Median filtering

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-01-17 (11 minutes)

I want to do some median-filtering image processing. First I want to do it in a janky way that will work for 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, and 5×5 square filter kernels, to see if the results I get are reasonable. Then I want to see if there’s a better way to do it.

Median filtering by brute-force sorting

The janky way is to copy the pixels in the window into a buffer, sort the buffer, and then take the middle pixel, or like an average of the two middle pixels. These buffers are small enough that insertion sort is probably the way to go. Insertion-sorting a 5×5 square requires 300 comparisons, though, which is enough to make it slow.

A weighted-median filter could be an interesting way to cut down on resonance artifacts: count the pixels toward the center as having more weight than they really do. One way to do this is, after sorting, you calculate the CDF of the weights in the sorted order, then take the pixel with the CDF in the center of the range.

Median filtering by quickselect

Quickselect should be about 6× as fast, but it will still do 50 comparisons, I think.

Subjectively, quickselect on my laptop becomes unbearably slow once the window is bigger than about 12×12, at which point it’s doing 548 comparisons per window; I think that with the usual partition algorithm it would be doing 288, but I’m using Lomuto’s algorithm because it’s simpler.

Incremental median filtering

Can you reuse some of the work from one window position to the next window position? For example, if you’re shifting a 5×5 square (or whatever 5-pixel-tall window) to the right by one, can you replace the original 5 pixels with the new 5 pixels and then move them to the right place? On average they’ll move 12 positions, so this involves about 60 comparisons — probably still slower than quickselect.

Incremental quickselect

How about incrementalizing quickselect itself? Once you’ve found the median, the buffer is partitioned between less-than-median and more-than-median items. If you replace 5 of them, they may need to move to the other side of the buffer, pushing the median over a bit — but you don’t a priori know which element from that expanded side is the new median. You have to run quickselect on it again, which is only a speedup of 2, giving you about 50 comparisons.

Median of medians

What if you calculate the median of each pixel column and then take the median of their medians? This turns out to also save you only about two thirds of the work, down to half in larger cases. Here are how the partitioned items relate to the median of medians, having sorted the columns by their medians

? ? + + +
? ? + + +
- - = + +
- - - ? ?
- - - ? ?

That is, one of them is the MOM itself, two medians to the left are known to be less, and the two to the right are known to be greater. Transitively, the elements earlier in the left two columns are also known to be less than the MOM, because they’re less than their own column median, which is less than the MOM. Analogous remarks apply to the right. But we don’t know anything about the other 8 elements; any of them could be the overall median.

I’m not sure how to get from this to the actual median in an efficient way, although this might be a good approximation to the actual median.

Merging for incremental sorting

What if we sort the new column and then merge it into the sorted order of the non-deleted pixels in a single pass, 1950s business DP style? This seems like it is going to be a win; sorting the new column with insertion sort takes 10 comparisons, and then merging it into the sorted order takes I think 25, for a total of 35 or so.

Heaps for incremental quantiles

What if we maintain a max-heap of the elements in the window that are less than the median and a min-heap of those that are greater? We can replace the old pixels with new pixels and then sift them up or down as appropriate, possibly shifting elements through the median to keep the heaps the same size. Consider the 5×5 case; with 12 elements in each heap, we will typically sift about 2 steps, for about 10 steps per window shift.

In the 12×12 case, quickselect needs about 548 comparisons in my current implementation. The heap approach would have 72-element heaps, which would be mostly 6 levels deep, so we would typically sift each element by about 3 steps, for 36 comparisons.

Incremental overhead

The data structure for such an incremental approach probably needs to be a little more complicated than a simple array of pixel values, because we need to be able to efficiently find the 5 samples to replace when we shift. We need one map from (x, y) pairs to buffer positions so that we can find the buffer positions to replace and a second map from buffer positions to (x, y) pairs so that we can access the actual pixel value or swap the positions of two pixels. When you swap two positions, you have to update both arrays. I don’t know if there’s a simpler way than this. This will probably impose enough update overhead that the crossover from non-incremental quickselect will come at a larger size than 5×5, since non-incremental quickselect can work on mere pixel values.


Suppose you have only, say, 256 different possible color values in the image. Then you could represent the distribution of those values in a window with a histogram, an array of 256 numbers counting the number of pixels that has each value. The prefix sum of the histogram, the empirical CDF, would cross half the size of the window precisely at the median.

A desirable property of the histogram is that it can be updated incrementally quite efficiently: to shift a pixel out of the window, decrement its value in the histogram, and to shift one in, you increment its value in the histogram.

Instead of maintaining all 256 values, you could maintain a reduced histogram with, say, 16 buckets; and instead of maintaining just a count in each bucket, you could maintain an array of the colors that fell into that bucket. The bucket at which the empirical CDF crossed the median would tell you approximately the median, but to find it precisely, you would need to compute some arbitrary order statistic over the pixels in the bucket, which could be done with quickselect. Removing a pixel from the bucket now requires a linear search through the bucket for its value, but the number of pixels in each bucket is small.

Perhaps, in the form described above, the ideal number of buckets is roughly the square root of the window size; for example, for a 12×12 window, perhaps 8 to 16 buckets would be best. This is because for each new output pixel we must recalculate the empirical CDF, which takes time linear in the number of buckets, and then we must calculate an order statistic inside some bucket, which (under dubious but probably approximately correct assumptions) takes time inversely proportional to the number of buckets.

An incremental prefix sum data structure would change the cost function to favor a larger number of buckets, and the recursive binary-tree form in particular can update the prefix sum in logarithmic time; in its sparse form, it reduces to a binary trie over pixel values in which each trie node knows the total number of descendants it represents.

(As an alternative to going all the way to the trie structure, you could use some structure other than a linear list inside each bucket. But nothing occurs to me that would be a real speedup.)

The bucketing and trie techniques allow the histogram approach to scale to large color spaces, such as 12-bit grayscale or 24-bit color.

The complexity cost of this technique is nontrivial. My quickselect implementation is 18 lines of C and worked the first time; my prototype trie implementation, which crashes, is 157 lines, although to be fair it was probably a premature optimization to use node pools before I had it working at all.

Rank order filters

An interesting thing to note about median filtering is that it can be generalized to a family of quantile filters; you could use any arbitrary percentile rather than just the 50th percentile. The result is a filter that tends to suppress local noise and leaves uniform-color areas of the image unchanged, but tends to contract or expand brighter areas according to whether the percentile is less or greater than 50. In the extreme cases of 0 and 100, where we take the minimum or maximum of the neighborhood, the filters are the familiar erosion and dilation operations from mathematical morphology; the other percentiles provide a more or less smooth variation between erosion and dilation, which are the maximally contractive and expansive filters of the family, respectively, and the most sensitive to noise, while the median filter itself is neutral between contraction and expansion and the least sensitive to noise. With a 25-element kernel with equal weighting, there are 25 quantile filters in the family, three of which are erosion, median, and dilation.

These are commonly known as “rank order filters” or sometimes “order-statistic filters”.

The data structures discussed above for median filtering are all applicable to these more general filters, but their efficiency properties vary. The median-of-medians mentioned above provides a better estimate in any case other than the median case, for example:

? + + + +
? + + + +
? + + + +
- = + + +
- - ? ? ?

And in the extreme cases of erosion and dilation, it has no unknown pixels, amounting to the standard decomposition of a rectangular erosion or dilation kernel into horizontal and vertical kernels.

The trie algorithm, in particular, can effortlessly handle arbitrary rank-order filters.
