Worst-case-logarithmic-time reduction over arbitrary intervals over arbitrary semigroups

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2012-12-04 (5 minutes)

(Probably a duplicate of a logarithmic-time alternative to summed-area tables for reducing arbitrary semigroup operations over arbitrary ranges (a generalization of RMQ segment trees).)

I don’t have much time to write this, so I may end up sending out a version that’s somewhat telegraphic.

There’s an alternative to summed-area tables with a small, linear space cost and linear construction time providing worst-case logarithmic-time reduction over arbitrary intervals over arbitrary semigroups.


Summed-area tables

Franklin Crow’s 1984 paper, “Summed-area tables for texture mapping” calls them “summed-area tables”, and Graphics Gems called them “sum tables”. More recently, they’re known as “integral images”. In the one-dimensional case, they allow you to calculate the sum of values in an arbitrary interval in constant time by subtracting the values from the summed-area table at the ends of the interval: sum(f[m:n]) = -sat(f)[m] + sat(f)[n], where sat(f)[i] = sum(f[0:i]), for a suitably low value of 0.


As an extension, you can use a decimated summed-area table, with values only present every (e.g.) 16th or 32nd index, without losing the constant-time property. You may have to consult the original array, but only up to 2*(16-1) or 2*(32-1) values of it, which is constant. This dramatically reduces the space cost of the technique.

Generalization over operations

You can generalize the sum-table idea beyond integer addition? Clearly they work fine for mod-N integer addition, vector addition, and the combination of the two (e.g. XOR). I think your operation only needs the properties of associativity and left inverse, and to preserve the constant-time property, you need the constraint that the operation must be computable in constant time.

(For the N-dimensional case, I think you may also need commutativity.)

A logarithmic-time alternative to sum tables for semigroups

But what do you do if you’re interested in an operation that doesn’t have a left inverse? For example, the “minimum” operation (or in general the meet operation of a meet-semilattice) can’t have inverses of elements, because it’s idempotent, so you can’t compute it with a sum table.

But you can compute it in logarithmic time with a tree. Let

mint(f, m, n) = nil if m == n
              = (m, n, min(f[m:n]), mint(f, m, floor((m+n)/2)),
                                    mint(f, floor((m+n)/2), n)) otherwise

Now if you precompute mint(f, 0, f.length), which is a balanced binary tree with 2*f.length - 1 nodes, not counting the nils, and which can be computed in linear time, you can compute min(f[m:n]) for arbitrary m, n in logarithmic time given that tree. That algorithm is straightforward.

This algorithm applies to any semigroup over the elements; it can be used to calculate sums as easily as minima, although more slowly than using a sum table.

Space reduction: decimation

Analogously to sum tables, if your leaf nodes represent spans of some 16 or 32 elements instead of 1, you get a dramatic space reduction without losing the logarithmic-time asymptotic performance.

Space reduction: array storage

The contents of the tree produced by the mint() function depends only on m and n, except for the min(f[m:n]); and if f.length is a power of 2, it is a full binary tree. A full binary tree can be stored, as in the classic binary heap, in an array a such that the children of the element at a[i] are at a[2i+1] and a[2i+2] (zero-based). So you can store the minima for the tree in an array (without decimation, of 2*f.length - 1 elements) rather than allocating numerous nodes on the heap.

This requires a slight enhancement to the lookup algorithm to recompute the same (m, n) as the construction algorithm, rather than looking them up in the tree.

Constant-space bottom-up construction

If you construct the tree recursively, in addition to the O(N) space for the results, you need O(log N) stack space. But that is not necessary. If you’re using the array storage suggested in the previous section, you can fill the array starting from the end, so that the only auxiliary storage you need for the construction process is a simple counter.

Enhancement: indices

In the case where the semigroup operation is exactly minimum or maximum over a totally ordered set, the value stored in each treenode will be the value of one of the items in the original array. In this case it is strictly more powerful to store the index of that item rather than its value. This may be useful if you have some other data that are indexed the same way.

N-dimensional case

This generalizes easily to k-d trees, although the efficiency guarantees are not as good.
