What is the type of lerp?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-01-08 (5 minutes)

The linear interpolation operation, lerp, is fundamental to a number of algorithms; you can derive Bézier curves and B-splines from it, it provides a differentiable version of the conditional operation, and of course it is directly applied in computer graphics and numerical computation of all kinds.

There are some interesting questions related to its type.


It’s sometimes defined as a function of five parameters:

lerp5(x₀, x₁, y₀, y₁, x) = y₀ + (x - x₀)·(y₁ - y₀)/(x₁ - x₀)

This gives you the interpolated value of y at x, given that it should be y₀ at x₀ and y₁ at x₁.

However, this can be productively decomposed into two functions of three arguments:

howfar(x₀, x₁, x) = (x - x₀)/(x₁ - x₀)
lerp(y₀, y₁, t) = y₀ + t·(y₁ - y₀)
lerp5(x₀, x₁, y₀, y₁, x) = lerp(y₀, y₁, howfar(x₀, x₁, x))

And it is the lerp function defined in the middle there that we are concerned with.

Given the usual algebraic identities, we can transform its formula into a different form that is sometimes easier to use. Writing out the algebraic transformation in great detail, we have

y₀ + t·(y₁ - y₀) =
y₀ + t·y₁ - t·y₀ =
1y₀ + t·y₁ - t·y₀ =
{definition of subtraction in terms of adding negative}
1y₀ + t·y₁ + -t·y₀ =
1y₀ + -t·y₀ + t·y₁ =
(1 + -t)·y₀ + t·y₁
{definition of subtraction in terms of adding negative}
(1 - t)·y₀ + t·y₁.

I’m going to consider lerping in domains where some of these identities don’t apply, and (I assert) it will be interesting to consider which ones.

This leads to the definition

lerp2(y₀, y₁, t) = (1 - t)·y₀ + t·y₁

I believe this was the computation Turing originally proposed to compute the definition of a conditional branch instruction in his proposal to build a computer.

Type signature of lerp

What are the types of the parameters and result of the lerp function given above? They need not all be the same; in the fully general case, there are six of them:

lerp(y₀: T₀, y₁: T₁, t: T₂) = y₀ + (t · ((y₁ - y₀): T₃): T₄): T₅

which gives us the type signatures for the component operations:

(x: T₁) - (y: T₀): T₃
(x: T₂) · (y: T₃): T₄
(x: T₀) + (y: T₄): T₅

So far, this is sort of vacuous. But we only have to add a couple more constraints and it gets interesting! The usual case in lerping is that you want the result to be y₀ sometimes, y₁ other times, and somewhere in between at still other times. For that to be a coherent wish, those three values need to have the same type:

T₀ = T₁ = T₅

This reduces our component operation signatures to the following:

(x: T₀) - (y: T₀): T₃
(x: T₂) · (y: T₃): T₄
(x: T₀) + (y: T₄): T₀

If we arbitrarily add the additional constraint that T₃ = T₄, we have a simple algebraic structure that looks like an affine space:

(x: T₀) - (y: T₀): T₃
(x: T₂) · (y: T₃): T₃
(x: T₀) + (y: T₃): T₀

Here T₀ is the affine space, T₃ is its associated vector space, and T₂ is the underlying scalar field of the vector space. Computing lerp doesn’t depend on the validity of any of the eight vector axioms or the axioms of the affine space, but to the extent that those axioms hold, more interesting properties will hold of lerp’s results. For example, when t=1, normally you want the result to be y₁, but in many practical cases with floating-point numbers, it won’t be!

To take a concrete example where the three types are different, T₀ might be (the type of) a mapping from a set of (lat, long) pairs to a temperature reading represented as a floating-point number interpreted in degrees Celsius; T₃ might be a mapping from a set of (lat, long) pairs to a temperature difference represented as a floating-point number interpreted in kelvins; T₂ might be simply a single unitless floating-point number; and the three arithmetic operations might operate pointwise on their values.

This is practically useful in finding errors in programs because it is physically meaningless to multiply a number interpreted in degrees Celsius by some number. It is 22°C here right now; if I multiply 22 by 2, getting 44, and then interpret that 44 as 44°C, I have computed a temperature with no meaningful relationship to the original temperature. In Fahrenheit, these temperatures are 71.6°F and 111.2°F. If a program is doing such a computation, it is very likely erroneous, although not in every case.

This definition of lerp does not do such a computation.
