
Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-04-20 (2 minutes)

(aX + b)(cX + d) = acX² + (ad + bc)X + bd

Here X is some power of the base of your number system, and this is the conventional algorithm for multiple-precision multiplication. This divides the problem of multiplying two numbers “ab” and “cd” into the problem of multiplying four pairs of numbers, each half as long; so it’s a sort of recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm which, in the end, takes O(N²) time: for 2ⁱ digits, you do i levels of divide-and-conquer, producing 4ⁱ bottom-level multiplications, which is just the square of the number of digits. These multiplications are then combined in a smaller number of shifted addition operations.

Karatsuba came up with a different way to do this, computing (a + b)(c + d) = ac + bc + ad + bd. This contains the ad + bc sum we need as a couple of subterms. If we compute ac and bd, we can subtract them off to get ad + bc.

For example, 93 × 24: ac = 9×2 = 18; bc = 3×4 = 12; (a + b)(c +d) = (9+3)(2+4) = 12 × 6 = 72; 72 - 18 - 12 = 42. So our final result is 1800 + 420 + 12 = 2232, which is correct.

This has the advantage that, although the operations per internal node are slightly more complicated, instead of 4ⁱ bottom-level multiplications you have 3ⁱ. So, for example, if you have a 1,048,576-digit number, you need 1,099,511,627,776 bottom-level multiplications with the conventional algorithm, but only 3,486,784,401 with Karatsuba’s algorithm,
