Interval raymarching

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-11-02 (updated 2019-11-10) (6 minutes)

In talking with banyaszvonat, the following idea arose: I think it’s possible to speed up raymarching with signed distance fields enormously using affine arithmetic and possibly even interval arithmetic.

Raymarching with signed distance fields

Raymarching with signed distance fields is a currently popular computer graphics technique (in particular Inigo Quilez has achieved visually amazing results, and perhaps as a result, the technique is widely used throughout the demoscene) and is also the basis of Christopher Olah’s ImplicitCAD solid-modeling system. The “signed distance field” or “SDF” of an object is a function from points in 3-D space to the Euclidean distance to the nearest point on the object’s surface, except that it’s positive outside the object and negative inside. Since it’s the distance from a point to the nearest point on the object, it’s a lower bound on the distance from that point to any point on the object.

Constructing such a function is a very convenient and expressive way to model a wide variety of geometry.

Raymarching successively approximates the intersection between a ray and the object by advancing a point along the ray toward the object. The SDF enables us to use a variant of raymarching called “sphere tracing” in which the distance to advance is given by by the SDF at that point. This is guaranteed not to overshoot the intersection, since the SDF gives a lower bound to the distance to that intersection (as to any other point on the object), but if the intersection point is not the nearest point on the object — which it almost never is --- the point will only move closer to the surface, not reach it. If the intersection is in a smooth part of the surface, each new point will be closer to the surface by a factor of 1/sin(θ), where θ is the angle the ray makes with the surface normal.

This is known as “linear convergence” and results in iteration counts in the dozens to hundreds per ray in typical scenes.

Note that the above algorithm has no trouble with the case where the SDF is actually an overestimate of the true surface distance, but may fail if the SDF is an underestimate. Conservative-estimate SDFs are extremely useful for a variety of purposes.

Interval and affine arithmetic along the ray

It occurred to me that interval and affine arithmetic could perhaps speed up the process immensely.

The reason we can’t just leap down the ray an arbitrarily long distance and see if we’re inside the object is that, if it’s not thick enough, we might leap right through it and out the other side, eventually hitting some other part of the object or just the sky. But if we use interval arithmetic to evaluate the SDF over an interval of the ray, rather than at a point, we can check to see whether that interval includes zero — that is, whether it is possible for the ray to intersect the surface anywhere inside this interval. This allows us to test points on the other side of the surface without the risk of missing intersections, which should allow us to reliably linearly interpolate to find the zero of the SDF, effectively using the method of secants with its φ degree of convergence rather than the linear degree of convergence given by sphere tracing.

(Jorge Eliecer Florez Diaz wrote his dissertation, which I still haven’t managed to finish reading, on using interval arithmetic to handle this case correctly for raytracing of implicit functions. I’m sure what’s above is in there.)

By using affine arithmetic or reduced affine arithmetic instead of simple interval arithmetic, we get an affine form which gives the SDF value over the chosen interval of the ray as a linear function of the position along the ray plus an error bound. This allows us to find all possible zeroes of the SDF reliably and probably much more quickly than with just interval arithmetic, because the subinterval or subintervals in which the SDF might have a zero will often be very small compared to the original interval.

Interval and affine arithmetic on screen coordinates

Using interval values for the distance along the ray, as described above, can be combined with using interval values for the position and angle of the ray as well (a so-called “view frustum”), permitting in many cases the computation of an affine expression for the color of a part of the screen. See Reduced affine arithmetic raytracer for more on this.

Gradients and surface normals

Since surface normals are needed as input to lighting calculations, we need some way to calculate them from the SDF; they are the gradient of the SDF at the surface. This is normally approximated by sampling the SDF in octahedra or tetrahedra near the intersection point, choosing the epsilon size comparable to the projected pixel size to attenuate aliasing of surface bumps with pixel sampling. But I think affine arithmetic inherently calculates an approximation of the gradient, which may be adequately precise for these purposes. Moreover, unlike automatic differentiation, the coefficients in the affine form potentially pertain to an entire interval, not just a point.

Related work that I probably should have read by now

In addition to Florez Diaz’s dissertation, is relevant, and maybe “Interval Arithmetic and Recursive Subdivision for Implicit Functions and Constructive Solid Geometry”, Duff 1992.
