Logarithmic maintainability and coupling

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-11-23 (7 minutes)

In theory, with ideal design, the functionality of a piece of software grows exponentially with the amount of code in it: each new piece of code can take advantage of the entire existing set of capabilities, and so adding a line of code to a system adds capabilities proportional to those of the previous codebase.

In practice, this never happens. In a few hundred or a few thousand lines of code, we can write a hypertext system, or a ray tracer, or a full-text search engine, or a filesystem, or an operating-system kernel, or an interpreter or compiler for a high-level language, or a GUI, or a networking protocol, and so on. Naively extrapolating, we would expect that in a hundred thousand lines of code, you could go far beyond these capabilities, into things that seem like utterly alien technology — let alone what you could do in a million or ten million lines of code.

You could surely argue that this is somewhat ill-founded: it isn’t clear how to reduce “amount of functionality” to a scalar quantity. But in fact, regardless of how you choose to define it, it’s clear that this isn’t happening: our existing computing systems routinely contain millions of lines of code, and rather than seeming like alien technology from the future, they often fail to work at all, and when they do, they often barely work.

Also in theory, the difficulty of writing a piece of software incrementally, piece by piece, should be proportional to the square of the amount of code in it, because the number of potential pairwise interactions between lines of code increases proportional to that square. This is often cited when hackers try to convince one another of the merits of simplicity.

In practice, however, the observed exponent seems to be around 1.05 per thousand lines of code: the basic COCOMO model estimates development effort at 2.4 person-months per KSLOC**1.05. So:

These two departures from theory are connected! They have to do with the density of connectivity in the codebase. To escape the trap of quadratic complexity, only a tiny fraction of the possible interactions in the codebase can exist — a line of code invoked by tens of thousands of callers probably cannot change its behavior, even for the better, without introducing bugs. By the same token, a subroutine cannot depend on too much about the behavior of too many other subroutines: it becomes too likely to break when one of the others changes.

So, just in order to be able to keep writing those 10 lines of code per day in that hundred-million-line project, you end up duplicating facilities that exist elsewhere, perhaps in a restricted or more efficient form. You may not even know they exist; certainly you can’t depend on them to retain their existing behavior and performance, or not to have behavior or performance in corner cases that conflicts with your needs. Even if not, they may be in a language you can’t invoke conveniently or contain subtle dependencies on control structure, runtime facilities, or resource usage that you can’t afford and perhaps don’t even know about.

And thus it is that the promise of exponential growth in software capability with growing effort is lost.

But what if we were to bite the bullet? What if we were willing to accept that adding a line of code to a hundred-thousand-line system was going to take 100 times as long as adding it to a ten-thousand-line system? If we could get back the exponential growth, would it be worth it?

In terms of flexibility for experimentation, no. If it takes you a month to write a piece of code that ends up being five lines, and then you throw it away, you surely would have been better served by writing that throwaway code in some other way. Even if it worked out to be 200 lines of code instead of five, that would have been a much better bargain.

But in terms of building the most powerful system, yes. If a thousand-line fully-coupled system takes you, say, 100 days and has functionality of, say, One OTCC†, then we can predict the following:

† OTCC is a small C compiler written by Fabrice Bellard for the IOCCC, and it’s an exemplar of powerful functionality condensed into a small package. In the absence of any kind of reasonable unit for software power, it's my best approximation of the maximum amount you can get done in a thousand lines of code.

Even though I sort of pulled them out of my butt, these numbers are sort of discouraging, even though they suggest that we can do dramatically better at software development by improving reuse. The problem is that this level of reuse has such a high price tag that, under these assumptions, you don’t start to break even for decades. It’s hard to imagine that the correct numbers will make this look much better.
