Leconscrip: a family of JS subsets for BubbleOS

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-11-23 (2 minutes)

Leconscrip is a family of languages for implementing BubbleOS (see Speculative plans for BubbleOS).

It’s mostly a subset of JS, since that eliminates unnecessary syntactic obstacles. But it’s implemented as a series of levels.

Leconscrip level 0: Lecon

Lecon is nearly the lowest programming level at which it makes sense to use JS syntax at all; it’s barely above the assembly level. It has recursive functions with global and local let variables, assignment, integers, if, while, binary +, -, *, %, &, |, ^, and arrays of integers. The arrays must be defined with the syntax let x = Array(k), where k is a compile-time constant. Expressions are only permitted as the right operand of a variable initialization or assignment. It doesn’t support closures, objects, object references, or for loops. Functions can return integers. Identifiers are limited to two characters. Semicolons are required. I/O is done with read and write functions on arrays of integers representing bytes.

Variables are of three types: arrays, integers, or functions. Type inference is used; only arrays can be indexed, only integers can be indexes or participate in arithmetic, and only functions can be called. Parameters can be arrays or functions.

Because Lecon doesn’t directly permit runtime allocation, it is (in conjunction with a stack-depth checker) suitable for functions in which failure is not an option.

Here’s the whole grammar, bottom-up, as a PEG.

_ <- (` ` / `\t` / `\n`)*.
LP <- `(` _.
RP <- `)` _.
LB <- `{` _.
RB <- `}` _.
LS <- `[` _.
RS <- `]` _.
EQ <- `=` _.
C <- `,` _.
S <- `;` _.

literal <- [0-9]+ _.
name <- [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9] / ) _.
atom <- name / literal.
op <- [-+*%&|^] _.

aparams <- atom (C aparams / ) / .
fparams <- name (C fparams / ) / .

call <- atom LP aparams RP.
expr <- atom op atom / atom LS atom RS / atom.
assign <- name EQ expr.
decl <- name EQ `Array` _ LP literal RP / assign.
decls <- decl (C decls / ).

return <- `return` _ atom.
let <- `let` _ decls.

block <- LB statement* RB.
if <- `if` _ LP atom RP statement.
while <- `while` _ LP atom RP statement.
statement <- block / (let / return / if / while / assign / call) S.

func <- `function` _ name LP fparams RP LB statement* RB.

prog <- func*.
