Introduction to closures

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-12-07 (5 minutes)

Many programmers who haven't delved deeply into functional programming are puzzled about what closures are and why they would care. And this confusion sometimes gets worse when they find explanations that explain how closures are implemented, namely by storing some extra values along with a pointer to some function code and supplying those values to the function when it is invoked. But that doesn't get to the heart of the matter, which is:

Closures are the language feature that allow you to create new functions at runtime.

Here's an example. You can express the function (+) that adds two numbers in just about any programming language. In old-style JS you would write function foo(a, b) { return a + b; }, for example. And similarly you can express the function (3+) that adds three to things: function foo(b) { return 3 + b; }. But (3+) is obviously just one example of a large class of functions like (4+), (5+), (-3 +), and so on; it would clearly be nice to be able to generate instances of this class of functions automatically instead of copying and pasting code and editing the constant in it.

Closures are the language feature that make this possible; in JS, for example, you can write function adder(a) { function foo(b) { return a + b; } return foo; } and you have a function which, at runtime, creates arbitrary new instances of this adder class. This clearly requires the binding of a to, say, 3 or 4 or 5 or -3, to stick around somewhere, rather than being discarded when adder exits, which you will note is not at all explicit in the original code. Forth doesn't have closures but gets a similar ability in a different, more explicit way, "at compile-time", that is, when you're building the dictionary; you say : adder create , does> @ + ; which allows you to say things like 3 adder 3+.

You might think that closures only allow the creation of a limited class of copy-and-paste functions at run-time, but in fact they allow you to create any computable function at run-time. In fact, you only need one function that creates closures to do this; Moses Schönfinkel showed in the 1920s† that it was possible with two curried functions, conventionally called S and K:

function S(x) {
    function S2(y) {
        function S3(z) { return x(z)(y(z)); }
        return S3;
    return S2;

function K(x) {
    function K2(y) { return x; }
    return K2;

Or, in modern JS:

const S = x => y => z => x(z)(y(z)), K = x => y => x

And, in 2001, Chris Barker demonstrated that you can do it with just one, which can be written as function ι(f) { return f(S)(K); }. The reductions from things like ordinary arithmetic, to the λ-calculus, to S and K, to Barker's ι combinator, are an interesting kind of mind-bending, the kind that makes you wonder why it took you so long to understand them once you finally do understand them.

Pascal supports closures in a limited form that keeps them from surviving the function that instantiated them, while some other programming languages like Smalltalk-80 and GCC C have that restriction but don't enforce it, so your program will probably just crash if you violate it. Modern Smalltalk has full-fledged unlimited-extent garbage-collected closures like JS and Scheme, as do most modern languages: modern C++, Perl since Perl 5, Ruby since forever, Kotlin, Java since Java 8 (?), and so on. Smalltalk is particularly interesting in this regard because it uses closures instead of conditionals and loops, using an extremely lightweight syntax and some cheats in the compiler to make this practical. Some Scheme implementations actually use closures to implement not only conditionals and loops but even local variable declarations and statement sequencing; Olin Shivers wrote a widely-cited dissertation on how to make that insanity practical after struggling with the problem for years.

That might be more information about closures than you wanted, but hopefully it's enough to orient you and let you figure out what you want to know more about.


† Actually, Schönfinkel invented the SKI-combinator system in the 1920s, but Curry's further work on it and Church's invention of the λ-calculus had to wait for the 1930s, and it wasn't until the 1940s that the concept of "computable functions" was really clear, thanks to the work of Curry, Gödel, Church, and Turing in the 1930s; at which point it became clear what Schönfinkel had really proved. At least that's my understanding of the history, but I've never read Schönfinkel's paper.
