients at least quadratic in the number of independent variables.

Bisection methods potentially take time exponential in n in an n-dimensional space.

Arithmetic operations

As I said before, the identity function i(x) = x is represented as I = (1, 0, 0), and the constant function kₙ(x) = n is represented as Kₙ = (0, n, n). But where do we go from there?


Then what can we say about pointwise operations on these functions?

Addition is fairly simple. Clearly j(x) + k(x) ∈ [(mⱼ + mₖ)x + dⱼ + dₖ, (mⱼ + mₖ)x + eⱼ + eₖ), so (J + K)(a, b) = (mⱼ + mₖ, dⱼ + dₖ, eⱼ + eₖ).

Subtraction is only slightly trickier; j(x) - k(x) ∈ [(mⱼ - mₖ)x + dⱼ - eₖ, (mⱼ - mₖ)x + eⱼ - dₖ), so (J - K)(a, b) = (mⱼ - mₖ, dⱼ - eₖ, eⱼ - dₖ).

Multiplication starts to get hairy.

The product j(x)k(x) is guaranteed to be in the interval

[min((mⱼx + dⱼ)(mₖx + dₖ),
     (mⱼx + dⱼ)(mₖx + eₖ),
     (mⱼx + eⱼ)(mₖx + dₖ),
     (mⱼx + eⱼ)(mₖx + eₖ)), min((mⱼx + dⱼ)(mₖx + dₖ),
                                (mⱼx + dⱼ)(mₖx + eₖ),
                                (mⱼx + eⱼ)(mₖx + dₖ),
                                (mⱼx + eⱼ)(mₖx + eₖ)))

However, which of the four alternatives is the minimum and which is the maximum might vary according to x. The first one expands out to mⱼmₖx² + (mⱼdₖ + mₖdⱼ)x + dⱼdₖ, which can clearly change sign twice over some interval and possibly have a local maximum in the middle.

The quadratic term is the same across all four alternatives, but the linear term varies, and the combination of those two means that the location of the parabola’s extremum can vary between the four; each of the four might be the minimum at some point in the interval!

In most cases, both j(x) and k(x) will have known sign on the interval — they are known to be either positive everywhere in [a, b) or negative everywhere in [a, b). If either of them meets this criterion, the solution is simple; if j(x) is known to be positive (i.e. mⱼa + eⱼ > 0 and mⱼa + dⱼ > 0), then XXX

Hmm, the answer to this isn’t clear to me right now.

Coming back later to rethink this:

So the idea is that you represent a value yᵢ computed for some interval {x₀ ∈ [p₀, q0), x₁ ∈ [p₁, q₁), ... xₙ ∈ [pₙ, qₙ)} as some function Σᵢxᵢmᵢ + [d, e) associated with that interval, where “[b, c)” means “some unknown number e such that b ≤ e < c”; the representation of that value then is

(d, e, [(m₀, p₀, q₀), (m₁, p₁, q₁), … (mₙ, pₙ, qₙ)])

Then, when values are valid over the same interval, we can do relatively straightforward things for arithmetic operations, although I haven’t worked out the details in cases of indeterminate signs for multiplication and division. When they are valid over different intervals, we can intersect their ranges and apply a subdivision operation.

In effect here what we are computing with are piecewise-linear approximations of functions with error bounds per piece, rather than individual intervals.

To take a concrete example, in raytracing, we have x₀ and x₁, the pixel coordinates, and we want to compute colors (r, g, and b) as functions of those two values. An approximate solution here is perfectly fine as long as the approximation isn’t too wildly wrong. (And in fact common rendering algorithms are wildly wrong for some pixels, the ones that are close to object boundaries.) So we can start with a conservative approximation for, for example, x₀ ∈ [0, 1024) ∧ x₁ ∈ [0, 768) — we can calculate the ray directions as intervals, calculate which objects could possibly be intersected by those rays, and calculate what range of colors and illumination those objects could potentially result in, eventually coming up with some kind of conservative approximation for the color gradient of the whole scene.

Once we have this conservative approximation for the scene as a whole, we can compare its error bounds to the error bounds we want to accept for our colors. If it’s too large, we break up the interval into subintervals and redo the computation for each subinterval. In the past, doing things like this, I found that dividing into three subintervals was better than dividing into two. Unfortunately the representation gives us no clue as to which dimension is most promising to subdivide. In this case that is quadratically bad in some cases, but with many dimensions it is exponentially bad.

While you’re doing the calculation, though, you have some idea how much of the error comes from each independent variable. If you could somehow include that information, with something like forward-mode automatic differentiation, you would have a much better chance of choosing good subdivision dimensions to reduce the error.

However, if you have both many independent variables and many dependent variables, this will be quadratically large. One possible solution to this problem is to redefine the indices of the dependent variables as separate independent variables, as in the raytracing example in which ultimately there are only three dependent variables, r, g, and b. This, I think, makes the reverse-mode automatic differentiation problem computationally tractable, which should help some with the problem of picking which dimension to subdivide.
